BOARD MEETING MINUTES admin@iowascho… Fri, 11/13/2020 - 12:062016-2017 Board Meeting Minutes
2016-2017 Board Meeting Minutes2016-2017 Meeting Dates
2017-2018 Board Meeting Minutes
2017-2018 Board Meeting Minutes2017-2018 Meeting Dates
- July 10, 2017 - Special Meeting
- July 19, 2017
- August 16, 2017
- September 20, 2017
- October 18, 2017
- November 15, 2017
- November 29, 2017 work session
- December 20, 2017
- January 17, 2018
- February 21, 2018
- February 28, 2018 - Special Meeting
- March 28, 2018
- April 18, 2018
- May 16, 2018
- May 20, 2018 - Special Meeting
- May 25, 2018 - Special Meeting
- June 5, 2018 - Special Meeting
- June 14, 2018 - Work Session
- June 18, 2018 - Special Meeting
- June 20,2018
2018-2019 Board Meeting Minutes
2018-2019 Board Meeting Minutes2018-2019 Meeting Dates
- July 18, 2018
- August 15, 2018
- September 19, 2018
- October 17, 2018
- November 14, 2018
- December 19, 2018
- January 16, 2019
- February 20, 2019
- March 20, 2019
- April 10, 2019
- May 8, 2019
- June 19, 2019
2019-2020 Board Meeting Minutes
2019-2020 Board Meeting Minutes2019-2020 Board Meetings
- July 17, 2019
- August 21, 2019
- September 18, 2019
- October 16, 2019
- November 19, 2019
- December 16, 2019
- January 23, 2020
- February 19, 2020
- March 18, 2020
- March 24, 2020 - Special Meeting
- March 30, 2020 - Special Meeting
- April 1, 20200 - Special Meeting
- April 6, 2020 - Special Meeting
- April 13, 2020
- May 20, 2020
- June 17, 2020
2020-2021 Board Meeting Minutes
2020-2021 Board Meeting MinutesClick on the links below to view the board meeting minutes from the 2020-21 school year:
Board Minutes - 2020.07.22
Board Minutes - 2020.07.22BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
July 22, 2020
- Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by President TJ Ries at 7:02P.M.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss, Superintendent Hoeger & Secretary Peyton. Director R Benesch, Principal Beaty and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of item 7. Receive Open Enrollment Requests. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following consent items: minutes of the June board meeting, bills as presented & financial statements. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors present.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the resignation from Kate Barloon, Elementary Special Education Associate. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to approve 6 open enrollment requests into the district and 3 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive the Sanitation Bid
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the bid from Rudd Sanitation for Sanitation Services for the 20-21 School year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Handbooks for 2020/2021 School Year
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Preschool, Elementary, Middle School and High School handbooks as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Authorize Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of District
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the following list of attorneys/firms for the 2020-2021 school year:
- Ahlers & Cooney, PC of Des Moines
- Lynch Dallas, PC of Cedar Rapids
- Iowa Association of School Boards
- School Administrators of Iowa
Motion carried 6-0.
- Appoint Board School Board Official for 2020-2021 School Year
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve Kerry Peyton as the School Board Official for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Depository Banks and Statutory Limits for the 2020-2021 School Year
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Walker State Bank, Community Savings Bank, UMB Bank, & ISJIT. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve Dave Hoeger, Kerry Peyton and TJ Ries as authorized signers to the school financial accounts at Community Savings Bank in Coggon and Walker State Bank. Motion carried 6-0.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve Neil Bartholomew and James Freshwater from Eagle Ridge as an authorized signer to the cafeteria plan checking account at Walker State Bank. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive District Appointments
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to make the following appointments for the 2020-2021 school year:
Multi-Cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator - Scott Beaty
Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator - Jaci Hilmer
Affirmative Action, Section 504 - Scott Beaty
Alternative Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator - Dave Hoeger
Homeless Liason - Jaci Hilmer
Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Board Policies
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to waive the second reading and adopt the following policies
- 409.2E1 Emergency Paid Sick Leave Request Form
- 409.2E2 Expanded Family and Medical Leave Request
- 907 District Operation During Public Emergencies
Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
Discussion was held regarding a joint meeting with the Maquoketa Valley CSD board - consensus was that this would be a good idea, Superintendent Hoeger will schedule a joint meeting.
An update was given regarding school registration - progress is being made on the new student information system and registration information will be sent to parents as soon as we have it.
Superintendent gave an update on the District’s Return to Learn plan
Board members were asked to rank their top 4 legislative priorities and send them to Superintendent Hoeger and he will compile the list and send to the state.
Board members expressed their congratulations to both the Softball and Baseball teams upon qualifying for the State Tournament and a question was asked about returning Middle School computers.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:55 P.M., it was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_________________________ ________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.08.12 - Special Meeting
Board Minutes - 2020.08.12 - Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 8:00 am Via Zoom
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
August 12, 2020
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 8:03AM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Revised School Calendar
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the updated 2020-2021 School Calendar moving the first day of school for K-12 to August 24th , Preschool will start August 26th and August 27th. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:20AM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
____________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.08.19
Board Minutes - 2020.08.19BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
August 19, 2020
- Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President TJ Ries at 7:00 P.M.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors, Boss, Haughenbury, R Benesch, J Benesch, Hoover, Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton, Principal Beaty and Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven. Director Helms was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: minutes of the July Board Meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors present.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on Preschool numbers, Summer School, the new math curriculum, Professional Development plans for the upcoming school year, COVID plans for the elementary building and teacher in-service days.
Principal Beaty gave an update on the summer buildings & grounds projects, internet service at the school, contacts made with virtual learners in MS & HS, and zoom meeting with MS & HS staff regarding virtual learning.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the resignation of Stephanie Funke, Spanish Teacher, pending a suitable replacement. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 Open Enrollment Requests into the District and 10 Open Enrollment Requests out of the District and to deny 1 Open Enrollment Request into the District. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive City Laundry Contract
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the contract with City Laundry for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the District’s Return to Learn plan and discussion was held regarding how the internet outage will affect the start of school. An update was also given on the theft claim with EMC Insurance.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:45PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.09.16
Board Minutes - 2020.09.16BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
September 16, 2020
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 7:02PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Boss, Haughenbury, J Benesh, Helms, Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton, and Principal Beaty. Director R Benesch and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent. Director Hoover arrived at 7:19 PM.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the August board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors present.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty gave an update on the water bottle filling stations, internet issues, virtual learning and lunch schedules. He praised students and staff for their efforts wearing masks all day.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved my Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the resignation of Amy Kaut, Special Education Associate and hiring Tracey Tuttle, Associate and Allison Huenefeld-Wessels, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve 8 Open Enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive District Level 1 Investigators
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Helms to approve Kim Graven and Dave Hoeger as the District’s Level I Investigators for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Special Education Modified Allowable Growth
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve $95,930.74 in Special Education Modified Allowable Growth for the 2019-2020 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive ESSER Fund transfer from General Fund to Nutrition
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the transfer of $11,662.16 of ESSER funds from the General Fund to the Nutrition Fund. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
Long-Term Substitute - discussion was held regarding the duties of the person serving as a long term sub for the district.
IASB Convention – discussion was held regarding the virtual conference and how it could be used as a meeting material for the joint session with the Maquoketa Valley school board. Superintendent Hoeger will review the session topics and coordinate a time in November for the boards to meet.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:33PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_____________________________ ___________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.10.21
Board Minutes - 2020.10.21BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 5:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
October 21, 2020
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Boss, Haughenbury, R Benesch, J Benesch, Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton and HS/MS Principal Beaty. Directors Hoover and Helms and Elementary Principal/Directory of School Improvement Graven were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the September board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
MS/HS Principal Beaty gave an update on the water filling stations, internet issues, the search for a Spanish teacher and COVID cases.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the hiring of Brendan Schott as Student Council Sponsor and Chad Spore Head Softball Coach. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve 6 Open Enrollment requests into the district and 7 Open Enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Contract with Grant Wood
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the contract with Grant Wood for Infinite Campus software support services. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Contract with Timberline Billing
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the contract with Timberline Billing Services, LLC for Medicaid reimbursement billing. Motion carried 5-0
- Receive School Board Policy 400 Series Update
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to waive the second reading and approve the 400 Policy series. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive FBLA Fundraiser Request
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the cookie dough fundraiser request from FBLA. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Certified Enrollment – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on our enrollment that was certified on October 15th. The district is down 18.8 students. He discussed a number of factors that are affecting our enrollment this year and the need for the district to focus on enrollment and different ways to help tell the story of the great things that happen in our district and communities.
- IASB Budget Information – Superintendent Hoeger presented documents that he and Secretary Peyton received after a meeting with IASB about our current financial status. He discussed our current Unspent Authorized Budget and Solvency Ratio as how those balances will be affected by our declining enrollment.
- School Improvement Needs Analysis – Superintendent Hoeger asked for the boards input regarding engaging IASB to do a Needs Analysis in the district. The goal would be to gain better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the district as seen by the Students, Staff and Parents. The board encouraged Mr. Hoeger to move forward with the survey.
- Superintendent Goals – Superintendent shared his goals with the board for the 2020-2021 school year. His intention is to share an update on the progress in early 2021 and give a final report to coincide with his annual evaluation in June.
- Secretary Peyton shared thank you cards received from Kelly Avis and Sue Russ.
- Adjourn
The time being 5:38 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.11.18
Board Minutes - 2020.11.18BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Organizational & Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
November 18, 2020
- Call to Order
The Organizational Meeting was called to order at 7:00PM in the Educational Services Building by Superintendent Hoeger. Present were Directors Ries, Boss, Hoover, J Benesh, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Principal Beaty and Secretary Peyton. Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury & Helms were present via Zoom.
- Elect Board Officers for 2020-2021
Superintendent Hoeger served as President Pro-Tem and called for nominations for President of the Board. Director Jeff Boss nominated TJ Ries and Director R Benesch seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call votes of Aye were Matt Hoover, Jenni Benesh, Jeff Boss, Ryan Benesch, Connie Helms, Bret Haughenbury & TJ Ries. There were no Nay votes. Motion carried 7-0. TJ Ries was declared Board President.
President Ries assumed control of the meeting from Superintendent Hoeger. President Ries called for nominations for Vice President. Director Ryan Benesch nominated Jeff Boss and Director Hoover seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call votes of Aye were Matt Hoover, Jenni Benesh, Jeff Boss, Ryan Benesch, Connie Helms, Bret Haughenbury & TJ Ries. There were no Nay votes. Motion carried 7-0. Jeff Boss was declared Board Vice President.
Secretary Peyton administered the oath of office to President Ries and Vice President Boss.
- Call the Roll
The regular meeting of the North Linn Board of Directors was called to order at 7:10 PM in the Education Services Building. Present were Present were Directors Ries, Boss, Hoover, J Benesh, and Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury & Helms via Zoom, Superintendent Hoeger, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Principal Beaty and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the October board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive Monthly Board Meeting Date and Time for 2020-2021 Meetings
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to hold all regular board meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Education Services Building with the exception of the April 2021 meeting which will be held on Tuesday, April 13th at 7:00 pm. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the recent Professional Development day that was held via Zoom and the Fall MAP and FAST assessment scores, and talked about the planning for virtual learning taking place in the Elementary in the event the school would be shut down again.
Principal Beaty provided an update on the installation of the water bottle filling stations and internet issues and the search for a HS Spanish teacher.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the hire of Noah Tiegs for High School Spanish pending Iowa licensure. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests
- Receive National Honor Society Fundraiser Request
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the National Honor Society request to sell hot chocolate before school to raise money to purchase tables for the courtyard. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out.
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve filing the SBRC application for open enrollment out for $187,136. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive Mr. Hoeger’s Evaluation Document
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the evaluation document for Superintendent Hoeger. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive School Calendar Public Hearing
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to open the Public Hearing to Receive the 2020-2021 School Calendar at 7:32 PM. Motion carried 7-0.
Superintendent Hoeger proposed dismissing school at 12:15PM each Wednesday starting December 2, 2020 for the remainder of the school year to allow teachers the time to connect with students learning virtually and additional planning time for their classrooms. Teacher learning days would move from Monday to Wednesday and the Preschool classes that meet on Monday/Wednesday will now meet Monday/Friday. This will not add any additional school days to the current calendar.
The time being 7:41 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive School Calendar Revision
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Boss to approve the 2020-2021 Calendar changes as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Governor Reynolds press conference – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the Proclamation from the Governor that was released this week.
- Buchanan County Conference Board – Matt Hoover was selected as the representative for the Buchanan County Conference Board.
- Iowa BIG – Principal Beaty gave the Board information about the Iowa BIG program, there is conversation with local districts about trying to get this program going in our area, the Board supported the idea and Mr. Beaty will report back as planning progresses.
- Secretary Peyton gave an update on the status of the current General Obligation and Sales Tax Bonds that are scheduled to be paid off or refinanced in the coming year or two. The Board supported investigating the refinance of the 2015 Sales Tax Bonds.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:17PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
__________________________ ________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Tj Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2020.12.16
Board Minutes - 2020.12.16BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
December 16, 2020
- Call to Order
Vice President, Jeff Boss, called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover and Haughenbury and Director Helms via Zoom, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors J Benesh, R Benesch and Ries were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the November board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty gave an update on the new banners being installed in front of the building and provided information on our current COVID cases.
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven provided information from the recent Leadership meetings and plans for upcoming curriculum training.
Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the Activities restrictions and will provide more information after Tri-Rivers Conference meetings this week.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
There were no personnel recommendations.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests
- Receive the School Board Policy Revisions for the 300 Series
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to waive the second reading of the 300 Series Policies and approve these policies with this reading. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Engagement Letter with Piper Sandler (Placement Agent)
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the engagement letter with Piper Sandler
- Receive Engagement Letter with Ahlers & Cooney (Bond Counsel)
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the engagement letter with Ahlers & Cooney. Motion carried 4-0.
- Resolution Fixing Date for a Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds
It was moved by Helms to adopt the following Resolution fixing the date for a public hearing on the proposed issuance of approximately $3,700,000 school infrastructure sales, services and use tax revenue Refunding Bonds. Director Hoover seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote; Ayes: Hoover, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss; Nays: None. Vice President Boss declared the resolution adopted as follows:
WHEREAS, the School District receives revenue from the State of Iowa Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue") pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 423F and an election duly held in accordance therewith on September 8, 2009 approving a revenue purpose statement (the "Revenue Purpose Statement"), the Board of Directors is currently entitled to spend SAVE Revenue for school infrastructure purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in need of funds for the following school infrastructure project: to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary and advisable that the District issue School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $3,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement; and
WHEREAS, before said Bonds may be issued, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.4, and to publish a notice of the time and place of the public hearing on the proposal to issue such Bonds; and
WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of a public hearing must be published not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the public hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the District:
NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:
1. A public hearing will be held in the District Office, 3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills, Iowa, on January 20, 2021, at 7:00 P.M., on the proposal to issue approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.
2. The Secretary is authorized and directed to publish notice of this public hearing in a newspaper having general circulation in the School District. Such publication will be made not less than ten nor more than twenty days ahead of the hearing date, and be in substantially the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the North-Linn Community School District, in the Counties of Benton, Buchanan, Delaware and Linn, State of Iowa, will hold a public hearing upon its proposed issuance of approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years, pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.
The hearing will be held in the District Office, 3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills, Iowa, on January 20, 2021, at 7:00 P.M.
PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of December, 2020.
