2024.01.17 Meeting Minutes

Regular Meeting 7:00 PM

North Linn District Office

3033 Lynx Drive

Troy Mills, IA

Wednesday, January 17, 2024


100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum

President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM. Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Michael & Krogmann, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Directors R Benesch & Price were absent.

200: Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

300: Consent Agenda

Secretary Peyton discussed the December financial reports. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the December board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.

400: Audience Communications

There were no visitors

500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations

501: Superintendent Report

Superintendent Breitfelder shared plans to create a facilities committee of 15-20 people that will begin meeting in March or April to discuss projects to be added to the 10 year plan for the district. She provided an update on several bills that are being discussed in the legislature that affect education, provided an update on the Future Ready Iowa program, discussed having the board into the school building for a presentation at the end of April, and presented information for a 3 year rotating schedule for active shooter training and threat assessment training. She also discussed with the board putting together a plan to train students in a grade level appropriate manner. Finally, she discussed how the winter weather has affected the school calendar and how the decision making process is determined and plans to share additional information with the community.

502: Buildings and Grounds Report

Buildings and Grounds Director, Dominic Giegerich shared information on the HVAC system and an issue we are still working to resolve in the High School office.

600: New Business

601: First Reading of Policy Recommendations -

It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Michael to waive the second reading and approve the changes to policy 405.02 at this meeting. Motion carried 5-0

602: Receive DNR Administrative Consent Order

It was moed by Hoover, seconded by Krogmann to approve the signing of the DNR Administrative Consent Order and pay the administrative penalty in the amount of $6,000. Motion carried 5-0.

603: Receive Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee

It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the following resolution: Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the North Linn Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote; Ayes: Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, Krogmann, Boss. Nays: none.  

604: Receive Infinite Campus Support Agreement from Grant Wood AEA

It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the contract for Infinite Campus support with Grant Wood AEA in the amount of $1,298.50. Motion carried 5-0.

606: Receive Fundraiser Request - Exhibit 605.1

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the National Honor Society request to sell World’s Finest chocolate bars for $1 each to raise money for chapter activities. Motion carried 5-0.

607: Receive Preschool Fees

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Preschool Fees for 2024-2025 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

609: Open Enrollment Requests

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.

700: Personnel

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the hire of Alijah Snyder as a Special Education Associate. Motion carried 5-0.

800: Board Communications and Calendar

801: Board Communications

Secretary Peyton presented a tentative calendar for the adoption of the FY25 budget.

802: Board Calendar

The next board meeting is scheduled for February 21st at 7:00PM in the District Office.

900: Adjournment

The time being 9:02 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Michael to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.


__________________________________                            _____________________________

Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary                                             Jeffrey Boss, Board President