BOARD AGENDA - 2024.03.20
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, March 20 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
The North Linn Board of Directors meeting will be called to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Roll will be taken to determine a quorum.
_____J. Benesh _____ R. Benesh _____Boss _____ Hoover _____ Krogmann _____Michael _____Price
200: Adoption of the Agenda
MOTION to adopt the agenda as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
300: Consent Agenda
MOTION to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
301: Approval of Minutes – Exhibit 301.1
302: Approval of Bills – Exhibit 302.1
303: Financial Reports - Exhibit 303.1
304: Activity Fund Report - Exhibit 304.1
305: Food Service Report - Exhibit 305.1
400: Audience Communications
On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience (who have contacted the Superintendent at least five days before this meeting) to speak with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on tonight’s agenda. Please begin by stating your name and address. It would be appreciated if you would limit your comments to 5 minutes so we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion and allow others an opportunity to address other issues of importance to them. We ask you to remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. It is important to remember that any statements made can jeopardize the Board and any future action that could be taken relating to personnel by the Board and jeopardize the individual making the statement. Any concerns relating to personnel must be taken to administration and under law the Board only acts on recommendations from administration. Thanks for your support of our school district.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder will share updates and discussion items from around the district.
Child Abuse Prevention Month Presentation by NHS - Exhibit 501.1
Facilities Committee
State Basketball Review
Off Site Day for Administrators
Superintendent Evaluation - when? Currently working on gathering artifacts per requirement of first year superintendents
Playground Update (Kerry)
Insurance Renewal Information (Kerry) - Exhibit 501.2
502: Elementary Report - Exhibit 502.1
Elementary Administrator, Kimberly Graven, will share updates and discussion items in regards to North Linn Elementary.
503: Secondary Report - Exhibit 503.1
Middle School/High School Administrator, Dominic Giegerich, will share updates and discussion items in regards to North Linn Middle and High School.
504: School Improvement Report - Exhibit 504.1
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven, will share updates and discussion items for districtwide school improvement areas.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report - Exhibit 505.1
Buildings and Grounds Director, Dominic Giegerich, will share updates and discussion items in regards to our district's buildings and grounds.
600: New Business
601: First Reading of Policy Recommendations -Exhibit 601.1 (separate attachment to email)
MOTION to waive the second reading and approve policy updates as presented at this meeting.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Policy # |
Title |
804.5 |
Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply |
503.7 |
Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence |
503.7 R1 |
Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence Regulations |
Policy 804.5 - this is new because we would like to stock epi pens in our school. We are able to obtain the epi pens free through a grant.
Policy 503.7 is a new required policy
602: Receive Sharing Agreement for Curriculum Director 24-25 - Exhibit 602.1
MOTION to approve the sharing agreement with Central City for Curriculum Director for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
603: Receive Copier Quotes - Exhibit 603.1
MOTION to approve the copier lease agreement with ____________ for XXX copiers.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We will have a quote from Access Systems (attached) and Gordon Flesch (will have before the meeting) to review and discuss
604: Receive AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2024-2025 - Exhibit 604.1
MOTION to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2024-2025 for Food bids, small wares and wash wares.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Each year we need to approve our agreement with AEA Purchasing in order to be a part of the group buying for our food commodities, small wares, and ware wash bids.
605: Receive FFA Overnight Travel Request for State Convention - Exhibit 605.1
MOTION to approve the overnight travel request from FFA to travel to Ames April 14-16 for the State Convention
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
FFA is requesting to travel to Ames April 14-16 for the State Convention. They will send 28 Students, a female chaperone and Mr. Murray. They will leave Sunday, April 14th at and return late in the day on April 16th. They are requesting the use of a school bus and a school van.
606: Receive Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers - Exhibit 606.1 - 606.3
MOTION to approve the Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers from Morningside University, Coe College and UNI for the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
607: Receive Public Hearing for the Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar - Exhibit 607.1
MOTION to hold a public hearing to discuss the revised proposed school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Requesting permission to add 1.5 days - moves the last day of school to 12:15 on 5/24.
608: Receive Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
MOTION to approve the changes to the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
609: Receive Public Hearing for the 2024-2025 School Calendar - Exhibit 609.1
MOTION to hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
610: Receive 2024-2025 School Calendar
MOTION to approve the 2024-2025 school calendar as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
611: Receive Fundraiser Request from Skills USA/Industrial Tech - Exhibit 611.1
MOTION to approve the fundraiser request from Skills USA to sell custom wooden signs designed and built by students during March, April and May 2024.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
612: Receive Final Independent Auditors Report for FY23 - Exhibit 612.1
MOTION to approve North Linn’s fiscal year 2023 independent audit of our basic financial statements and supplementary information by Terpstra, Hoke & Associates.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
613: Open Enrollment Requests
MOTION to approve the open enrollment requests as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Name |
Grade |
Resident District |
Leo Geers |
K (24-25) |
West Delaware |
Jebb Lee |
K (24-25) |
Colt Ammeter |
K (24-25) |
Central City |
Trevin Melville |
8 (23-24) |
Central City |
Name |
Grade |
Reason |
Saydee Andrews |
9 |
Insufficient Space |
Name |
Grade |
Requested District |
Harper Schmaltz |
K |
Lucas Taylor |
10 |
Iowa Virtual Academy |
615: Receive and set Hearing Date and Time to Amend Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget - Exhibit 615.1
MOTION to set the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Amendment hearing on April 17th at 7:00 PM in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills, IA.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We will be overspending “other expenditures” by $138,000 due to the playground equipment purchase for both the elementary and preschool playgrounds. In order to amend the budget we need to set a hearing date and time to post in the newspaper. We would have this hearing just after the 2024-2025 budget hearing at our April meeting.
700: Personnel
MOTION to approve the personnel requests as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Certified Staff: Assignment/Reassignment/Transfer
Name |
Assignment |
Dept Action |
Kim Graven |
Reassign: From PreK-5 Principal/Director of School Improvement to full time Shared Director of School Improvement |
Elementary/District |
Dave Sattgast |
Robotics Coach |
Resign |
Rae VanMilligan |
MS Softball Coach |
Resign |
Trevor Boge |
K-8 PE 2024-2025 School Year - Pending Background Check |
Hire |
Emily Raab |
MS Softball Coach |
Hire |
Jackie Hamilton |
SPED Associate - Pending Background Check |
Hire |
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
Date |
Time |
Event |
Location |
4/3/24 |
7:00 PM |
1st Public Hearing for 2025 Budget |
District Office |
900: Adjournment
MOTION to adjourn the meeting at __________ PM.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No