- Receive the At-Risk - Dropout Prevention Application
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the SBRC Modified Allowable Growth for Dropout Prevention for 2021-2022 in the amount of $95,321.00. Motion carried 4-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Early Graduation Requests – early graduation requests were reviewed.
- Heating units project update – Superintendent gave an update on the process for evaluating the heating units
- North Linn Needs Assessment Survey – Superintendent Hoeger presented the results of the Needs Assessment Survey and highlighted a few areas he will investigate further.
- Delaware County Conference Board – Ryan Benesch was appointed to the Delaware County Conference Board
- Adjourn
The time being 7:51 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
__________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeff Boss, Vice President
Board Minutes - 2021.01.20
Board Minutes - 2021.01.20BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
January 20, 2021
Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM
Call the Roll
Present were Directors, Hoover, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director J Benesh was present via Zoom. Director Helms was absent.
Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as amended adding 14.b Set meeting date and time for Bond proposal review. Motion carried 6-0.
Hold Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds
At 7:01PM President Ries announced that this is the time place and date to hold a hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds. There was no one present from the public. At 7:05PM President TJ Ries declared the hearing closed. Director Haughenbury introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Boss seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was: Ayes: Hoover, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, J Benesh, Ries; Nays: none. President TJ Ries declared the Resolution adopted as follows:
WHEREAS, the School District receives revenue from the State of Iowa Secure and Advanced Vision for Education Fund ("SAVE Revenue") pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 423F and an election duly held in accordance therewith on September 8, 2009 approving a revenue purpose statement (the "Revenue Purpose Statement"), the Board of Directors is currently entitled to spend SAVE Revenue for school infrastructure purposes; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors is in need of funds for the following school infrastructure project: to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has deemed it necessary and advisable that the District issue School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $3,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015. including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if require by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors has complied with the provisions of Iowa Code Section 423F.4 by providing notice and holding a public hearing on the proposal to issue such Bonds:
NOW, THEREFORE, it is resolved:
The Board of Directors supports the proposal to issue approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser. Any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project will be used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement.
Eligible electors of the school district have the right to file with the Board Secretary a petition pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.4(2)(b), on or before close of business on February 3, 2021, for an election on the proposed bond issuance. The petition must be signed by eligible electors equal in number to not less than one hundred or thirty percent of those voting at the last preceding election of school officials under Iowa Code Section 277.1, whichever is greater.
In the event a petition containing the required number of valid signatures is filed with the Secretary of the Board on or before close of business on February 3, 2021, the President shall call a meeting of the Board to consider withdrawing the proposed Bond issuance, or directing that the question of the proposed Bond issuance be submitted to the qualified electors of the School District.
If the Board determines to submit the question to the electors, the proposition to be submitted shall be as follows:
Shall the Board of Directors of the North-Linn Community School District in the Counties of Benton, Buchanan, Delaware and Linn, State of Iowa, be authorized to issue approximately $3,700,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, which may be issued in one or more series over multiple fiscal years pursuant to Iowa Code Section 423F.2 and 423E.5, in the approximate amount of $3,700,000 for the purpose of providing funds to currently refund the outstanding School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015, dated August 20, 2015, including costs of issuance and a debt service reserve fund if required by the purchaser; with any bond proceeds remaining after completion of this project used for other school infrastructure projects as authorized by the School District's Revenue Purpose Statement?
PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of January, 2021.
Approve Consent Items
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the December board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 6-0.
Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the plans for teacher leadership meetings at the end of January and the new Chapter 103 training that will need to be completed by staff.
Principal Beaty gave an update on Covid absences and feedback on how well the new Spanish teacher is doing so far this semester.
Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the contract for Hannah Bridgewater, Middle School Softball Coach. Motion carried 6-0.
Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve 2 Open Enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.
Receive School Board Policies 503.6 Series Updates
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to waive the 2nd reading and approve the updated Board Policy 503.6 Series. Motion carried 6-0.
Receive Scholarship Fund transfers from CD’s
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to transfer $200 from the Betenbender Scholarship CD to the Activity Checking Account and $300 from the McKinley Scholarship CD to the Activity Checking account for scholarship payments made in January 2021 and transfer $13,600 from the Activity Checking account to the Carl Arnold Scholarship CD. Motion carried 6-0.
Receive Quarantine Guidelines
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to have the North Linn Community School District follow the Iowa Department of Public Health Guidelines regarding COVID-19 Quarantine practice instead of following Linn County Public Health. Motion carried 6-0.
Extension to the Emergency Leave Board Policies
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to waive the 2nd reading of the 409.2 E1 and 409.2 E2 policies and approve the policies at this meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
Consider Information and Discussion Items
Linn County Conference Board - Connie Helms was appointed to serve as the representative for the Linn County Conference Board
Set Meeting date and time for Bond proposal review – meeting will be held 3/30/21 at 2:30 PM.
The time being 7:44 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting.
__________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.02.17
Board Minutes - 2021.02.17BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
February 17, 2021
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss. Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty & Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven. Secretary Peyton was present via Zoom.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the January Board Meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 7-0
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the leadership meetings that happened this week – the group is evaluating the intervention structure and how best to articulate this process with parents. The newsletter was well received, it was sent to everyone with an email address in Infinite Campus – in the future community members will be able to subscribe to the newsletter as well. FAST & MAP test scores were shared; overall pleased with the progress given the loss of learning that has happened with the pandemic – the Data Team & teachers are already identifying specific areas that need attention and addressing those concerns.
Principal Beaty shared that there is a meeting next week with the AEA addressing secondary strategies. Secondary staff have been working on adjustments for credit recovery and catching issues earlier – we will be attending the meeting to help further this initiative.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
There were no personnel recommendations at this time.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve one open enrollment request into the district for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Sharing Agreements
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve sharing the following positions with Maquoketa Valley: Superintendent, Business Manager & Transportation Director. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive North Linn Course Description Booklet
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Course Description Booklet as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Iowa Big Contract with the Alburnett CSD
Superintendent Hoeger gave a brief explanation of what the Iowa BIG program is and how it would benefit our students. Alburnett is able to host the program and we will have an opportunity to enroll students that are interested. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the contract with Alburnett CSD for the Iowa BIG program for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Honor Society Fundraiser Request
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the fundraiser request by the National Honor Society to sell chocolate bars to raise funds to purchase seating for the courtyard. Motion carried 7-0
- Call for Bus Bids
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to call for bus bids. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Joint School Board Meeting with Maquoketa Valley on March 1 at 6:30PM planned discussion regarding what kind of information the school board would like to receive from Administration about what goes on in the classroom.
- April Board Meeting is April 13 at 7:00 PM – reminder the meeting is moved earlier in the month to allow us time to submit the budget.
- Bond Review Meeting is March 30 at 2:30 – this will be a short meeting by Zoom with Piper Sandler to review the sales tax bond refinance proposals we receive.
- SiteLogIQ update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the assessment SiteLogIQ is performing on campus – they have requested a small group meeting mid March to go over the findings before a formal presentation the 3rd week of March.
- Budget Workshop Update – Secretary Peyton gave an update on the FY22 Budget and discussion was held regarding the final amount to surplus levy for the 2011 General Obligation bonds.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) – Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining Agreement
The time being 7:45PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 21.5(1)(1) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries, Nays - none. Motion carried.
The time being 8:08 PM the Board entered into open session.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:09PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
- Motion to move into Exempt Session to discuss negotiating strategies pursuant to 20.17(3).
As provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) the Board of Directors will meet for a collective bargaining strategy session.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.03.01
Board Minutes - 2021.03.01 jen@iowaschool… Thu, 02/25/2021 - 09:16Board Minutes - 2021.03.17
Board Minutes - 2021.03.17BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
March 17, 2021
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss. Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton, Principal Beaty & Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven. Also present were Phil Corkery & Joe Beuter.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as amended adding item 21. Receive FFA Travel Request. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on the financial reports, investments, online payments and health insurance enrollment. It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the consent items. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Presentation - Mr. Corkery
Mr. Corkery and Junior, Joe Beuter, presented a number of projects that students in Manufacturing, Welding, Automation & Robotics and Construction Technology complete throughout the year. They showcased the work that is done on various machines and in computer programs in the classroom. The board thanked them for a very educational presentation of real life projects the students are working on!
Mr. Corkery and Joe Beuter left the meeting at 7:16 PM.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on what Leadership Teams are working on, Preschool enrollment numbers, ISASP Testing, and current COVID protocols.
Principal Beaty gave an update on the basketball hoop replacement in the HS gym, student teachers currently in the district, upcoming water testing, Canvas and interest in the Iowa Big program.
- Resolution Authorizing the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2011, Dated June 1, 2011, and Levying a Tax for Fiscal Year 2021-22 for the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2011, Dated June 1, 2011
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to approve the authorizing the redemption of General Obligation School bonds, series 2011 dated June 1, 2011, and levying a tax for fiscal year 2021-22 for the redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2011. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries. Nay; none.
- Receive Budget Estimate for 2021/2022 School Year and Set Budget Hearing Date & Time
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to publish the FY22 budget as presented and set the FY22 budget hearing for April 13, 2021 at 7:00PM in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Dr., Troy Mills, Iowa. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adopt Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee for FY22
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Directors of North Linn Community School District will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2021-2022 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries. Nays; None.
- Receive Final Independent Auditor’s Report
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve North Linn’s fiscal Year 2020 independent audit of our basic financial statement and supplementary information by Hunt & Associates. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the resignation of Julie Supple, school nurse at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve 4 open enrollment requests into the district and 5 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Shared Personnel Agreement with Monticello
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Helms to approve the sharing agreement with Monticello CSD for the Food Service Director position for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried, 7-0.
- Receive Kirkwood Workplace Learning Connection Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Kirkwood Workplace Learning Connection agreement. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Cooperative Agreements from UNI & Kirkwood for Student Teachers
It was moved by J Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the cooperative agreements from University of Northern Iowa and Mount Mercy University for student teachers. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Public Hearing for Revised School Calendar for 2020-2021
President TJ Ries opened the public hearing for the 2020-2021 revised school calendar at 7:48 PM. Superintendent Hoeger presented the changes to the current school calendar. No public comments were received. President TJ Ries closed the public hearing at 7:51PM.
- Receive Revised School Calendar for 2020-2021
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the revised 2020-2021 school calendar. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Public Hearing for School Calendar for 2021-2022
President TJ Ries opened the public hearing for the 2021-2022 school calendar at 7:52PM. Superintendent Hoeger presented the school calendar. No public comments were received. President TJ Ries closed the public hearing at 7:57PM.
- Receive School Calendar for 2021-2022
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2021-2022 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive FFA Travel Request for State Leadership Convention
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the FFA Travel request to the State Leadership Conference in Des Moines April 18-20. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Board Meeting March 30 at 2:30 PM – Superintendent Hoeger reminded the board of a special meeting on March 30th at 2:30
- Federal Funds for Education – Superintendent Hoeger gave a brief update on Federal funds received by the district.
- Superintendent Hoeger presented the results of the child care survey.
Director Boss left the meeting at 8:14 PM
- Adjourn
The time being 8:21PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
______________________________ _______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.03.30
Board Minutes - 2021.03.30BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 2:30 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
March 30, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries, called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM
- Call the Roll
Present via Zoom were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger & Secretary Peyton. Director Boss was present via phone. Also present via Zoom was Matt Gillaspie with Piper Sandler. Directors Helms & R Benesch were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Approximately $3,263,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021
- Consideration of Financing Proposals Opened and Reviewed by the Superintendent, Board Secretary and the Placement Agent
Matt Gillaspie with Piper Sandler gave an overview of the bid that was received to refinance the SAVE Bond and gave information about starting the bidding process over if that option was chosen.
- Resolution Directing Sale
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to adopt the resolution directing the sale of Approximately 3,263,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 to Hills Bank. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries. Nays; None.
- Adjourn
The time being 2:50 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.04.13
Board Minutes - 2021.04.13BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
April 13, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, R Benesch & Haughenbury. Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton, Pricipal Beaty & Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven. Director Boss arrived at 7:08 PM and Director J Benesh arrived at 7:14 PM. Director Helms was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the meeting agenda. Motion carried 4-0.
- Hold Hearing on Proposed 2021-2022 School Budget
President TJ Ries opened the public hearing for the Proposed 2021-2022 School Budget at 7:05 PM. Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton made comments regarding the FY22 budget. No public comments were received. President TJ Ries closed the public hearing at 7:09PM. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adopt the proposed budget as presented for the 2021-2022 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries. Nays; none.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on the financial reports, high school enrollment in college courses, Property/Liability insurance renewal and the ESSER III funds. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the consent items. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement gave an update on how ISASP testing is going so far, Preschool & Kindergarten enrollment and plans for Summer School. Principal Beaty presented information about Parent/Teacher Conference attendance, ISASP testing for virtual students, Prom, Graduation ceremonies and Infinite Campus scheduling for the 2021-22 school year.
- $3,241,000 School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021
- Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of Same
It was moved by Haughenbury to adopt the Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent, Approving the Paying Agent, Bond Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement and Authorizing the Execution of Same. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss Ries. Nays; none.
- Approval of Tax Exemption Certificate
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Tax Exemption Certificate. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss Ries. Nays; none.
- Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providing for and Securing the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and Use Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds.
It was move by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Terms of Issuance and Providign for and Security the Payment of School Infrastructure Sales, Services and use Tax revenue Refunding Bonds. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss Ries. Nays; none.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the resignation of Debbie Kinley, custodian, at the end of her current contract and hiring Jaci Hilmer, Junior Class Sponsor and Jeremy Bechen, HS Boys Assistant Track. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 open enrollment requests into the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Bus Bid
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the purchase of an 84-passenger bus from School Bus Sales Co. in the amount of $121,336. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Van Bid
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the purchase of a 10-passenger van from Junge Center Point in the amount of $33,181. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive List of Eligible Seniors for Graduation
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the list of the 2021 seniors for graduation from North Linn Community High School as long as all graduation requirements have been met. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive AEA Cooperative Purchasing Program
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2021-2022 AEA Purchsing Agreement. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Iowa Association of School Boards Membership
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to approve the North Linn Community Schools IASB membership for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Offer to Allow North Cedar CSD to join Tri-Rivers Conference
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to allow North Cedar to join the Tri-Rivers conference starting in the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve 2021 –2022 Compensation Agreement Between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Linn Board of Directors
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the salary, benefits and issuing contracts for the 2021-2022 Certified Staff, Coaches and Sponsors as presented with a total 2.41% increase. Motion carried 5-0, Director Boss abstained.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Discuss moving the May board meeting – the May meeting will be May 18th at 7:00PM.
- Discuss SiteLogic Facility Assessment Report – Superintendent Hoeger walked the board through the report provided by SiteLogic and highlighted several areas of need. SiteLogic will meet with the Board on Tuesday, May 4th at 7:00 PM
- Discuss SAVE & PPEL Report – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on planned PPEL & SAVE projects and projected balances for the next several years.
- Consider Compensation Adjustment for Classified and Administrative Staff – Closed Session
The time being 8:10PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to enter into a closed session pursuant to section 21.9 of the Iowa Code for the purpose of discussing strategy in matters relating to employment conditions of employees of the school who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss Ries. Nays; none. Motion carried.
