506.01E4 Parental Request for Examination of Student Records
506.01E4 Parental Request for Examination of Student RecordsPARENTAL REQUEST FOR EXAMINATION OF STUDENT RECORDS
To: __________________________ Address: ______________________________
Board Secretary (Custodian)
The undersigned desires to examine the following official education records.
of __________________________________ (Full Legal Name of Student)
(Date of Birth) __________ (Grade) ____________
(Name of School) ___________________________
My relationship to the student is:
(check one)
_____ I do
_____ I do not
desire a copy of such records. I understand that a reasonable charge will be made for the copies.
Parent's Signature: ______________________________________
APPROVED: _______________________ Date: _____________
Address: _______________________________________________
Signature:____________________________ City: ______________
Title: ________________________________ State: ___________ ZIP _______________
Dated: _______________________________ Phone Number: ______________________
Approved 9/23/11 Reviewed 8/18/2021 Revised ___________