2024.08.20 Meeting Minutes

2024.08.20 Meeting Minutes



Regular Meeting 7:00 PM

North Linn District Office

3033 Lynx Drive

Troy Mills, IA

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum

President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors, R Benesh, Krogmann, & Michael, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance were Julie Schmidt and Kelly Devore. Director Hoover arrived at 7:04 PM and Director Price arrived at 7:15 PM. Director J Benesh was absent.

200: Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved by Michael, seconded by Krogmann to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.

300: Consent Agenda

Secretary Peyton reviewed the financial reports and reported on the audit held last week. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the July board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.

400: Audience Communications

There was no communication from the audience.

500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations

501: Superintendent Report

Superintendent Breitfelder updates on buildings and grounds projects, discussed naming our annual Cross Country Invite, stipends for those that help at activities who are not coaches, and purchasing wrestling mats for wrestling competitions with funds from the wrestling fund, Lynx Pride and the district. She also discussed with the board the legislative priorities to submit to IASB, communication that will be sent out to the newspaper and sent to families regarding the upcoming special election to continue the PPEL levy, and the upcoming IASB Convention in November.

502: Elementary Report

Elementary Principal Schott shared updates regarding the new staff orientation days, all staff work days, Open House, behavior protocols being rolled out to staff and a new sensory space in the elementary.

503: Secondary Report

Secondary Principal Stoll shared her appreciation for the custodial staff preparing office space for new staff, discussed the Science and Spanish openings, plans for orientation in the middle and high school and shared the behavior plan that will be shared with staff as well as the new cell phone policy for the middle and high school.

504: School Improvement Report

Director of School Improvement Graven shared updates on a PD plan for the school year, coaching cycles for all staff, mandatory trainings and GWAEA support plans for the year.

600: New Business

601: Open Enrollment Requests

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the 6 open enrollment requests into the district and 7 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.

602: Handbooks

Superintendent Breitfelder shared the updates to the teacher handbook. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 24-25 teacher handbook school year as presented. Motion carried 6-0

603: Receive Service Contract from Woodman Controls

Superintendent Breitfelder shared the issues with the HVAC system over the summer. The board discussed a number of options and tabled this discussion until a future meeting.

 604: Receive Fundraiser Requests

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the fundraiser request from AD Brian Wheatley for each sport/club to have an online apparel webstore through Elite Sports at the start of their season and an additional store if they compete in a state tournament. As well as the fundraiser request from Kylee Winn for the HS lighthouse team have a homecoming webstore to raise money for homecoming supplies. As well as the fundraiser request from Holly Grief for the robotics team to do a Pampered Chef fundraiser mostly during their already approved vendor fair at Coggon Harvest Home. Motion carried 6-0.

605: Receive Quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses - Exhibit 606.1

It was moved by Michael, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses as presented for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 6-0.

606: First Reading of Policy Recommendations

Superintendent Breitfelder reviewed the changes to policy 804.5 Stock Epinephrine Auto Injector Supply, discussed the additions of policy 905.1-R1 Facilities Use Manual and 801.05 Naming of Buildings, Facilities and Land to the district’s board policies. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to waive the second reading and approve policy updates as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 6-0.

607: Approve Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity for students

Secondary Guidance Counselor, Julie Schmidt and National Honor Society sponsor, Kelly DeVore presented information on the service based silver cord program where students in grades 9-12 who accumulate 160 hours of community service prior to graduation would be awarded a silver cord at graduation and asked that they consider adding this to the list of extra curricular programs available to students. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the addition of the Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity starting with the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 6-0.

700: Personnel

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following new hires; Kyle Kennedy, Assistant Cross Country Coach; Whitney Berns, Assistant High School Volleyball Coach; Trevor Boge, Middle School Girls Basketball Coach; Kirsten Kelley, High School Science teacher pending licensure; and Faith Oberbroeckling HS Special Ed Associate as well as the following resignation; Brittany Rees, Elementary Library Associate. Motion carried 6-0.

800: Board Communications and Calendar

801: Board Communications

Superintendent Breitfelder reminded the board about the upcoming Special Election for the Voter Approved PPEL vote on September 10th, and the next regular meeting is scheduled for September 18th at 7:00 in the District Office.

900: Adjournment

The time being 9:17 PM, it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meting. Motion carried 6-0.


_______________________________             ________________________________

Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary                         Jeffrey Boss, Board President


kepeyton@north… Wed, 08/28/2024 - 07:56