The time being 8:44 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to return to open session. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Compensation Recommendations for Classified and Administrative Staff
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the following salary adjustments as presented:
Classified Staff: 2.57% increase
Administrative Staff: 2.42% increase
Motion carried 6-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:45 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.05.04
Board Minutes - 2021.05.04BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Work Session Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the work session to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, Helms, Haughenbury & Boss. Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton & Principal Beaty. Jake Berg, Sharon Haeg, Matt Connell & Kevin McGauley with SiteLogiQ. Director J Benesh arrived at 7:49PM and Director R Benesch was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Discuss the Comprehensive Facility Assessment Study by SiteLogiQ
Jake Berg presented information on where the district is at in the planning stages
Sharon Haeg presented the Assessment Review of the buildings giving information about the life expectancy of our current equipment and infrastructure, indoor air quality, temperature and humidity, lighting, acoustics and utility usage.
Jake Berg presented some long term options to provide clean air and surfaces with ionization and UV light
Matt Connell gave information on the project selection which ranked the comprehensive analysis and provided 2 scenarios with costs and alternate options.
Kevin McGauley presented information about funding the project and the process we would need to follow.
Jake Berg provided a timeline for next steps and a discussion was held about bond options.
- Adjourn
The time being 9:11PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
Board Minutes - 2021.05.16
Board Minutes - 2021.05.16BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 1:15 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Sunday, May 16, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries called the special meeting to order at 1:15 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss, & Superintendent Hoeger. Director R Benesch & Secretary Peyton were present via Zoom.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Review Mask Mandate
Superintendent Hoeger presented the new guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve cloth face coverings be optional and follow new Iowa Department of Public Health guidelines effective immediately. Motion carried 7-0
- Adjourn
The time being 1:18 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
Board Minutes - 2021.05.18
Board Minutes - 2021.05.18BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 6:30 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries, called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss, Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton & Principal Beaty. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the following consent items: Minutes of previous meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty made comments surrounding the graduation ceremony
Superintendent Hoeger summarized Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven’s report on end of year updates.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by H Benesh to approve hiring Brea Winfield, K-12 Nurse; Richard Dunkel Substitute bus driver for the 20-21 and 21-22 school years, Kallie Minger 7th grade softball pending license and Justin Kress Middle School English teacher and accept the following resignations: AJ Riniker, HS Assistant Wrestling and Susan Culwell, National Honor Society sponsor. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Book Fees for 2021-2022
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the proposed book fee of $55 per student for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Activity Pass Fees for 2021-2022
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following proposed activity pass fees of for the 2020-2021 school year; Student 10 Punch $25, Adult 10 Punch $35, Student Yearly pass $50, Adult Yearly pass $75, Family Pass $175. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Food Service Prices and Substitute Rates for 2021-2022
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the food service rates for the 20-21 school year and non-certified substitute rates for the 2021-2022 school year as follows: Associates $10.25 per hour, Food Service $10.25 per hour, Secretary $11.25 per hour, and Custodian $11.25 per hour, certified substitute rates for the 2021-2022 school year as follows: full day $130, half day $65, long term full day $150. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Iowa School Finance Information Services (ISFIS) Contract
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the contract with Iowa School Finance Information Services for FY22. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Vista Iowa Contract for School Business Software Access & Support
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to approve the contract for School Business Software Access and Support with Vista Iowa for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
Director Helms left the meeting at 7:03PM.
- Review/Approve Scope of Building Project
Superintendent Hoeger reviewed with the board the current proposed building project, historical tax rate information, projected borrowing capacity and the options available that we plan to use to keep levy rates stable if we are able to do this building project, and additional construction options. The Board discussed the importance of updating the aging facilities and creating an efficient and complete scope of work.
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the detailed project scope as amended to be funded with a combination of General Obligation Bonds and PPEL/SAVE revenues. Motion carried 6-0.
- Review/Approve SiteLogiq Agreement
The board reviewed the Professional Services Agreement from SiteLogiq and discussed the fee structure and bidding process. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Professional Services Agreement with SiteLogiq. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Safety Equipment for Athletics – we can pay for safety equipment for athletics from the General Fund, and will use General Fund dollars if the need arises.
- July Board Meeting Date – the July Board meeting will be rescheduled to Tuesday, July 20th at 7:00 PM in the District Office.
- Facilities Committee – a committee will need to be created to share information about the building project with the community.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:01 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
- Motion to move into Exempt Session to discuss negotiating strategies pursuant to 20.17(3).
As provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) the Board of Directors will meet for a negotiating strategy session.
_________________________________ _________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
Board Minutes - 2021.06.16
Board Minutes - 2021.06.16BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
June 16, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury and Boss. Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors Hoover & R Benesch were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the agenda a presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the following consent items: Minutes of previous meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven provided an update on the spring test scores, we will be using the FAST test for both reading and math next year. ISASP test results will be sent to parents in the fall when we have all of the reports back. Update provided on Preschool and Kindergarten enrollment numbers, MTSS training, Preschool PBIS program and Leader in Me training for next school year.
Principal Beaty gave an update on the SIAC meeting that was held on June 2nd with staff, students and community members, Infinite Campus upgrade progress, MTSS training and gave information about the new smartboards that will be installed in all classrooms this summer.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to accept the following resignations: Sarah Waldorf, Special Education Teacher; Scott Beaty, MS/HS Principal 6/30/2022; Sally Hemphill, Food Service Associate; Kate Rawson, Special Education Associate and Amanda Dougherty, Special Education Associate and approve the following new hires: Krystle Bosch-Allison, Special Education Teacher and Tim Burrow, Custodian. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve one open enrollment request into the district and one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Band & Choir Fundraiser Request
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Helms to approve the band & choir butter braid fundraiser. Motion carried 5-0.
- Resolution Approving Revenue Purpose Statement, Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $11,500,000 General Obligation School Bonds and on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures From Revenue Received From the State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund, and Ordering the Publication of a Notice of Election
The board reviewed the petition, signatures, resolution and revenue purpose statement. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to adopt the Resolution Approving Revenue Purpose Statement, Ordering an Election on the Issuance of $11,500,000 General Obligation School Bonds and on a Revenue Purpose Statement to Authorize Expenditures From Revenue Received From the State Secure an Advanced Vision for Education Fund, and Ordering the Publication of a Notice of Election. Roll call vote: Ayes; J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries, Nays; none. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive 2021-2022 Life Connections School Based Mental Health Service Contract
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to approve the Life Connections contract as presented for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Grant Wood AEA Managed Service Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve the Managed Service Agreement as presented for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive EMC Insurance Renewal Policy and Rates
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to approve the insurance policy renewal and rates as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive City Laundry Contract
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to approve the City Laundry contract for laundry services as presented for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive HACAP Head Start Contract
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Helms to approve the Head Start contract with HACAP as presented for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive LP Gas Bids
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to reject the bid received for LP and request new bids to review at the July board meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Milk Bids
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to approve the bid received from Anderson Erickson for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Waste Removal Bid
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the bid received from Rudd Sanitation for waste removal service for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Payment of Bills Through June 30th
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to authorize Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, to pay bills as necessary through June 30th. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Site Logic Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the work being done by Site Logic on the preliminary drawings and communication materials for the public.
- IASB Legislative Platform – Superintendent reviewed the list of legislative priorities from IASB, consensus was to submit Preschool Funding, Mental Health programs, AEA Funding, Teacher Recruitment, Budget Guarantee and Local Accountability as the districts’ top priorities.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By Collective Bargaining Agreement
The time being 8:03 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesch to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5 (1)(i) to evaluate an employee not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Roll call vote – Ayes: J Benesch, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries; Nays: None.
The time being 8:17PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to return to open session. Roll call vote – Ayes: J Benesch, Helms, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries; Nays: None.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:18 PM it was moved by JBenesh, seconded by Boss to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
2021-2022 Board Meeting Minutes
2021-2022 Board Meeting MinutesClick on the links below to view the board meeting minutes from the 2021-22 school year:
Regular Meeting 5:30 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
July 20, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries, called the meeting to order at 5:30PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms and Boss, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Director R Benesch was present via Zoom and Director Haughenbury arrived at 5:35 PM. Principal Beaty & Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on revenues and expenses for June as compared to FY20 and the year-end activities that will be happening through the end of August. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the following consent items: Minutes of previous meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial Reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved Helms, seconded by Boss to approve the following resignations: Jody Lyon, 3rd Grade Teacher pending suitable replacement and Renneta Kane, Bus Driver and approve the following new hires: Kaitlin Schlotfeldt, 3rd grade teacher pending background check. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve one open enrollment request out of the district and one open enrollment/dual enrollment request into the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Handbooks for 2021/2022 School Year
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the Preschool and Elementary student handbooks as presented for the 2021-22 school year. The board requested a few changes to the Middle and High School handbooks and will review those at the August meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
- Appoint School Board Official (SBO) for the 2021-22 School Year
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve Kerry Peyton as the School Board Official (SBO) for the 2021-22 School year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Depository Banks and Statutory Limits for the 2021-2022 School Year
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to name the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Walker State Bank, Community Savings Bank, UMB Bank and ISJIT. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive District Appointments
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to make the following appointments for the 2021-22 school year:
Multi-Cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator - Scott Beaty
Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator – Jaci Hilmer
Affirmative Action, Section 504 – Scott Beaty
Alternate Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator – Dave Hoeger
Homeless Liaison – Jaci Hilmer
Motion carried 7-0.
- Authorize Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of District
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boss to approve the following list of attorneys/firms for the 2021-22 school year:
Ahlers & Cooney, PC of Des Moines
Lynch Dallas, PC of Cedar Rapids
Iowa Association of School Boards
School Administrators of Iowa
Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Board Policies updates Based on New Legislation
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to waive the second reading of the policies updated based on new legislation and adopt these policies. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive LP Gas Bids
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the LP Gas bid from AgVantage for the 2021-22 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Set a date for the Public Hearing on the ESSER III Plan
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Boos to approve a public hearing on the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Program (ESSER III) plan be set for August 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM in the North Linn District office located in the Education Services building at 3033 Lynx Dr., Troy Mills, IA. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Draft of ESSER Budget – Superintendent Hoeger presented the preliminary budget for the ESSER funding we will receive.
- SiteLogIQ Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the progress SiteLogIQ is making on drawings and communication materials.
- Adjourn
The time being 6:07 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
_____________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
2021.08.03 Work Session
2021.08.03 Work SessionBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Work Session 6:30 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
August 3, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries called the worksession to order at 6:30 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Boss, Superintendent Hoeger and Nick Price, Ashley Zumbach, Clay Schulte, Dave Beuter & Lori Beuter.
Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury and Secretary Peyton were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Discussion Topics
- Review the informational materials for the GO Bond vote. The board and the community support committee reviewed the informational materials for the referendum. Minor changes were requested and copy was finalized for print and mailing to all voters in the district.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:05 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Helms to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary TJ Ries, Board President
2021.08.18 kepeyton@north… Tue, 07/27/2021 - 13:152021.09.15
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
September 15, 2021
- Call to Order
President, TJ Ries, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury & Boss; Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Beaty, Secretary Peyton, Travis Griffith and Sarah Wieland. Directors Hoover, Helms and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent. Director J Benesh arrived at 7:04PM.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on the FY21 audit and annual report and filings for the school board election in November. It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of previous meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial Reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Receive Moxie Presentation
Sarah Wieland with Moxie presented information on why branding and marketing matter to school districts and how they can help put together a plan that tells the community what we are about. Sarah Wieland left the meeting at 7:26 PM.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty provided an update on the BenQ installation and training, gave an update on the well and commented that the more normal start to the school year has been good for both students and staff. He also commended the custodial staff for their hard work keeping up with all of the extra cleaning with a short staff.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the resignation of Abryonna Moore, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Request
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve 4 open enrollment requests out of the district and 2 open enrollment requests into the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Scope and Design of the Dugout Project
Travis Griffith presented information on the scope and design of the Baseball and Softball dugout project. Donations have already been committed for 63% of the cost of the project. It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to approve the design and scope of the Baseball and Softball dugout project as presented and approve district funding in an amount up to $45,000 for the project. Motion carried 5-0.
Travis Griffith left the meeting at 7:55PM.
- Receive Moxie Contract
Discussion was held regarding the benefits of a district brand and marketing plan. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the contract with Moxie for phases 1-5. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive District Level 1 Investigators
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Boss to approve Kimberly Graven and Dave Hoeger as the District’s Level I Investigators for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Water Testing Operator Fee
The Board reviewed the proposal from Kevin Shoop that detailed his experience and the more regular water testing that will need to be done with the new chlorination system that was recently installed. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the new $200 monthly rate for water testing done by Kevin Shoop. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive FBLA Overnight/Out of State Travel Request
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the FBLA overnight and out of state travel requests to Urbandale, Coralville and Chicago as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Industrial Tech Club Request and Fundraiser Request
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve adding the Industrial Tech club to the activities offered at North Linn and approve their fundraiser requests as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive goals for Superintendent Hoeger
Superintendent Hoeger presented the Iowa Standards for School leaders and outlined his goals as well as the indicators for progress for the 21-22 school year in the areas of student success, staffing and overseeing the construction project with SiteLogiQ. Superintendent Hoeger will give an update mid-year and at the end of the year. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the Superintendent goals for Dave Hoeger for the 2021-22 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Middle and High School Principal Search Contract
Superintendent Hoeger shared his experience working with a firm to hire an administrator and discussed the benefits of having someone with industry experience help with the search while still keeping the interview process in house. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve option #2 in the proposal presented from Trent Grundmeyer to conduct the Middle and High School principal search. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- IASB Convention is November 17-18
- Principal Search Discussion – Superintendent Hoeger discussed with the board the level of involvement they wanted to have in the Secondary Principal search.
Principal Beaty left the meeting at 8:29pm.
- Motion to move into Exempt Session to discuss negotiating strategies pursuant to 20.17(3).
As provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) the Board of Directors will meet for a collective bargaining strategy session.
- Receive Adjustment to Non-Certified Staff Salary Schedule
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the changes to the Non-Certified Salary Schedule. Motion carried 5-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:46PM, it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular Meeting 5:30 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
October 20, 2021
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Haughenbury, Boss, R Benesch was present via zoom; Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director Helms was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on the financial reports and the workshop and conference she will be attending this month. It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following consent items: Minutes of previous meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial Reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven presented the FAST test scores for each grade in the district. The Board expressed their concern about the scores being lower in many cases than they were last year. Principal Graven provided information about the work that the data & leadership teams are already doing to improve the interventions students are receiving and provided an update on the new curriculum that is being reviewed for use starting in the 22-23 school year.
Principal Beaty discussed the Homecoming activities, events were well planned and the week was a success. We are still looking for a 2nd shift custodian, and MS roof repairs will happen the last week of October or first week of November. 13 students took the PSAT test last week with Mrs. Hilmer.
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Principal Beaty left the meeting at 6:00PM.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Boss to accept the resignation of Kallie Minger, MS Softball Coach and approve the hire of Cole Bamrick, Assistant HS Wrestling. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the 2 open enrollment requests into the District and 2 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Overnight & Out of State Travel Request from FFA
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the overnight and out of state travel request from the FFA to travel to Indianapolis, IN October 27-29 for the FFA National Leadership Conference. Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Murray also submitted a request from the FFA Juniors & Seniors to allow them to plan a trip to Breckenridge, CO in the summer of 2022. The board discussed the benefit of the trip but asked that the FFA not travel during the family week established by the boys and girls athletic unions. It was moved by Boss, seconded by J Benesh to approve the overnight and out of state travel request to plan a trip to Breckenridge, CO. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Overnight and Out of State Travel Request from Band/Choir
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the overnight and out of state travel request from the Band and Choir to travel to Chicago, IL April 1-3, 2022. Motion carried 6-0. The groups have 2 fundraisers planned to help pay for the trip. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Believe Kids catalog and Wyhe’s Choice Butter Braid fundraisers for the 21-22 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Report Election Results
General Obligation Bond Public Measure
Linn/Benton County 284 Yes, 36 No - 320 total
Buchanan County 43 Yes, 5 No - 48 total
Delaware County 27 Yes, 11 No - 38 total
GRANT TOTAL – 406 Votes
Revenue Purpose Statement
Linn/Benton County 287 Yes, 30 No - 317 Total
Buchanan County 42 Yes, 5 No - 47 Total
Delaware County 27 Yes, 11 No - 38 Total
GRAND TOTAL - 402 votes
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to accept the election results as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Used Bus Purchase
It was moved by R Benesh, seconded by Boss to approve the purchase of a used bus from School Bus Sales for $42,000. Motion carried 6-0.
