BOARD AGENDA - 2024.06.19
BOARD AGENDA - 2024.06.19Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
The North Linn Board of Directors meeting will be called to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Roll will be taken to determine a quorum.
_____J. Benesh _____ R. Benesh _____Boss _____ Hoover _____ Krogmann _____Michael _____Price
200: Adoption of the Agenda
MOTION to adopt the agenda as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
300: Consent Agenda
MOTION to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
301: Approval of Minutes – Exhibit 301.1
302: Approval of Bills – Exhibit 302.1
303: Financial Reports - Exhibit 303.1
304: Activity Fund Report - Exhibit 304.1
305: Food Service Report - Exhibit 305.1
400: Audience Communications
On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience (who have contacted the Board Secretary prior to this meeting) to speak with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on tonight’s agenda. Please begin by stating your name and address. Your comments will be limited to 5 minutes so we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion. We ask you to remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. We ask you to remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. We also remind you that students' names or information about a student that could allow others to identify a student, even if a student’s name is not specifically mentioned, is confidential and should not be referenced in comments. It is important to remember that any statements made can jeopardize the Board and any future action that could be taken relating to personnel or students by the Board and jeopardize the individual making the statement. Any concerns relating to personnel and students should be referred first to the administration to address consistent with District policy and the law prior to any possible Board review or action. Thanks for your support of our school district.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder will share updates and discussion items from around the district.
GWAEA Services Update
FAST Testing Results
Reimbursement for bus drivers to get their endorsement
600: New Business
601: Open Enrollment Requests
MOTION to approve the open enrollment requests as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Name |
Grade |
Resident District |
Kael Loecke |
10th |
West Del |
Name |
Grade |
Receiving District |
Hunter Heasley |
K |
Central City |
602: Receive Agreement with Grant Wood AEA for the use of a school district employee - Exhibit 602.1
MOTION to approve the agreement between North Linn and Grant Wood for the use of a school district employee as a coach for GWAEA for the 2024-2025 school year..
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
One of our employees is being released to be an induction coach for GWAEA. This commitment is a 3-4 year commitment with the option to pull the employee back to North Linn if the need arises. We are required to have a spot for the individual in a field they are qualified to teach when they return.
603: Receive the North Linn Program of Studies - Exhibit 603.1 - Attached as separate document to email.
MOTION to approve the North Linn Program of Studies for the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Changes include the addition within the Business Department of Emerging Technology Trends. It includes the deletions of Reading Enhancement and Adult Living. The two updates are one within Advanced Composition with the change of MAP score to ISASP score. The other update is within Algebra II to take out graphic calculators.
604: Receive the Technology Services Agreement with Grant Wood AEA - Exhibit 604.1
MOTION to approve the agreement between North Linn and Grant Wood for technology services for the 2024-2025 school year in the amount of $56,000.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
This contract is a continuation of the technology services we have been receiving from Grant Wood AEA. We will have an individual assigned to us that will split their time between North Linn and Central City. Last year the cost was $45,000.
605: Receive Engagement Letter for Audit Services - Exhibit 605.1
MOTION to approve the Engagement Letter for Audit Services with Terpstra, Hoke & Associates for the year ended June 30, 2024.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We are in year 2 of a 3 year contract with our audit firm. This is the annual engagement letter for audit services.
606: Receive Iowa School Finance Information Service Contract
MOTION to approve the Iowa School Finance Information Service subscription for both a membership and Board Meeting/POlicy hosted website.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
The cost this year is $980.40 for the subscription and $451.25 for the policy site. $17.52 more than last year.
607: Receive LP Gas Bids - Exhibit 607.1
MOTION to approve the bid received for LP Gas from XXXXX for the 2024-25 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We received bids from AgVantage FS and Consolidated Energy.
608: Receive Milk Bids - Exhibit 608.1
MOTION to approve the bid received for Milk from XXXXX for the 2024-25 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We received bids from A&E and Prairie Farms Dairy.
609: Receive Waste Removal Bids - Exhibit 609.1
MOTION to approve the bid received for Waste Removal from XXXXX for the 2024-25 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
We received bids from Rudd (2 years) and Kluesner.
