801.05 Naming of School Buildings, Facilities and Land

801.05 Naming of School Buildings, Facilities and Land

Names given to district buildings, facilities, and land should have special significance to the community,
its traditions and values, as well as the school’s student body. The naming of buildings and other
facilities provides an opportunity to recognize the contributions of individuals, or groups, to education
and to the life of our community. Naming facilities is the sole authority of the Board of Education. All
naming decisions will be consistent with the vision, mission, beliefs and goals of the North Linn
Community School District. The Board reserves the right to change a building/facility name at any time
should the name no longer represent the values of the North Linn School District.

The District recognizes that may individuals make extraordinary contributions that may warrant or
generate a desire to commemorate their contributions. The District strongly suggests that other
alternatives, including but not limited to the following also be considered:

a. Establishing a scholarship in the individuals name;

b. Landscaping improvements (trees, stepping stones, benches) with an appropriate plaque or

c. Establishing a special purpose fund with the North Linn Community School District.

For the purpose of this procedure, the following definitions will apply:

A. Building is defined as an entire school.

B. Facility is defined as a portion of a building.

C. Land is defined as the real property, excluding all structures.

When naming a building, facility, or land, the following criteria should be considered:

1. The proposed name should be appropriate.

2. The name should stand the test of time.

3. In naming buildings or facilities, special consideration may be given to those names that will
have some special meaning to the students and North Linn community.

4. Portions of school facilities, such as libraries, gymnasiums, and athletic fields, shall be named
according to their education purpose; however, if another name is used, it has no implied
permanence and may later be removed by the Board.

5. The names of sites which serve a districtwide function (i.e., District Administration,
Transportation, etc.) and facilities or portions of facilities which are jointly owned by the School
District and other entities should be named to illustrate the nature of their role in the District to
avoid confusion.

6. North Linn Community High School shall be named after the District.

In general, buildings will not be names after persons, but if the name involves a person, the following
additional guidelines will be followed:

1. Naming of school buildings, facilities, and land may be named for former North Linn Community
School District employees, former students, or outstanding individuals who have made an
exceptional contribution in the advancement of education in North Linn and have consistently
demonstrated positive moral character.

2. There should be evidence of distinguished service, special school contributions (fiscal or service),
or other honors earned which reflect well upon the education received in the North Linn School

3. Names of distinguished citizens or former North Linn employees may be considered to honor or
memorialize an individual in “extraordinary circumstances” which may be defined as including,
but not limited to:

a. Loss of life in their performance of service to benefit or support the North Linn School

b. Individual actions that are determined to be beyond customary expectation that result
in extraordinary benefit to North Linn students, staff, and community members.

4. Names of North Linn personnel will not be considered while actively employed either full-time,
part-time, or as a consultant to North Linn CSD, nor for two years from the last day of
employment, unless the individual is deceased.

5. Names of Board members may not be considered while actively serving on the Board of
Education, nor for three years from the last day of services as a North Linn CSD School Board
Member, unless the individual is deceased.

6. A facility name will not be recommended if an existing North Linn CSD facility or portion of a
North Linn CSD facility has already been named for the nominee, unless the nominee requests
rescinding the previously named portion of facility prior to acceptance of the new school or new
facility namesake honor.

7. Proposed names of persons shall be made public unless removed from consideration by that
person, or if that person is deceased, by a family member.

8. If it is determined to name a school building, facility or land after a person, it is recommended
that an appropriate plaque or other signage detailing pertinent information about a person for
whom a site is named be displayed at the site.

9. All applications and related materials submitted to the School Name Committee will be posted
on the NLCSD website at northlinncsd.org and become public record.

10. Members of the School Name Committee shall review the file for each nomination.

11. Committee members will select, through a nomination and a vote, the recommended name(s)
of the new or existing school(s) or non-school facilities to be forwarded to the School Board for
final approval.