- Not to Exceed $11,500,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2022: Receive Resolution declaring an official intent under Treasury Regulation 1.150-2 to issue debt to reimburse the School District for certain original expenditures paid in connection with specified Projects
With the supply chain issues impacting nearly all industries is has been advised that we order the equipment we will need for the Middle School and High School renovations soon. We will not receive funds from the new General Obligation Bond until June 2022, but can use funds currently on hand to make these purchases and then receive a reimbursement once the closing has happened. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the resolution declaring an official intent under treasury regulation 1.150-2 to issue debt to reimburse the school district for certain original expenditures paid in connection with specified projects. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Ries. Nays; none.
- Receive Early Separation for Certified Employees
It was moved by Boss, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Early Separation Plan with the Health Reimbursement Account as presented for certified teachers and administrators. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Bus Driver Salary Schedule Changes
Superintendent Hoeger presented the current method of payment for bus drivers who also drive for an activity and the proposed changes. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the revised activity route trip payment schedule as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Principal Hiring Process – Superintendent Hoeger presented the Principal job description and timeline for selecting candidates and interviews. The board discussed their involvement in the process and their expectations for this role.
- Discuss Certified Enrollment – Superintendent Hoeger presented the new certified enrollment and how it compares to the last 2 years. Enrollment is declining and as a district we need to be prepared for the decreased funding that goes along with that.
- Discuss Football press box and concession stand – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update from a meeting he had with Luke Haughenbury, Builders FirstSource and Mike Hilmer. They discussed several options that had been presented in the past. The board expressed their desire to not add anything on to the current building as the ultimate plan would be to tear down and move the press box sometime in the future. Superintendent Hoeger will share the thoughts of the board with the group and work on a plan to move forward.
- Adjourn
The time being 6:51 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
Annual Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
November 16, 2021
- Call to Order
President TJ Ries called the Annual Meeting to order at 7:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury, and Boss; Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty and Secretary Peyton. Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton provided an overview of the financial reports for October. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the September board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitor.
- Report Election Results
Director District #1 Matt Hoover received 327 votes, Amanda Jo Krogmann received 194 votes.
Director District #2 Jennifer Benesh received 475 votes and there was 1 write in.
Director District #3 Jeffrey Boss received 334 votes, Nicholas Price received 336 votes and there was 1 write in.
Matt Hoover was elected to the office of Director District #1 for a term of 4 years, Jennifer Benesh was elected to the office of Director District #2 for a term of 4 years, Jeffrey Boss was elected to the office of Director District #3 and Nicholas Price was elected to the office of Director District #3 for a term of 4 years.
It was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to accept the election results. Motion carried 4-0.
- Examine and settle books from previous year
Secretary Peyton provided documents from Walker State Bank and Community Savings Bank confirming the cash balances in the various checking accounts and showed those same balances on the bank reconciliation reports for June 30, 2021. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Boss to settle the books for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 4-0.
- Express Appreciation for Retiring Board Members
Superintendent Hoeger and the rest of the Board expressed their appreciation to TJ Ries for his service to the district the last 8 years.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:10 PM it was moved by Boss, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Organizational Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
November 17, 2021
- Call to Order
Superintendent Hoeger called the Organizational Meeting to order at 7:11PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss and Price; Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty and Secretary Peyton. Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent
- Administer Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Members
Secretary Peyton administered the oath of office to the newly elected board members.
- Elect the President of the Board for the 2021-22 School Year
Superintendent Hoeger served as President Pro-Tem and called for nominations for President of the Board. Director Ryan Benesh nominated Jeff Boss, Director Haughenbury seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Ayes; R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss, Price. Nays; none. Jeffrey Boss was declared the Board President and took the oath of office.
- Elect the Vice President of the Board for the 2021-22 School Year
President Boss assumed control of the meeting from Superintendent Hoeger and called for nominations for Vice President of the Board. R Benesch nominated Bret Haughenbury, Director Nick Price seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Ayes; Price, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none. Bret Haughenbury was declared the Board Vice President and took the oath of office.
- Receive Monthly Board Meeting Date and Time for the 2021-22 School Year
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to keep the monthly board meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM according to board policy. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Principals and Coordinators Report
Principal Beaty gave an update on the roof and dugout projects, Parent Teacher Conference attendance and shared compliments received about the Veteran’s Day assembly that was organized by Mr. Schott.
- Receive School Financial Account Authorized Signers
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve Kerry Peyton, Dave Hoeger and Jeffrey Boss as signers on the school General Fund, Activity Fund, Food Service and Cafeteria Plan financial accounts at Walker State Bank and Community Savings Bank. Motion Carried 4-0.
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve Neil Bartholomew and James Freshwater from Eagle Ridge as authorized signers on the Cafeteria Plan checking account at Walker State Bank. Motion carried 4-0.
- SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $131,092.80 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s 2020-2021 certified enrollment count. Roll call vote: Ayes; Price, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Principal Search Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the application progress.
- Football Concession Stand Update – Superintendent Hoeger requested guidance on how to proceed with this project. Superintendent Hoeger will contact Linn County to discuss the requirements for bathrooms and work with Director Haughenbury to get a plan drawn for a building to house a concession stand, bathrooms and storage for equipment.
- Linn, Buchanan, and Delaware County Conference Boards – Connie Helms was appointed the representative for the Linn County Conference Board, Matt Hoover was appointed the representative for the Buchanan County Conference Board and Ryan Benesch was appointed the representative for the Delaware County Conference Board.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:46 PM, it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
December 15, 2021
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present via Zoom were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury and Price; Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the November board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty gave an update on the MTSS initiatives currently in place and the search for a new custodian. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the PD planned for January and Leader in Me progress.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the resignation of Courtnie Holtz, Special Education Associate, effective 12/22/21 and Meg Boer, Physical Education Teacher, effective 6/30/22. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests.
- Approve SBRC Modified Allowable Growth Dropout Prevention for 2022/2023
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the SBCR Modified Allowable Growth for Dropout Prevention for 2022-2023 in the amount of $96,031.00. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Amendment to Professional Services Agreement with SiteLogIQ
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve Amendment #1 to the Professional Services Agreement with SiteLogIQ. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Access Systems Quote for Copiers
Secretary Peyton presented the quote from Access Systems to replace every copier in the District. There was no motion to approve the contract, agenda item is dead.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for the Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the resolution tentatively approving the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total cost for Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and ventilation project and authorizing and fixing a date, time and location for hearing thereon and for taking of competitive bids therefor. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price, Helms, Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Enrollment Applications in the Early Separation Plan
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to accept the early separation plan applications from Scott Beaty and Meg Boer. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Update on Moxie Marketing – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update on the progress Moxie has made with our branding plan. Staff is doing some similar work with the Leader in Me program so we are going to pause this project until we have worked through the mission & vision items.
- Update on football concession stand Bus Barn Drawing – Superintendent Hoeger provided information on recent discussions about the concession stand and bus barn. He will get pricing on the Bus Barn and will continue to move forward with the concession stand drawings.
- Update on bidding and public hearing timeline for the construction project – Superintendent Hoeger provided a detailed timeline showing the dates and times documents will be available, posted for the public, school board meetings and public hearings that will be required as part of the bidding process.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:55 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
________________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2021.12.21 Special Meeting
2021.12.21 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:45AM (Via Zoom)
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
December 21, 2021
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order via zoom at 7:46 AM.
- Call the Roll
Present on the Zoom meeting were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch and Price; Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Directors Haughenbury and Helms were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve hiring Dominic Giegerich as Middle School/High School Principal for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for the Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution tentatively approving the plans, specifications form of contract and estimate of total cost for construction package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation project, and authorizing and fixing a date, time and location for hearing thereon and for taking of competitive bids therefor. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Boss. Nays; none.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:53AM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.01.05 Special Meeting
2022.01.05 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 2:00 pm
via Zoom
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
January 5, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeff Boss, called the Special Meeting to order at 2:03 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch and Helms; Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Directors Hoover, Price and Haughenbury were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Board Policy 403
Superintendent Hoeger discussed with the Board the new policies regarding vaccination status. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve Board Policy 403 as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 2:13PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
_____________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
January 19, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover and Price, via zoom were Directors Helms, R Benesch and Haughenbury. Also present were Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director J Benesh was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as amended; adding item #19. Motion carried 6-0.
- Hold Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the Equipment Package Bid
President Jeffrey Boss opened the hearing at 7:03PM and called for any oral objections to the adoption of the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total costs. Superintendent Hoeger reviewed with the board the bids received for the Equipment Package. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objections had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 7:13PM. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adopt the Resolution adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated total cost of the Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; None.
- Receive Resolution Awarding the Equipment Bid
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution Making Award of Construction Contract to Trane Technologies for the Equipment Package of the North Lin CSD MS/HS Remodel and Ventilation project in the amount of $598,300. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; None.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the December board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty shared that a 2nd shift custodian had been hired and things are going well. He also provided an update on the MTSS strategies staff is implementing. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the professional development that day, the plan for PD in February and testing that was just completed. She discussed Preschool/Kindergarten registration, PK PBIS Training and IEP Training for staff in June as well as a proposed calendar for the 22-23 school year.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the hire of Anne Webster as custodian for the 21-22 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Fundraising Request from North Linn Honor Society
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the World’s Finest Chocolate bar fundraiser for the National Honor Society. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the 2 open enrollment requests out of the district and 1 open enrollment request into the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Adopt Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee for FY2023
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adopt the following Resolution: Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the North Linn Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2022-2023 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Engagement Letter from Ahlers & Cooney for General Obligation Bonds
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to approve the Bond Counsel and Disclosure Counsel Engagement Agreement proposed issuance of Approximately $10,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2022. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Financial Services Agreement from Piper Sandler
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the Financial Services Agreement with Piper Sandler & Co. for the Series 2022 and Series 2023 General Obligation School Bonds. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Amendment to Agreement to Serve as Dissemination Agent for Secondary Market Disclosure
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the Amendment to the Agreement to serve as Dissemination Agent for Secondary Market Disclosure from Piper Sandler. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Planned Service Agreement from Johnson Controls
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Planned Service Agreement as presented from Johnson Controls for 2022. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Agreement for Driver Education Services
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the agreement for Driver Education Services with Mount Vernon Drivers Education, LLC for 2022. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Suspension of 403 Board Policies
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to suspend the 403 series policies and enact them again on line if a change in legislation dictates they become a requirement. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Request to SBRC for Funding Related to FY22 Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Increased Enrollment
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the following resolution: As part of the District’s response to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the District’s administration is authorized to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding related to the FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $7227.00. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; None.
- Receive Scholarship Fund Transfers from CD's
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the transfer of $300 from the McKinley CD to the Activity checking account at Walker State Bank to fund the scholarship payment made. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Early Separation for Classified Employees
Agenda item died for lack of a motion.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Moxie marketing update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on work that is happening with Moxie surrounding preschool and kindergarten registration.
- Certified Financial Projection Model – Superintendent Hoeger shared with the board the 5 year projection model, there are a number of things we will need to keep an eye on as our enrollment continues to decline.
- Early Graduation Requests – there were 11 requests for early graduation, the board wishes to continue to receive this list annually.
- Construction Project Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update on the bid process for the Construction Package.
- Preschool fees – Kimberly Graven provided an update on the fees we are planning to charge for Preschool tuition, transportation and wrap around care. Discussion was held regarding class rosters and Daycare.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:23PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
______________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
February 16, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury & Price, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Hold Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the Construction Package Bids
President Jeffrey Boss opened the hearing at 7:01PM and called for any oral objections to the adoption of the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total costs. Superintendent Hoeger reviewed with the board the bids received for the Construction Package. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objections had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 7:25PM. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated total cost of the Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, JBenesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; None.
- Receive Resolution Awarding the Construction Package Bids
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh, to adopt the Resolution Making Award of the Construction Contracts to the following bidders: B.G. Brecke for the Mechanical Bid Package in the amount of $1,721,045, Tricon General Construction for the General Trades Bid Package in the amount of $1,273,000, Price Electric, LLC for the Electrical Bid Package in the amount of $1,118,270, Woodman Controls for the Temperature Controls Bid Package in the amount of $433,835 and BalCon for the Testing and Balancing Bid Package in the amount of $25,073. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, JBenesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; None.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the January board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven provided an update on the Leader in Me training held today and the 22-23 school calendar. She provided the board with the mid-year test scores and highlighted areas of improvement and some with concern – reading and math interventions have started already. She provided the board with information about playground equipment, the reading curriculum the staff has chosen, and the current enrollment numbers for Preschool and Kindergarten. Principal Beaty gave an update on the Leader in Me Training held today and provided an update on new staff hires for the 22-23 school year. He also requested anyone who knows someone or is interested in being a bus driver please contact the school.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following resignations: Char Siddell, MS Secretary at the end of the 21-22 school year; Joe Hodges, Bus Driver, at the end of the 21-22 school year; Callan Kayser, MS Girls Basketball Coach at the end of the 21-22 school year, and approve hiring the following: Brea Windfield, Junior Class Sponsor 21-22; Maddie Stepanek, MS Girls Softball 21-22; Kyler Olsen, K-8 Physical Education Teacher 22-23 and Kylee Winn Family & Consumer Science Teacher 22-23. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover, to approve 3 open enrollment requests into the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Updated ESSER III Budget and Review Return to Learn Plan
Secretary Peyton presented the amended ESSER III Budget, Superintendent Hoeger discussed no changes were made to the Return to Learn plan. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the ESSER III Budget and Return to Learn Plan as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- April School Board Meeting Date – we are required to submit our budget by April 15th so we are asking to hold the April school board meeting and budget hearing on April 13th.
- Football Concession Stand - Superintendent Hoeger presented drawings of a proposed football concession stand. The board reviewed the drawings and directed Superintendent Hoeger to move forward with getting a price for the construction.
- Construction Project Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided the board with an update on the bids received for the Construction package and had discussion regarding additional scope items.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) – Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining Agreement
The time being 8:19 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individuals reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays – None.
The time being 8:40 PM the board entered into open session.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:46PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.03.03 Special Meeting
2022.03.03 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting following Exempt session at 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
March 3rd, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss called the special meeting to order at 7:10 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Incentive Pay for Staff
It was move by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh that due to the systemic staff shortages in the state, staff vacancies in our district, in anticipation of continued shortages and additional responsibilities, in anticipation of additional duties for all staff to assist with on-site, on-going pandemic mitigation, and to reinforce our desire to retain our employees that we pay all active continuing staff at North Linn CSD a one time stipend as presented to be funded by ESSER Reserves as allowed. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:14PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
_____________________________ ___________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.03.16 kepeyton@north… Tue, 07/27/2021 - 13:182022.04.13
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
April 13, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were directors J Benesh, Price and Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger, Secretary Peyton, Lisa Caston. Matt Gillaspie with Piper Sandler was present via Zoom. Directors Helms, R Benesch and Hoover were absent; Principal Beaty and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were excused.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the March board meetings, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
Lisa Cason spoke about the vocal program and the Solo & Ensemble State Contest that was held on 4/9/22. The group received 5 Division I ratings, 10 Division II ratings and 2 Division 3 ratings. Nathan Bean received a special designation as an Outstanding Soloist and will perform again in Ames on May 17th. Lisa Caston left the meeting at 7:13 PM.