610: Receive Book Fees for 2024-2025
MOTION to approve the proposed book rental fee of $55 for the 2024-2025 school year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
611: Receive Activity Pass Fees for 2024-2025
MOTION to approve the following activity pass fees for the 2024-2025 School year.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Student 10 Punch Pass $30 ($2 off admission)
Adult 10 Punch Pass $40 ($1 off admission)
Student Yearly Pass $60 (pays for 12 events)
Adult yearly pass $75 (pays for 15 events)
Family yearly pass $190 (family of 4 has to attend 10 events to “pay” for this)
2023-2024 we held 49 home events. We do not currently charge for Middle School events.
612: Receive Food Service Prices and Substitute Rates for 2024-2025
MOTION to approve the food service rates and non-certified substitute and substitute teacher rates for the 2024-2025 school year as follows:
HS Lunch: $2.60
MS Lunch: $2.60
EL Lunch: $2.55
Student Breakfast: $1.75
Milk: $0.45
Adult Lunch: $4.70 (set by the state)
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
This increases each student meal by $0.10. We have not raised prices in 4 years, and 2 of those years meals were free.
613: Approve Payment of Bills Through June 30, 2024
MOTION to authorize Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, to pay bills as necessary through June 30, 2024.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
With the fiscal year ending before our July meeting we are asking permission from the board to pay bills owed yet this fiscal year prior to board approval in July.
614: Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Continuing to Levy a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax - Exhibit 614.1
MOTION to approve the Iowa School Finance Information Service subscription for both a membership and Board Meeting/Policy hosted website.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
615: Handbooks - Exhibit 615.1 to 615.4
MOTION to approve the Preschool, Elementary, Middle School/High School, and District handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
616: Receive Infinite Campus Support Agreement with Grant Wood AEA - Exhibit 616.1
MOTION to approve the Infinite Campus Support Agreement with Grant Wood AEA for the 2024-2025 school year as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
This is the helpdesk support we get through GW AEA for Infinite Campus, the food service add on as well as the messenger system support. Total contract is $1,785.22 for the year.
700: Personnel
MOTION to approve the personnel requests as presented.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No
Certified Staff: Assignment/Reassignment/Transfer
Name |
Assignment |
Dept Action |
Mike Hilmer |
HS PE Teacher |
Resign |
Mike Hilmer |
Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach |
Resign |
Mike Hilmer |
Middle School Boys Track |
Resign |
Mike Hilmer |
Activities Director |
Resign |
Dave Taylor |
School Bus Driver |
Resign |
Amy Gardner |
Special Education Associate |
Resign |
Bob Mudd |
Co-Cross Country Coach |
Resign |
Brendan Schott |
MS Girls Track Coach |
Resign |
Jaci Hilmer |
MS/HS Counselor |
Resign |
Callan Kayser |
MS Girls Track Coach |
Resign |
Dave Sattgast |
HS Science Teacher |
Resign |
Dave Sattgast |
Bus Driver |
Resign |
Travis Griffith |
HS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach |
Resign |
Jarred Collum |
MS Boys Basketball Coach |
Resign |
Hannah Bridgewater |
Kindergarten Teacher |
Hire |
Brian Wheatley |
Activities Director |
Hire |
Will Rogan |
School Bus Driver |
Hire |
Dave Taylor |
Sub Bus Driver |
Hire |
Travis Griffith |
Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach |
Hire |
Brad Bridgewater |
MS Boys Track Coach |
Hire |
Hannah Bridgewater |
MS Girls Track Coach |
Hire |
Jarred Collum |
HS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach |
Hire |
Megan Rawlins |
HS PE Teacher |
Hire |
Julie Schmidt |
MS/HS Counselor (pending background check) |
Hire |
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
Date |
Time |
Event |
Location |
7/17/24 |
7:00 PM |
School Board Meeting |
District Office |
803: Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining Agreement
MOTION to enter into closed session at ________ PM.
Roll Call Vote: _____J. Benesh _____ R. Benesh _____Boss _____ Hoover _____ Krogmann _____Michael _____Price
MOTION to exit closed session at _______ PM.
Roll Call Vote: _____J. Benesh _____ R. Benesh _____Boss _____ Hoover _____ Krogmann _____Michael _____Price
Closed session pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Superintendent Breitfelder will have a number of items to present at this time.
900: Adjournment
MOTION to adjourn the meeting at __________ PM.
Action Motion: _________ Second: __________ Carried: Yes / No