12. The committee shall review all recommendations and submit three proposals to the
superintendent or superintendent’s designee. The superintendent or superintendent’s designee
shall review the proposals and submit them along with his or her recommendations to the
Board of Education.


A. Initial Naming of a Building, Facility, or Land

1. The opportunity to name a new building, facility, or land comes about as a result of new
construction. Replacing an existing building or facility, either at the same or a new site, is not
considered new construction for the purpose of this procedure. (See paragraph C below).

B. Changing the Name of a Building, Facility, or Land

Since a proposal to change the name of a school building, facility, or land could originate from many
sources, the following steps should be taken:
1. The person(s) proposing the name change should present the proposal to the superintendent.
The proposal should include the following information:

a. The rationale for the recommendation.

b. Biographical and background information regarding the proposed name.

c. Attributes/Qualities of the proposed honoree

d. Demonstrated record of excellence in their respective field evidenced by a variety of
outstanding accomplishments, awards, leadership, and service roles in their profession,
community, professional and civic organizations.

e. Demonstrated positive role model for others.

f. Demonstrated commitment to excellence. Extraordinary impact on students, staff,
student achievement, activities, arts, or athletics.

g. Exhibited positive values: honesty, integrity, sense of fairness, self-discipline, teamwork,
dedication to North Linn Community School District, etc.

h. A minimum of 3 Letters of Recommendation with the information above.

2. If the superintendent decides the name change should be considered, it shall be placed on the
Board agenda for action for referral to an ad hoc committee.

3. If the Board approves the referral to an ad hoc committee, prior to the establishment of the
committee, If the building is named after a local person, a good faith effort must be
demonstrated to contact and seek input from the relatives of that person (e.g., internet search,
legal ads, phone book, daily newspaper) before the name change is approved. This
communication with be made by the superintendent.

C. Replacement Buildings or Facilities

When a building or facility is torn down and replaced, either at the same location or a new location,
it should retain the same name unless the procedure for school building name changes is followed.

D. Naming Committee

1. The superintendent shall appoint and facilitate an ad hoc committee that includes no less than 7
members and no more than 10 members. Representation should include staff, students,
community members, and one Board member. The superintendent and Board member are
non-voting members of this committee.

2. All applications and related materials submitted to the ad hoc committee will be posted on the
North Linn website (www.northlinncsd.org) and become public record.

3. The ad hoc committee is required to operate under Iowa’s Open Meeting Law. Committee
members may not submit nor direct and/or influence the submission of nomination forms.
Committee members must disclose any potential personal, social, professional relationships
and/or affinity with nominees up to and including the third degree of consanguinity (parents,
children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, great-grandparents, great-grandchildren, aunts,
uncles, nieces, and nephews).

4. The ad hoc committee will review the request and all supporting documentation which is to
include any financial responsibilities associated with the cost of naming or renaming a facility.

5. Committee members will select, through a nomination and a vote, the recommended name(s)
to be forwarded to the North Linn School Board for final approval.

6. Upon completion, the ad hoc committee will generate a report for the Board to review. This
report shall consist of the following:

a. A description of the process followed to name or rename the school;

b. Identification of the individuals (and respective roles) on the committee;

c. A description of the process and strategy used to arrive at the recommendation(s);

d. Initial naming of a building, facility, or land, shall include 3 recommendations to the Board in order of the ad hoc committee preference.

e. Renaming a building, facility, or land, shall include a recommendation to accept or
decline the request and reasoning behind this recommendation.

Board Approval

The Board will receive the recommendation and review. The Board may select a name from the
recommendations, but is not obligated to do so. The Board should allow adequate time for public input
on the proposals before making a final decision. A member of the ad hoc committee may be invited to
speak to the Board regarding the submitted report.

The Board will make the final decision and reserves the right to reject any proposal to name or rename a
building, facility, or land.


Approved    8-20-24                         Reviewed                                Revised

ddvorak@northl… Fri, 03/24/2017 - 12:22