- Hold Hearing on Proposed 2022-2023 School Budget
President, Jeffrey Boss opened the public hearing for the Proposed 2022-2023 School Budget at 7:33 PM. Superintendent Hoeger made comments regarding the budget and levy rate. No public comments were received. President Boss closed the public hearing at 7:34 PM.
- Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 School Budget
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the proposed budget as presented for the 2022-2023 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes; J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none
8. Hold Hearing on Amended 2021-2022 School Budget
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the amended 2021-2022 School Budget at 7:34 PM. Superintendent Hoeger made comment regarding the need to amend the budget due to increased ESSER expenses that were not included on the original budget. No public comments were received. President Boss closed the hearing at 7:35 PM.
- Consider Approval of the Amended 2021-2022 School Budget
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the amended school budget as presented for the 2021- 2022 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes; J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
There were no reports to share with the board.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following resignations: Elisabeth Stultz, .5 Elementary Music; Sue Culwell, At Risk Associate; and Katelyn McKone, 5-12 Instrumental Music. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve 1 open enrollment request into the district and 1 open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 4-0.
- Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation School Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof. Roll call vote: Ayes; J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Consideration of sealed bids opened and reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary of the Board and the Financial Advisor
Matt Gillaspie with Piper Sandler presented the bids received and opened by the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary of the Board and the Financial Advisor at a meeting held in the Superintendent’s office at 1:00 PM on April 13, 2022. Mr. Gillaspie discussed each bid that was received, the purchase price and the interest rate.
- Adopt Resolution Directing the Sale of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2022
It was moved by Jennifer Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution Directing the Sale of $9,675,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2022 and award the bid to Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Roll call vote: Ayes; J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive School Board Policy 705.4
Superintendent Hoeger discussed School Board Policy 705.4 which authorizes the expenditure of District funds for District officers, directors, employees, contractors and volunteers for designated purposes as these activities aid in recruitment of personnel, promote the improvement of staff morale and cooperation, and assist in building a commitment to the district thus assisting in creating a more productive learning environment. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to waive the second reading and adopt Board Policy 705.4 as presented tonight. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Shive-Hattery Contract
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the contract with Shive-Hattery to provide civil engineering, landscape architechture and land surveying services for the playground project. Motion carried 4-0.
- Receive Iowa Association of School Boards Membership
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve North Linn Community Schools IASB membership for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 4-0.
- Approve 2022 –2023 Compensation Agreement Between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Linn Board of Directors
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to table this item and hold a special meeting on April 19th at 7:45 AM to discuss when the entire board can be present. Motion carried 4-0.
- Approve 2022-2023 Compensation for Classified and Administrative Staff
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to table this item and hold a special meeting on April 19th at 7:45 AM to discuss when the entire board can be present. Motion carried 4-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Discuss moving the date of the May School Board Meeting – the May meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 11th at 6:00 PM.
- Tri-Rivers Conference Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update on the alignment of the Tri-Rivers Conference. No changes are being made at this time.
- Directors discussed the building project and the Graduation Ceremony.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:22 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Special Meeting 7:45 AM
via Zoom
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
April 19, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 7:45 AM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Helms; Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carries 7-0.
- Approve 2022 –2023 Compensation Agreement Between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Linn Board of Directors
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the 2022-2023 Compensation Agreement between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Linn Board of Directors for a 2.9% total package increase. Motion carried 5-0. Directors Boss and Price abstained.
- Approve 2022-2023 Compensation for Classified and Administrative Staff
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch, to approve the 2022-2023 Compensation for Classified and Administrative Staff as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:48 AM it was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Regular Meeting 6:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
May 11, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms & Haughenbury. Superintendent Hoeger, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven & Secretary Peyton. Director Price was present via zoom due to his work schedule. Director R Benesch and Principal Beaty were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as amended adding items 18 & 19. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following consent items Minutes of the April board meetings, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Makerspace Presentation
Jennifer McNeill and 4th graders Grady Schulte & Nic Michael presented the Lego League projects they have been working on in the Makerspace room. They discussed planning their projects, building and problem solving as they created their vehicles.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the PD planned for May 25th and year end plans, Preschool PBIS training, PK and Kindergarten registration.
- $9,675,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2022
- Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent Agreement, and Authorizing the Execution of Same
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the Resolution Appointing Paying Agent, Bond Registrar, and Transfer Agent Agreement, and Authorizing the Execution of Same. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Approval of form of Tax Exemption Certificate
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the form of Tax Exempt Certificate. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Approval of Continuing Disclosure Certificate
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution Amending the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof Adopted April 13, 2022
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Helms to adopt the Resolution Amending the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof Adopted April 13, 2022. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following contracts; Greg Novey – Vocal Music 2022-2023 school year, Jared Collum, Brendan Schott, Nick Breuer, Mike Hilmer, Dana Schmidt, Jennifer McNeill, Justing Kress & Brian Wheatley – Weight Room Coordinators 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve 1 open enrollment request into the District and 2 open enrollment requests out of the District. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Contract with Hawkeye Area Community Action Program
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the contract with Hawkeye Area Community Action Program for the Head Start program. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Kirkwood Memorandum of Understanding
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Kirkwood for Workplace Learning. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Letter of Understanding with Grant Wood for VAST Science Program
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Letter of Understanding with Grant Wood AEA for the VAST Center Science Program. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Vista Iowa Contract for school Business Software Access and Support
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Business Software Access and Support contract for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Notice of Name Change for Audit Services Contract
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the name change on the Audit Services contract from Hunt & Associates, PC to Terpstra, Hoke & Associates, PC effective immediately. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Asbestos Abatement Contract
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the Asbestos Abatement contract with REW Services Corporation for $41,210 with a $20,605 alternate for weekend work if required. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Leader in Me Contract
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Leader in Me contract for services in the 22-23, 23-24 and 24-25 school years. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Investment Options for Bond Proceeds
The board discussed several options for investing the GO Bond proceeds until they are fully expended. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve opening an account and depositing the funds at F&M Bank in Manchester, Jeff Boss, Kerry Peyton & Dave Hoeger authorized as signers on the account. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the building project scheduled to start on May 25th and the project budget. We are meeting weekly with SiteLogIQ to make sure we all have updated information for the budget.
- Superintendent Hoeger discussed changing the compensation for teachers who complete their Master’s Degree from 1% of their salary to $3500 added to their base salary as more of an incentive to complete their degree. The board was in favor of this change if the teacher representatives were agreeable.
- Adjourn
The time being 6:57 PM, it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
June 15, 2022
- Call to Order
President Jeffrey Boss called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Beaty, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Secretary Peyton and Becky Shoop.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as amended adding item #20, EMC Insurance Renewal. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items Minutes of the May board meeting, bills as presented and financial statements. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitor comments.
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Principal Beaty provided information on the graduation ceremony and the current state of the construction project. Elementary Principal Graven/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the end of year transition meetings/Achieve Training & math and reading curriculum changes for next school year. She also provided the spring test scores highlighting several achievements and concerns that will be addressed/investigated as soon as school starts.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the contracts; Ashtin Schmitz - Substitute Nurse, Allison Huenefeldt Wessels – At Risk Associate/Full time Substitute Teacher, Kate Rawson – Level III Special Education Associate, Tracy Tuttle – Level II Special Education Associate. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests.
- Receive Cooperative Agreement with Iowa State University
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Cooperative Agreement with Iowa State University for Student Teachers as presented for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Iowa School Finance Information Services (ISFIS) Contract
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve the Iowa School Finance Information Service (ISFIS) subscription for both a membership and Board/Policy hosted website. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive General Fund Transfer to Activity for Safety Equipment
It was moved by J Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the transfer of $2,395 from the General fund to the Student Activity Fund for protective and safety equipment. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive LP Gas Bids
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the bid received for LP Gas from AgVantage FS for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Milk Bids
We received 2 milk bids, one from Prairie Farms and one from Anderson Erickson. Pat Kelly, Food Service Director reviewed the bids and recommended Anderson Erickson since they had the lowest prices. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the milk bid received from Anderson Erickson for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Waste Removal Bids
We received 2 waste removal bids, one from Rudd Sanitation and one from Kluesner Sanitation. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve lowest the waste removal bid from Kluesner Sanitation for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Book fees for 2022-2023
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the book fee rate of $55 per student for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Activity Pass Fees for 2022-2023
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following proposed activity pass fees for the 2022-2023 school year; Student 10 Punch Pass $30, Adult 10 Punch Pass $40, Student Yearly Pass $50, Adult Yearly Pass $75, Family Yearly Pass $190. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Food Service Prices and Substitute Rates for 2022-2023
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the food service rates and non-certified substitute and substitute teacher rates for the 2022-2023 school year as follows: HS Lunch $2.50, MS Lunch $2.50, EL Lunch $2.45, Student Breakfast $1.65, Milk $0.45. Associates $10.50, Food Service $10.50, Secretary $11.50, Custodian $11.50, Teacher Full Day $130, Teacher Half Day $65, Long Term Substitute Full Day $150. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive SitelogiQ Professional Services Agreement
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the Professional Services agreement with SitelogiQ for the MS/HS Gymnasium Air Handling Units and HS Locker Room Renovation as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive SitelogiQ Professional Services Agreement Amendment #2
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve Amendment #2 of the Professional Services Agreement with SitelogiQ originally dated May 18, 2021. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive EMC Insurance Renewal
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the insurance policy and renewal rates as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Payment of Bills through June 30, 2022
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to authorize Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, to pay bills as necessary through June 30, 2022. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Superintendent Hoeger presented the updated construction budget and shared an update on progress in the building. The board took a quick tour of the middle and high school immediately prior to the board meeting.
- The board reviewed the total donations collected and expenses incurred for the Baseball and Softball dugouts and discussed a few areas that need to be cleaned up from the construction.
- Director Helms raised a question about girls wrestling now that it is sanctioned by the girls union – Superintendent Hoeger and Activities Director Hilmer are currently reviewing options for this program.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreement
The time being 7:57 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate an employee not covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
The time being 8:23 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to return to open session. Roll call vote – Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:23 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
________________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022-2023 Board Meeting Minutes
2022-2023 Board Meeting Minutes jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:492022.07.13 Meeting Minutes
2022.07.13 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
July 13, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Haughenbury and Price, Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Dominic Giegerich and Secretary Peyton. Directors, Helms and R Benesch were absent and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven was excused.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as presented adding #19 Approve Food Service Rates. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an update on the financial reports as of 6/30/22, and confirmed the Series 2011 GO Bond was paid in full as of 6/1/22. With the Surplus Levy in place for the last several years this note was paid off 9 years early and saved district tax payers just over $410,000 in interest. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the June meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial Reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich shared the updates he had for the student handbooks.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following new hires; Allison Huenefeld-Wessels – MS Cheer Coach, Madison Pfeiffer – Level III Special Education Associate, Holly Greif – MS Special Education Associate and approve the following resignations; Donna Reid – Food Service Associate, Jami Geers – Food Service Associate. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 Open Enrollment Requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Board Policies & Updates Based on New Iowa Legislation
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to waive the first reading and approve the presented changes to the following board policies 203,501.14, 505.5, 704.7, 804.7, 804.7 R1 & 901. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive School Board Policies in the 600 Series
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to waive the first reading and approve the presented changes to the 600 Series board policies. Motion carried 5-0.
- Appoint School Business Official (SBO) for the 2022-2023 School Year
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to appoint Kerry Peyton as the School Business Official for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Depository Bank and Statutory Limits for the 2022-23 School Year
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to name the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Walker State Bank, Community Savings Bank, UMB Bank, F & M Bank and ISJIT. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive District Appointments
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following appointments for the 2022-2023 school year:
Multi-Cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator – Dominic Giegerich
Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator – Jaci Hilmer
Affirmative Action, Section 504 – Dominic Giegerich
Alternate Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator – Dave Hoeger
Homeless Liaison – Jaci Hilmer
Motion carried 5-0.
- Authorize Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of District
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the following list of attorneys/firms for the 2022-23 school year:
Ahlers & Cooney, PC of Des Moines
Lynch Dallas, PC of Cedar Rapids
Iowa Association of School Boards
School Administrators of Iowa
Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Handbooks for the 2022-2023 School Year
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following handbooks for the 2022-2023 school year: Little Lynx Preschool Handbook, Elementary Student handbook, Middle School Student Handbook, High School Student Handbook, North Linn Paraeducator Handbook, and North Linn Teacher Employee Handbook. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Kirkwood College Contract
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Concurrent Enrollment Partnership contract with Kirkwood Community College. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Grant Wood AEA Managed Service Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2022-2023 Grant Wood AEA Agreement for Technology Services. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Spanish Class Trip Request
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Spanish Class request to travel to Costa Rica in 2023. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Updated Food Service Rates
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the updated food service rates for the 2022-2023 school year making an Adult lunch $4.15 and an Adult Breakfast $2.00. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on construction progress and the board toured the school building after the meeting.
- Open Enrollment – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update to the board regarding changes to the Open Enrollment application and discussed the options available to the board when evaluating the requests.
- IASB Priorities – Superintendent Hoeger discussed with the board the list of Legislative priorities from the Iowa Association of School Boards. The board requested the following be sent as priorities to focus on for the 2022-2023 Legislative session: AEA Funding, Budget Guarantee and Local Control.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:50PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.08.01 Special Meeting
2022.08.01 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Monday, August 1, 2022
- Call to Order.
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, & Haughenbury
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Receive Public Hearing for the revised 2022-2023 School Calendar
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the 2022-23 revised school calendar at 7:02PM. Superintendent Hoeger presented the changes to the current 2022-2023 calendar moving the start date of school to September 6, 2022 due to the construction project. No public comments were received. President, Jeffrey Boss closed the public hearing at 7:10 PM.
- Receive approval of the 2022-2023 School Calendar
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the changes to the 2022-2023 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:17 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.08.17 Meeting Minutes
2022.08.17 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoger, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors Helms and R Benesch were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton gave an updated on the preparations for the upcoming audit, online registration and the annual report. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the July meeting and August 1st special meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update on newly hired staff and the Leader in Me training. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven provided information on the teacher work days ahead of the start of school, leadership meetings, new staff training and assessment schedules.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the 4 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following resignations; Sarah Kilburg – HS Secretary, Tiffanie Long – Special Education Associate, Amanda Dougherty – Special Education Associate, Ann Webster – Custodian and Alice Stephenson – Custodian and approve the following new hires; Janelle Aberle – MS/HS Secretary, Salina Prior – Food Service Associate, Julie Anderson – Food Service Associate, Tom McCusker – Night Custodian and Susan Starr-Roby Special Education Associate pending a background check. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Changes to Custodial Contracts
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to approve the Custodian wages as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Construction Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger presented the change orders for the MS/HS Construction project. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Sharing Agreement with East Buchanan for Media Specialist
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the shared personnel agreement with East Buchanan for a Media Specialist for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Red Wheel fundraiser for the Spanish class trip. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the construction project and plans for cleaning and moving back into classrooms.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:44 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.08.26 Special Meeting
2022.08.26 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:40 AM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Friday, August 26, 2022
- Call to Order
President Jeffrey Boss called the Special Meeting to order at 7:40 AM
- Call the Roll
Present via Zoom were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury. Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton were present in the Board Room.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Receive SiteLogIQ Professional Service Agreement
Superintendent Hoeger presented the Professional Service Agreement from SiteLogiq allowing them to start the process for collecting bids for the HS/MS Gymnasium air handling units. It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to approve the amendment to the Professional Services agreement adding Article 3.07 – Equipment Pre-Purchase Authorization and Schedule A – Scope of Services. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 open enrollment requests into the district and 3 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:48 AM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
______________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.09.09 Special Meeting
2022.09.09 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:40AM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
September 9, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 7:41 AM
- Call the Roll
Given the time of day and Directors traveling to work present via zoom were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury. Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton were present at the District Office. Director Helms was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
- It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:44AM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.09.21 Meeting Minutes
2022.09.21 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Price & Haughenbury; Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Due to illness, Director R Benesch was present via zoom. Bob Mudd arrived at 7:03 PM.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton presented the FY22 year end fund balances, discussed the audit and confirmed the annual report has been submitted successfully. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the August Meeting and September 9th special meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
Bob Mudd addressed the board with a request to consider installing a 4 lane all-weather track that could be used for a dual or triangular meet or even Junior High meets, but mostly would do away with the need to practice on the road in front of the school and in the halls of the school building.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update on the search for a 2nd shift custodian, and the Varsity Bound subscription. He also praised staff and students for working through a very unconventional start to the school year.
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven discussed the need for additional special education associates, Leader in Me activities happening K-5 and the PBIS training for all preschool staff.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve 2 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following new hires; Danielle Nielsen – food service associate, Noel Snitkey – Special Education Associate and Amy Gardner – Special Education Associate pending background check. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger presented the change orders for the MS/HS construction project. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Guidance
Superintendent Hoeger discussed the need to approve open enrollment requests without the formal approval of the board at times due to time constraints now that enrollment request can be made at any time. All open enrollment requests will still be added to the board agenda monthly. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to grant the Superintendent the authority to approve open enrollment applications that are time sensitive without presenting it to the board. Motion carried 7-0.
- Appoint Level I & Level II Investigators
This agenda item was tabled until the October meeting in order to have more conversation with the Linn County Sheriff’s office.
- Receive Special Education Modified Allowable Growth
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve $108,268.69 in Special Education Modified Allowable Growth for the 2021-2022 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive FBLA Travel Request
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the overnight and out of state travel requests for FBLA for the 22-23 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Redistricting Information Due to 2020 Census – Superintendent Hoeger informed the board that due to the data from the 2020 census we will likely have to redraw the director district lines. More information will be provided at the October meeting.
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the construction progress in the HS and anticipated timeline for receiving access to classrooms.
- Safety Grant – the state is offering a $50,000 grant per school building for security updates. In order to qualify the district must have an assessment to identify areas that can be improved. Our district is scheduled to have that assessment early in January.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining agreement
The time being 8:17 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individuals reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays – None.
The time being 8:25 PM, it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to return to open session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays – None.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:26 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
______________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.09.28 Special Meeting
2022.09.28 Special MeetingBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
September 28, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present in the board room were Director Hoover and Secretary Peyton. Present via Zoom were Directors, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury and Superintendent Hoeger.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Public hearing regarding approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract, and the estimated total cost for the Phase II Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the hearing at 7:02 PM and called for any oral objection to the adoption of the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of total costs for the Phase II equipment package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation project. Superintendent Hoeger reviewed with the board the plans for the equipment and the bid that was received. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objection had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 7:03 PM.
- Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) on the Phase II Equipment Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adopt the Resolution Making Award of the Construction Contract to Hart-Hammer, Inc. for the Phase II Equipment Package of the North Linn CSD MS/HS Remodel and Ventilation project in the amount of $231,369. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury, & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
Superintendent Hoeger shared the bid set for the electrical package which includes replacing the current electrical service panel.
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for the Elementary and Preschool Playground Equipment and Surfacing for the North Linn Community School District Playground Renovation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
Superintendent Hoeger shared the bid package and design for the elementary and preschool playground areas and discussed to goals for improving accessibility and creating play areas for all age ranges.
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to adopt the Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for the Elementary and Preschool Playground Equipment and Surfacing for the North Linn Community School District Playground Renovation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive SiteLogiq Professional Services Agreement Amendment #2
Superintendent reviewed the updated to the Professional Services Agreement that included the scope of work and the estimated cost of the project. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve Amendment #2 to the professional services agreement with SiteLogiq as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:26 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_________________________ _________________________
Kerry Peyton, Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.10.19 Meeting Minutes
2022.10.19 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
- Call to Order
President Jeffrey Boss called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Helms, R Benesch & Price, Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director Haughenbury was present via zoom as his work schedule did not allow him to attend the meeting in person. Directors J Benesh and Hoover were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton presented the monthly financial reports. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the September Meeting and September 28th special meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract, and the estimated total cost for Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
Board President, Jeffrey Boss, announced that the public hearing is cancelled.
- Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) on the Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to reject the bid received from Price Electric for the Phase II Electrical Package because it did not comply with the specifications required. Roll call vote: Ayes; Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- CANCELED - Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract, and the estimated total cost for the Elementary and Preschool Playground Equipment and Surfacing for the North Linn Community School District Playground Renovation Project.
President, Jeffrey Boss, announced the public hearing was cancelled.
- Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) on the Elementary and Preschool Playground Equipment and Surfacing for the North Linn Community School District Playground Renovation Project.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to reject the bids received for the Playground Renovation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
Superintendent Hoeger presented the updated specification that will be included in the amendment to the bid package. Bids are due November 15 at 2:00 PM and the public hearing for this project will be on November 16th at 7:00 PM.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich shared kudos to staff and students as they continue to work and learn in their new environment, gave an update on the construction project and the plan to get rid of unnecessary furniture etc. once construction is complete, and shared information on the FAST testing that was recently completed. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven provided the district wide test scores from the fall tests and shared the adjustments and interventions already being implemented, and updated the board on the Leader in Me activities planned for the October PD day for staff that will include some students.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the two open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the following resignations: Melissa Wheatley, MS Volleyball; Sarah Meyer, MS Volleyball; Krystle Bosch-Allison Special Education Teacher effective 10/28/22; Salina Prior, food service and Brea Windfield, School Nurse. Motion carried 5-0.
- Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution to Consider Continued Participation in the Instructional Support Program and set the public hearing for 7:00 PM on November 16th. Roll call vote: Ayes; Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Update to Student Handbooks.
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the update to the student handbooks as presented. Notice will be sent to families and staff. Motion carried 5-0.
- Appoint Level I & Level II Investigators
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to approve the Level I and Level II Investigators as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Early Separation for Certified Employees
It was move by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Early Separation plan as presented for Certified Staff for the 22-23 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Board Policy Updates
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to waive the 2nd reading and approve the updates to board policies as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger reviewed the change orders that have been received since the last meeting. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive FFA Request for Out of State and Overnight Travel
FFA sponsor, Tom Murray, is requesting out of state and overnight travel to Indianapolis, IN for the National Leadership Conference October 26-29. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the out of state and overnight travel request from the North Linn FFA Chapter to travel to Indianapolis, IN. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the construction progress and anticipated completion dates for specific areas.
- Redistrict Map – Superintendent Hoeger presented the redrawn Director District map based on the most recent census. Next step will be approving a resolution at the November board meeting and submitting that information to the Secretary of State’s office.
- Enrollment Update – Enrollment was certified on October 12th. Actual Enrollment (# of students state funding is based on) is up 8.33 students. Actual Students served in our buildings is down 4.27 students.
- Operational Sharing – Superintendent Hoeger shared Operational Sharing opportunities available to the district.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:18 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
__________________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.11.22 Meeting Minutes
2022.11.22 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Annual Meeting 6:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
November 22, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Annual meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh and Price, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors Helms and R Benesch were absent. Director Haughenbury arrived at 6:02 PM.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Price, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda with the addition of item #23. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton reviewed the October Financial Reports with the board. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the October board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors/Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Examine and settle books from the previous year.
Secretary Peyton provided documents from Walker State Bank, Community Savings Bank and F & M Bank confirming the cash balances in the various checking accounts and showed the same balances on the bank reconciliation reports for June 30, 2022. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to settle the books for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Adjourn
The time being 6:06 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
Organizational Meeting 6:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
November 22, 2022
- Call to Order
Superintendent Hoeger called the Organizational meeting to order at 6:06 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Price and Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger, Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors Helms and R Benesch were absent.
- Elect of the President of the Board for the 2022-2023 school year
Superintendent Hoeger served as President Pro-Tem and called for nominations for President of the Board. Director J Benesh nominated Jeff Boss, Director Haughenbury seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none. Jeffrey Boss was declared the Board President and took the oath of office.
- Election of the Vice President of the Board for the 2022-2023 school year
President Jeffrey Boss assumed control of the meeting and called for nomination for Vice President of the Board. Director Hoover nominated Bret Haughenbury, J Benesh seconded the nomination. Director Haughenbury nominated Nick Price. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Price & Boss voted for Bret Haughenbury. Director Haughenbury voted for Nick Price. Bret Haughenbury was declared the Vice President and took the oath of office.
- Receive Monthly Board Meeting Date and Time for 2022-2023
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to set our board meetings according to board policy as the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM in the District Office. Motion carried 5-0.
- Public Hearing on the Proposed Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program
President Jeffrey Boss announced that this is the time, place and date to hold a hearing on the proposed Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program. Secretary Peyton reviewed the program requirements with the board. President Boss called for any oral objections to the resolution. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objections had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 6:10 PM.
- Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution to Continue Participation in the Instructional Support Program. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract, and the estimated total cost for Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
President Jeffrey Boss opened the hearing at 6:10 PM. Superintendent Hoeger shared the plans for the electrical package and the bid that was received. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objections had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 6:17 PM.
- Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; None.
- Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) on the Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the Resolution Making Award of the Construction Contract to Price Electric for the Phase II Electrical Package of the North Linn MS/HS Remodel and Ventilation Project in the amount of $53,040. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; None.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update that all HS staff are back in their original classrooms and that the HS office would be ready to occupy on or around December 5th. The HS Gym floor will be refinished over Thanksgiving break. The local fire departments spoke to students in 10-12th grade this week about being a firefighter or an EMT. He also commented on how great the Musical was in November.
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven gave an update on the PD & training that took place recently, updated the board on the playground project and reviewed the tagline information that was received.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the 1 open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to accept the following resignations; Jennifer McNeill, Head Volleyball Coach & Maddie Stepanek MS Softball Coach as well as the following new hires; Ashtin Schmitz, Nurse; Zach Ericson, 2nd Shift Custodian; EmmaLee Snitkey, Special Education Associate; Sarah Mills, Food Service Associate; Justin Kress, MS Wrestling Coach; Noah Tiegs HS Large Group and Individual Speech Coach. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger reviewed the change orders since the last meeting. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Operational Sharing Agreement
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve the Superintendent Operational Sharing agreement between North Linn and Central City starting with the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Contract with Trent Grundmeyer
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the contract with Grundmeyer Leadership Services in the amount of $13,128.48 for hiring a shared Superintendent with Central City. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive School Board Policy Updates
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to waive the first reading of the 700 series policies and approve the policies as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $88,169.40 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive SBRC Application for Increased Enrollment
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $61,644.10 due to an increase of certified enrollment from the prior year. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Auditing Services Bid
Secretary Peyton presented the 2 responses we received to the RFP for audit services. It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the bid from Terpstra, Hoke & Associates for audit services for Fiscal Years 23, 24 & 25. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive School Board Director Redistrict Resolution
It was moved by Price, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the School Director Redistricting Resolution for North Linn Community School District. Motion carried 5-0.
- Authorize Access to Hiawatha Bank Accounts & ACH Processing
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to authorize Kerry Peyton to have unlimited account access for each checking account and ACH Processing authority for payroll and to give Dawn Dvorak access to all checking accounts to view transactions and print statements as well as ACH Processing authority for payroll. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the request from the Junior Class to host a Facebook auction to raise money for Prom and approve the request to sell Kathy’s Pies from FBLA to raise money for their state leadership conference. Motion carried 5-0.
- Resolution Tentatively Approving the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimated Total Cost for Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Setting the Time, Date and Location for a Hearing Thereon and Further Authorizing the Posting of a Notice Seeking Competitive Bids on said Project
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution Tentatively Approve the Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract and Estimate of the Total Cost for Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project and Authorizing and Fixing a Date, Time and Location for Hearing Theron and for Taking of Competitive Bids Therefor. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury and Boss. Nays; none.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the construction progress.
- Playground Planning Update – Superintendent Hoeger shared information with the board regarding the competitive quote process for the playground equipment.
- Linn, Buchanan & Delaware County Conference Boards – Connie Helms was selected to serve on the Linn County Conference Board, Matt Hoover was selected to serve on the Buchanan County Conference Board and Ryan Benesch was selected to serve on the Delaware County Conference Board.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:00 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
__________________________ ________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.11.28 Special Joint Meeting Minutes
2022.11.28 Special Joint Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Joint Meeting 6:00 PM
Media Center
400 Barber Street
Central City, IA
November 28, 2022
- Call to order/ Roll Call
President Jeffrey Boss called the special joint meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh & Price, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Directors Helms, R Benesch and Haughenbury were absent. Also present were Roger Wilcox and Gary McAndrew with Grundmeyer Leader Services as well as Central City School Board Directors Palmer, Rundall, Siglin, Stewart & Watkinson along with Interim Superintendent Marshall.
- Adoption of Agenda
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
- Discussion and Review of Search Firm Planning Process for Superintendent Search
Grundmeyer Leader Services presented information about a Superintendent search and the boards discussed a timeline for applications to be accepted and interviews to happen.
- Adjournment
The time being 7:20 PM it was moved by Price, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
______________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.12.14 Meeting Minutes
2022.12.14 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
December 14, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Price and Haughenbury, Secondary Principal Giegerich and Secretary Peyton. Director R Benesch, Superintendent Hoeger and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement were present via zoom.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as present. Motion carried 7-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the November board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Receive Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update on the occupancy of the High School building – they should be moved back into the HS kitchen before break and classrooms have been occupied for a week or more. He also discussed the Leader In Me kickoff scheduled for 12/21 for MS and HS students where they will participate in interactive and competitive games based on the 7 habits. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement provided an update on the training that she and Michelle Cherry attended last week, it was a great day of hands on learning. The Elementary winter concert was last week and was well attended. She also shared the agenda for the next PD day.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following resignations; Shellia Price, HS Poms and Lisa Caston, 6-12 Vocal Music. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests to review.
- Not to Exceed $1,825,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023 - Resolution Directing the Advertisement for Sale and Approving the Terms of Offering
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the Resolution Directing the Advertisement for Sale of Not to Exceed $1,825,000 General Obligation School Bonds Series 2023 and approve the terms of Offering. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Approve SBRC Modified Allowable Growth Dropout Prevention for 2022/2023
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $103,402 for the At Risk & Dropout Prevention Program. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Enrollment Applications in the Early Separation Plan
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the application from Lisa Caston to participate in the 22-23 Early Separation Plan. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the request from the Industrial Tech Club to construct and sell a limited number of bag board games. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the current construction progress and the plans for the final phase of construction set to begin in March.
- Superintendent Search Update – Superintendent Hoeger shared with the board the survey results from Grundmeyer leader services and that we are getting weekly updates from them regarding applications received.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:39PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2022.12.21 Special Meeting Minutes
2022.12.21 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 6:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
December 21, 2022
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, Helms, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Directors J Benesh and R Benesch were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Public Hearing Regarding Approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract, and the estimated total cost for Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
President Jeffrey Boss opened the public hearing at 6:00PM. Superintendent Hoeger shared the plans for the Phase II Construction project and reviewed the bids that were received. No oral objections were offered and Secretary Peyton reported that no written objections had been filed. President Jeffrey Boss declared the hearing closed at 6:05 PM
- Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution formally approving and adopting the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated total cost of the Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Resolution awarding the bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) on the Phase II Construction Package of the North Linn Community School District MS/HS 2022 Remodel and Ventilation Project.
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price to adopt the Resolution Making Award of the Construction Contracts to the following bidders: B.G. Brecke Mechanical for the Mechanical, Controls, Testing & Balancing bid packages in the amount of $435,900, Woodruff Construction, Inc. for the General Trades bid package in the amount of $502,900 and Price Electric for the Electrical bid package in the amount of $114,910. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Helms, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Early Graduation Requests – Superintendent Hoeger shared the letters from the students requesting early graduation at the conclusion of the first semester. All students have met the requirements to Graduate and the board approved the requests.
- Adjourn
The time being 6:09 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.01.18 Meeting Minutes
2023.01.18 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Secondary Principal Giegerich and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were present via zoom due to the weather.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton presented the financial statements and discussed plans for sending out year-end tax documents and open enrollment invoices before the end of the month. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the December board meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven discussed the Special Education delivery plan and the new matrix they are working on to better gauge student needs and teacher workload. She also gave an update on the Lighthouse meetings, Future Ready data, midyear meetings with staff and preschool fees.
Secondary Principal Giegerich discussed the CTE/Math Co-Teaching program, Leader In Me activities and discussed plans to revisit the Portrait of a Graduate.
- Receive Open Enrollment
There were no open enrollment requests.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the following new hires: Kelsey Hinrichs, Head Volleyball Coach; Rae VanMilligan, MS Softball coach (pending background check); Emily Raab K-12 vocal music and Veronica Jons, HS Pom Pon coach (pending background check). Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Asbestos Removal Quote
Superintendent Hoeger presented the 3 quotes received for the asbestos removal for the construction project this summer. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to accept the quote from Environmental Property Solutions in the amount of $17,940. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesch, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Playground Equipment Quote
Superintendent Hoeger presented the 2 quotes we received for the Elementary Playground project. The board discussed the equipment design, site preparation and delivery dates. The board directed Kimberly Graven to poll the elementary students to decide the color theme for the playground equipment. It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to accept the quote from Boland Recreation in the amount of $194,350.00. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive School Bus Purchase Bid
Superintendent Hoeger presented the bid from School Bus Sales for at 72 passenger gas engine school bus. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the purchase of a 72 passenger gas engine school bus from School Bus Sales, Co. in the amount of $124,706.00. Motion carried 7-0.
- Adopt Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to adopt the following Resolution: Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the North Linn Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2023-2024 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Bond Counsel Engagement Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Bond Counsel Engagement Agreement Proposed Issuance of $1,825,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023with Ahlers & Cooney, PC. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Fundraiser Request
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 30PoP fundraiser for Middle School athletics as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
- Receive Student Teaching Agreement with William Penn University
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve the Student Teaching agreement with William Penn University. Motion carried 7-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided and update on door installation, asbestos and the upcoming construction schedule.
- Future Meeting Dates – Meetings are set for the upcoming Superintendent interviews.
- List of institutions to receive GO Bond RFP – Secretary Peyton discussed the list of financial institutions the BO Bond RFP will be sent to next week.
- Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining agreement
The time being 8:56 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to enter into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code chapter 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individuals reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays – None.
The time being 8:40 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to return to open session. Roll call vote: Ayes – Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Haughenbury, Price & Boss. Nays – None.
- Adjourn
The time being 9:13PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.02.08 Special Joint Meeting Minutes
2023.02.08 Special Joint Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Joint Meeting 1:30 PM
Central City CSD Media Room
400 Barber Street
Central City, IA
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Special Joint Meeting to order at 2:00 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury; Superintendent Hoeger and Secretary Peyton. Director Helms was absent. Also present were Tyler Carson, Adam Rundall, Justine Siglin, Gina Stewart and Andrea Watkinson with the Central City School Board along with Board Secretary, Ashley Ratliff and Roger Wilcox and Gary McAndrew with Grundmeyer Leader Services.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Closed Session (Superintendent Candidate Interviews)
The time being 2:01PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to enter into closed session pursuant to Chapter 21.5i: To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
The time being 7:23PM the board entered into open session.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:23PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting.
- Motion to move into Exempt Session to discuss negotiating strategies pursuant to 20.17(3).
The time being 7:45PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to enter into exempt pursuant to Chapter 20.17(3) to discuss negotiating strategies. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Instruct Grundmeyer Leader Services to Extend Employment Offer
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to instruct Grundmeyer Leader services to extend an Employment Offer as discussed in Closed Session. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Adjourn
The time being 9:33 PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.02.15 Meeting Minutes
2023.02.15 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury; Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Giegerich and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven. Secretary Peyton was present via zoom. Director Helms was absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports, budget workshop, health insurance renewal, scholarship donations and investments and the status of the FY22 audit. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the January board meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Consideration of sealed bids opened and reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools, Secretary of the Board and Financial Advisor
Superintendent reviewed with the board the bids received for the General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023 from Community Savings Bank, Hills Bank and F & M Bank.
- Adopt Resolution Directing Sale of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the resolution directing the sale of $631,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023 to F & M Bank, Manchester Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven discussed the updates they are making to the Special Education Delivery Plan, topic covered during the recent Lighthouse meetings, PK/K enrollment numbers and discussed the upcoming parent information night and how to get information out to more parents, exciting improvements in FAST testing scores and the continued interventions and the goal meetings being held with each teacher.
Secondary Principal Giegerich presented the Short Film that was given All-State distinction, discussed the Leader in Me lessons being learned by staff first and gave an update on the construction project.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the 2 open enrollment requests out of the district and 1 open enrollment request into the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following new hires; Leisa Breitfelder, Superintendent for the 2023-2024 school year and Danielle Rawson, Special Education associate for the 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive School Board Policies 705.01R2 and the 800 series
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to waive the 2nd reading and approve the 800 series board policies and add board policy 705.01R2 tonight. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Carpet Bids for Middle and High School
Superintendent Hoeger presented the 2 quotes received to replace the carpet in the middle school and high school. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote from Kluesner Flooring in the amount of $104,271.11 to remove the old carpet and install new carpet in the middle and high school buildings. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Bid for Restroom Fixtures
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote from Brecke Mechanical in the amount of $5,142 to purchase and install restroom fixtures in the boys and girls locker rooms. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Bid for Industrial Technology Room Lights
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the quote from Price Electric in the amount of $22,840 to install new LED lighting in the Industrial Technology room. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the fundraiser request from FCCLA to set up a student run coffee shop to help fund the dues and the request from the Spanish Club to sell chocolates, bulbs, seeds and flowers through Snacking with Century Resources to help fund their trip to Costa Rica. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- April Board Meeting Date – Superintendent Hoeger discussed the need to move our April board meeting if the budget deadline remains April 17th. Further discussion will be held at the March meeting.
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger discussed the preconstruction meeting held last week for Phase II, provided an update on the punch list items and provided feedback on the open house held for the public.
- School Calendar – the 2023-2024 calendar has been sent to staff for review/comments, it will be presented to the board in March for approval.
- Locker Room Lockers – Superintendent Hoeger discussed options for disposing of the lockers that are currently in the boys and girls locker rooms.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:10 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.03.15 Meeting Minutes
2023.03.15 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors, Hoover, J Benesh & Helms; Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Geigerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director Price was present via zoom as he was traveling out of state. Directors R Benesch and Haughenbury were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the February board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich shared that travel to and from the recent state tournaments went well and discussed ideas to make things work better/more efficiently in the future. He shared a list of accolades for our fine arts programs and gave an update on the construction progress. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven discussed the ISASP testing that will take place at the end of March, shared that the desk audits have been submitted and approved, Staff have been working through the Special Education delivery plan and will meet with Grant Wood AEA staff to discuss changes. Mrs. Graven and several other staff visited another school district to see the Leader In Me Day – it was a great experience and they are looking forward to implementing this in our district. She also discussed Preschool and Kindergarten enrollment for Fall 2023.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve one open enrollment out and one open enrollment into the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the resignation of Carla Morrow effective at the end of the 22-23 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Budget Estimate for 2023/2024 School Year and Set Budget Hearing Date and Time
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to publish the FY24 budget as presented and set the FY24 budget hearing for April 19th at 7:00 PM in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Dr., Troy Mills, Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive and Set Hearing Date and Time to Amend Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to publish the amended FY23 budget as presented and hold a public hearing on April 19th at 7:00 PM in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Dr., Troy Mills, Iowa. Motion carried 5-0.
- $632,000 General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2023
- Approval of form of Tax Exemption Certificate
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the form of Tax Exempt Certificate and file it as required. Roll call vote; Ayes: Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Price & Boss. Nays: None.
- Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Helms to adopt the Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of bonds and Levying a Tax for the Payment Thereof. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Helms, Price & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Operational Sharing Agreements
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Helms to approve the Operational Sharing Agreement with Central City CSD and Center Point CSD for the Transportation Director and Food Service Director with Monticello CSD. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Public Hearing for the Revised 2022-2023 School Calendar
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the revised 2022-2023 school calendar at 7:35PM. Superintendent Hoeger presented the revised 2022-2023 calendar. No public comments were received. Jeffrey Boss closed the hearing at 7:40 PM.
- Receive 2022-2023 School Calendar
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve the revised 2022-2023 calendar as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Public Hearing for the 2023-2024 School Calendar
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the 2023-2024 school calendar at 7:42PM. Superintendent presented the 2023-2024 school calendar. No public comments were received. President, Jeffrey Boss closed the public hearing at 7:48PM.
- Receive 2023-2024 School Calendar
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive the 900 Series of Board Policies
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to waive the 2nd reading and approve the 900 series of Board Policies at this meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive the 401.11-401.13 Series of Board Policy Updates
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to waive the 2nd reading and approve the 401.11-401.13 series of board policies at this meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Final Independent Auditors Report
Secretary Peyton presented the FY22 Auditors report. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Fiscal Year 2022 independent audit of our basic financial statements and supplementary information by Terpstra, Hoke & Associates. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers with the University of Northern Iowa, Coe College, Mt. Mercy University and Morningside University. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive AEA Purchasing Agreement
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive FFA Overnight Travel Request for State Convention
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Helms to approve the FFA overnight travel request to Ames April 16-18 for the State Convention. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Vocal/Band Fundraiser
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve the Butter Braid fundraiser request from Vocal & Band to raise funds for their trip in 2024. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the punch list items, delivery schedule for the chiller, and timeline for the start of Phase II construction.
- Safety Grant – Superintendent Hoeger provided information on the safety grant that the District has applied for. There should be more information available in the next month or two.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:55 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0
- The Board of Directors will meet in Exempt session to consider district position negotiations as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3).
As provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) the Board of Directors will meet for a negotiation strategy session.
_____________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.04.19 Meeting Minutes
2023.04.19 Meeting MinutesBoard of Directors
North Linn Community School District
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
April 19, 2023
The Board of Directors met in Exempt session at 6:45 PM to consider district position negotiations as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) prior to the Regular Meeting.
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors, Hoover, J Benesh, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Hoeger, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors Helms and R Benesch were absent. Also in attendance were Kelly DeVore and Kira Ingwersen with National Honor Society as well as Tony Bowen, Ella Raddatz, Mabel Meyer, Nic Michael, Caitlin O’Brien, Lily Paul, Grady Schulte, Abby Greif and Jenna Dake with the Elementary Lighthouse team.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton presented the March financial reports and reported the GO Bond Series 2023 closed on April 4th. It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the March board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Hold Hearing on Proposed 2023-2024 School Budget
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the proposed 2023-2024 School Budget at 7:30PM. Secretary Peyton made comments regarding the budget and levy rates. No public comments were received. President Boss closed the public hearing at 7:32 PM.
- Consider Approval of the 2023-2024 School Budget
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adopt the proposed budget as presented for the 2022-2023 school year. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Hold Hearing on Amended 2022-2023 School Budget
President, Jeffry Boss, opened the public hearing for the amended 2022-2023 School Budget at 7:33 PM. Secretary Peyton discussed the need to amend the budget due to Service Contract changes and Construction project costs. No public comments were received. President Boss closed the public hearing at 7:34 PM.
- Consider Approval of the Amended 2022-2023 School Budget
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to adopt the amended 2022-2023 school budget as presented. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Price, Haughenbury, Boss. Nays; none.
- Presentation from Elementary Lighthouse Team
Tony Bowen and the Elementary Lighthouse team presented their idea for a school store as part of their Leader in Me initiative. They would sell small items like pencils and erasers, notebooks and other donated items. They will be open for 30 minutes before the start of school on Wednesday mornings. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the fundraiser request from the Elementary Lighthouse team to open a school store. Motion carried 5-0.
- Presentation from National Honor Society
Kira Ingwersen with NHS gave a presentation about Child Abuse Prevention and awareness month and asked the board to sign a proclamation.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update on teacher evaluations and classroom observations, Graduation plans, MTSS for the 2023-2024 school year and the most recent Lighthouse meetings.
Elementary Principal/Director Graven gave an update on ISASP testing, hiring updates for teaching positions, COGAT testing, the plan for the school newsletter, summer school options and curriculum plans.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve one open enrollment request into the district and one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following resignations; Brendan Schott – Middle School Football & High School Wrestling Coach, Noah Tiegs – Spanish Teacher, Kelsey Hinrichs – K-8 Art & High School Volleyball & MS Girls Basketball Coach, Rebecca Stephenson – Individual & Groups Speech Coach as well as the following hires: Justin Kress - MS Football Coach, Melissa Wheatley - MS Volleyball Coach, Sarah Meyer – MS Volleyball Coach, Kassidy Duart HS Head Volleyball coach (pending background check). Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve 2023-2024 Compensation Agreement Between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Linn Board of Directors
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the 2023-2024 compensation agreement between North Linn Certified staff and the North Linn Board of Directors with a total package 4.14% increase. Motion carried 3-0, Directors Price and Boss abstained from the vote.
- Approve 2023-2024 Compensation for Classified and Administrative Staff
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the 2023-2024 Compensation for Classified and Administrative Staff as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Service Agreement from Timberline Billing Service
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the contract with Timberline Billing Service for Medicaid claims processing services for the 2023-2024, 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger gave an update on the MS/HS construction
- Bus Cameras – Superintendent Hoeger discussed the need for additional cameras for our bus fleet.
- Employee Handbook updates – Superintendent Hoeger discussed with the board requested changes to the employee handbook with regard to personal days. Changes to the policy will be drafted and included in the handbook approvals in July.
- May Meeting – Superintendent Hoeger will be attending MV Graduation on May 17th and is requesting to move the May meeting date. The May meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, May 16th.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:32 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_________________________ _______________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.05.16 Meeting Minutes
2023.05.16 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 6:45 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
The Board of Directors will meet in Exempt session at 6:30 PM to consider district position negotiations as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3) prior to the Regular Meeting.
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order at 6:48 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors, Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price & Haughenbury. Superintendent Hoeger, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven & Secretary Peyton. Incoming Superintendent Leisa Breitfelder was also at the meeting.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton presented the financial reports for April. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the April board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors.
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich reported that graduation preparations are going well and the ceremony will be held in the Middle School Gym. Fine Arts and Senior Awards night programs went very well. He also discussed the plans being made to empty classrooms on the last day of school as well as activities planned for students that day.
Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven shared that spring testing is done and teams are already reviewing data and adjusting interventions. She discussed several behavior issues on buses and in the classroom, lighthouse meetings and planning for next year and shared about the great 3rd-5th grade music concert held last week.
- Receive Open Enrollment
There were no open enrollment requests.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the following resignations: Mel Campbell – Bus Driver, EmmaLee Snitkey – Special Education Associate as well as the following hires: Melissa Traver – HS Assistant Volleyball coach, Jean Bailey – Sub Bus Driver, Emily Raab – Assistant Speech Coach, Mel Campbell – Sub Bus Driver. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve 2023-2024 Compensation for Classified Staff
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the compensation plan for classified staff as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive School Business Software Access and Support Agreement from Vista Iowa
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to approve the School Business Software Access and Support Agreement with Vista for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6-0
- Receive Mentoring and Induction Consortium Agreement with Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Mentoring and Induction Consortium Agreement with Grant Wood AEA for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Preschool Playground Bids
Superintendent Hoeger presented the 3 bids that we received for new Preschool Playground equipment. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to accept the bid from Boland Recreation in the amount of $117,855.00 for the playground equipment, installation and poured in place surface cover. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Paint Bids for MS/HS Classrooms
Superintendent Hoeger presented the 2 bids that we received for repainting the Middle School classrooms and a few unpainted rooms in the High School. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to accept the bid from CertaPro Painters in the amount of $11,135.02. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury & Boss. Nays; none.
- Receive Grant Wood Memorandum of Understanding for VAST Science Kits
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Haughenbury to accept the Memorandum of Understanding from Grand Wood AEA for VAST Science Kits for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger discussed the change order from Woodruff Construction. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the change order. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Purchase of a Used Passenger Van
Superintendent Hoeger shared that the district has been working to acquire an additional van for a while and have found a couple of options at J’s Auto. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the purchase of a used 12 passenger van from J’s Auto for an amount not to exceed $44,000. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update on Phase I punch list items and Phase II progress.
- Large Playground Equipment – Superintendent Hoeger discussed with the board options for the current Elementary Playground equipment.
- Moxie – Superintendent Hoeger shared the Brand Guide with the board detailing the process we used with the marketing firm and the plan for moving forward with updated logos and tagline.
- Legislation – there have been a number of bills passed recently that affect education; Superintendent Hoeger shared an update on legislation that required districts to post the list of every book in their district as well as curriculum sharing with parents.
- Adjourn
The time being 7:40 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_______________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.06.21 Meeting Minutes
2023.06.21 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch and Price, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Superintendent Hoeger, incoming Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Directors Hoover & Haughenbury were absent.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports for June and fiscal year end planning. It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the May board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
There were no visitors
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Secondary Principal Giegerich discussed the building project progress, conditions for learning & ISASP results and gave an update on the search for a Spanish teacher. Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven presented the results from the spring testing and discussed the end of year meetings held by staff. She also shared the new TLC goals that align closer with the district core values.
- Receive Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to approve 1 open enrollment request into the district. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following new hires: Amanda Port, Special Education Associate; Elizabeth Davis, Special Education Associate & Marta Bach, Special Education associate pending background check. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
Superintendent Hoeger discussed the 2 recent change orders with the board. It was moved by helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Public Hearing for the Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
President, Jeffrey Boss, opened the public hearing for the 2023-2024 school calendar at 7:26PM. Superintendent Hoeger discussed the need to change the last day of school for the senior class. No public comments were received. President, Jeffrey Boss closed the public hearing at 7:27 PM.
- Receive 2023-2024 School Calendar
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price, to approve the revised 2023-2024 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Sharing Agreements for 2023-2024
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch, to approve the operational sharing agreements as presented with Central City for Business Manager and Springville, Center Point Urbana, Maquoketa Valley and Alburnett for HR Manager for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Engagement Letter for Audit Services
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the Engagement Letter for Audit Services with Terpstra, Hoke & Associates for the year ended June 30, 2023. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Iowa School Finance Information Service Contract
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Helms to approve the Iowa School Finance Information Service subscription for both a membership and Board/Policy hosted website. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive LP Gas Bids
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the bid received for LP Gas from AgVantage FS for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Milk Bids
We received 2 milk bids, one from Prairie Farms and one from Anderson Erickson. Pat Kelly, Food Service Director, reviewed the bids and recommended the Anderson Erickson bid since they had the lowest pricing. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price, to approve the milk bid received from Anderson Erickson for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Waste Removal Bids
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price, to approve the waste removal bid received from Kluesner Sanitation for three 6-yard containers picked up twice per week and three 4-yard dumpsters picked up once per week. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Book Fees for 2023-2024
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price, to approve the book fee rate of $55 per student for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Activity Pass Fees for 2023-2024
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the following activity pass fees for the 2023-2024 school year: Student 10 Punch Pass $30, Adult 10 Punch Pass $40, Student Yearly Pass $50, Adult yearly pass $75, Family yearly pass $190. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Food Service Prices and Substitute Rates for 2023-2024
It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh, to approve the food service rates and non-certified substitute and substitute teacher rates for the 2023-2024 school year as follows: HS Lunch $2.50, MS Lunch $2.50, EL Lunch $2.45, Student Breakfast $1.65, Milk $0.45, Adult Lunch $4.85. Associates $11.25, Food Service $11.25, Secretary $12.25, Custodian $12.25, Teacher Full Day $130, Teacher Half Day $65, Long Term Substitute Full Day $150. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Payment of Bills through June 30th
It was moved by Price, seconded by Helms, to authorize Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, to pay bills as necessary through June 30, 2023. Motion carried 5-0.
- Approve Class of 2025 Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the online auction & 5K race fundraiser requests as presented by the Junior Class Sponsor. Motion carried 5-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
- Legislative Priorities – the board discussed the priorities they would submit to IASB for the 23-24 school year.
- Construction Update – Superintendent Hoeger provided an update of the construction project.
- Playground Planning Update – the cities within our district were contacted to discuss their interest in our old playground equipment. The city of Coggon has expressed interest in the equipment and will be visiting to look at the condition.
- Personal Leave Discussion for Teachers – the board discussed the leave policy for teachers, and did not make any changes to the leave policy language at this time.
- Graduation Supplies – there had been some discussion during the school year about changing vendors for graduation cap & gowns, programs, diplomas and announcements. Janelle Aberle compiled pricing from 2 different vendors. The board agreed that the HS administration could make the decision to switch vendors.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:14 PM it was moved by Helms, seconded by Price, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023-2024 Board Meeting Minutes
2023-2024 Board Meeting Minutes jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 11:0104.17.2024 Meeting Minutes
04.17.2024 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, April 17 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price (via zoom), Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance were Sarah Meyer, Emily Schulte, Tricia Williams, Crystal Manos, Mike Hilmer, Jaci Hilmer Brittany Rees, John Rees and Brendan Schott.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the March financial reports. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the March board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.
400: Audience Communications
Sarah Meyer addressed the board to share her support for Brian Wheatley, who interviewed for the Elementary Principal position.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
Jaci Hilmer shared the District Career and Academic Plan with the board. This is a roadmap for everything related to career and academic planning for grades 8-12 and is reviewed and scored by the Grant Wood AEA team annually and that feedback helps to set goals and make improvements to the plan. As a result of evaluating the plan it was found that more students needed to take Algebra 2 in high school so that they were not needed to take it in college so the district will phase out the Business Math class and starting in 2028 all student will take Algebra 2 in high school. North Linn’s Post-Secondary readiness score is 28 out of a possible 36 (10 points higher than the average AEA score) and 92% of North Linn students who attend a 4 year school have already taken advanced composition. North Linn had 3 students attend the Linn Regional Center Academies in 22-23, 11 in 23-24 and 12 are signed up for 24-25 academies. The data also showed a need for students to complete higher level science classes before college, the enrollment in Chemistry is up 26 kids this year. The board thanked Mrs. Hilmer for sharing this information with the board and shared how important it is for the district to be able to offer these opportunities to students.
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared an update on the posting for a secondary principal and shared the process that was followed for the interviews for elementary principal and that the same process would be followed to interview for the secondary principal position. The Superintendent asked the board how they wanted to proceed with allowing building principals to coach and if they felt board policy needed to be updated to reflect any changes. The board had discussion around not wanting to limit the candidate pool by restricting coaching, but also felt that candidate credentials for the principal job were the most important and the focus should be on the skills of the administrator during the interview and not their coaching ability. If coaching is allowed they would want to know that the evaluation process is strictly followed and if there were discipline issues that there would not be a conflict of interest if the student was also an athlete on the team of the principal. Ultimately, the board emphasized the importance of understanding that the principal role would need to come before the coaching role. The Superintendent also shared that the facilities committee meeting that was scheduled for April 16th was rescheduled to April 22nd due to the weather. The Superintendent share the open enrollment requests that will now be part of the report section of the meeting instead of an action item since there is not any action for the board to take on open enrollment requests unless the district is denying an application. This month there was one open enrollment request into the district and three open enrollment requests out of the district.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Administrator, Kimberly Graven shared about the archery unit that has been completed across the district and how well it went this year, shared updates from the special education program and end of year meetings with teachers and wrapping up evaluations. She also shared she is working on evaluating the needs for special education associates for next year and assigning staff and she is working on transition documents and additional information to share with the new elementary principal.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Administrator, Dominic Giegerich shared appreciation for the IT team and Kim Graven for how smoothly the ISASP testing went and commended the students for giving their best effort. He also shared the list of FBLA students who placed in their events at the state leadership conference.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven gave an update on the professional development plan she had been working on, shared the plans for Leadership Day on May 1st where 40 people will tour the school and see presentations from lighthouse teams. She also shared that the conditions for learning survey will be given to students on April 19th and the April 24th professional development day for staff will be a Core 3 training with the Leader in Me coach.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report
Buildings and Grounds Director, Dominic Giegerich shared an update on some roof repairs and plumbing repairs that have been completed. He has a list of spring clean up items and is making a list of priority items for the summer.
600: Old Business
601: Hold Hearing on Proposed 2024-2025 School Budget
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Hoover to open the public hearing for the proposed 2024-2025 school budget at 7:40 PM. Motion carried 7-0. President, Jeffrey Boss, announced that the public hearing was open for comments or questions regarding the proposed 24-25 school budget. Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, walked the board through the 24-25 budget and discussed several scenarios to fund the new wind/hail deductible in the Management Fund. There were no comments from the audience and no comments were submitted in writing to the Board Secretary. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to close the public hearing at 8:13 PM. Motion carried 7-0.
602: Consider Approval of the 2024-2025 School Budget
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Krogmann to approve the 2024-2025 School Budget as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
603: Hold Hearing on Amended 2023-2024 School Budget
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to open the public hearing for the amended 2023-2024 School Budget at 8:14 PM. Motion carried 7-0. President, Jeffrey Boss announced that the public hearing was open for comments or questions regarding the 2023-2024 amended school budget. Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, shared the amendment increasing the other expenditures line by $138,000 to $2,824,870 because of the playground equipment purchase. There were no comments from the audience and no comments were submitted in writing to the Board Secretary. It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover close the public hearing at 8:16PM. Motion carried 7-0.
604: Consider Approval of the Amended 2023-2024 School Budget
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the amended 2023-2024 school budget as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
700: New Business
701: Receive Operational Sharing Contracts for 2024-2025 School Year
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Operational Sharing Contracts for Superintendent, School Business Official, Curriculum Director, Special Education Director and HR Manager with Central City CSD and Transportation Director with Central City CSD and Center Point CSD. Motion carried 7-0.
800: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following resignations: Dominic Giegerich, Secondary Principal; Kristen Miller, HS Spanish Teacher; and Melissa Traver, Assistant HS Volleyball coach all at the end of the 23-24 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
900: Board Communications and Calendar
901: Board Communications
902: Board Calendar
Leadership day will be held on May 1st at 8:30AM. Discussion was held regarding the May board meeting as it is scheduled for the same night as Senior Awards. The board agreed to move the meeting to May 6th at 7:00 in the District Office.
1000: Adjournment
The time being 8:26 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
Upon Adjournment The Board of Directors met in Exempt session to consider district position negotiations as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3).
_______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.07.20 Meeting Minutes
2023.07.20 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, Iowa
Thursday, July 20, 2023
- Call to Order
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:03PM
- Call the Roll
Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Director Helms was absent, Secondary Principal Giegerich and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were excused. Also in attendance were Activities Director Hilmer and Jim Meisheid.
- Approve Meeting Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Approve Consent Items
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports for June. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the June board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Visitors / Public Forum
- Principal and Coordinator Reports
Activities Director Hilmer gave a presentation on a new field paint system, Turf Tank. This robotic stripe painter could be shared among a couple of districts and would paint the lines on the football and practice fields. Higher accuracy could be attained with this GPS driven system. Jim Meisheid shared that he would be willing to help get the system set up and running this year and help to paint the fields.
- Receive Open Enrollment
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover, to approve six open enrollment requests out of the district and two open enrollments into the district. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Personnel Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following new hire: Kristen Miller, HS Spanish teacher pending background check and conditional license. Motion carried 5-0.
- Receive Construction Project Change Orders
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the change orders as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Appoint School Business Official for 2023-2024
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch, to appoint Kerry Peyton as the School Business Official for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Depository Bank and Statutory Limits for the 2023-24 School Year
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh, to name the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Hiawatha Bank (Walker State Bank), Community Savings Bank, F & M Bank, UMB Bank and ISJIT. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive District Appointments
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following District Coordinators, Investigators or Liasons for the 2023-2024 school year: Dominic Giegerich as the Multi-cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator and Affirmative Action and Section 504 Liason; Jaci Hilmer as the Level 1 Child Abuse Coordinator; Leisa Breitfelder as the Alternate Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator; and Sarah Meyer as the Homeless Liason. Motion carried 6-0.
- Authorize Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of District
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to grant the Superintendent the authority to see advice of appropriate legal counsel when the Superintendent/District believes it is warranted and to utilize the following firms; Ahlers & Coonery, PC of Des Moines; Lynch Dallas of Cedar Rapids; Iowa Association of School Boards and School Administrators of Iowa. Motion carried 6-0.
- Authorize us of Linn Newsletter as the Designated Official Newspaper
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Linn Newsletter as the official publication location for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Insurance Renewal from EMC.
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Insurance Renewal from EMC Insurance for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Receive Handbooks for the 2023-2024 School Year
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the Teacher Employee Handbook and Elementary Student Handbook, and Little Lynx Preschool Handbook as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
- Consider Information and Discussion Items
Superintendent Breitfelder gave an update on the construction project, discussed how the transition at the district is going and presented a change to the format of the meeting agenda. Secretary Peyton discussed graduation supplies and costs with the board and also discussed the time line for the upcoming School Board Election in November.
- Adjourn
The time being 8:30 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.07.28 Meeting Minutes
2023.07.28 Meeting MinutesSpecial Meeting 8:00 AM
North Linn District Office and Zoom
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Friday, July 28, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 8:01AM.
As it is dead week and a number of Board Members and Administration were out of town, the meeting was held electronically for those that could not be physically present in the Board Room. Present via zoom were Directors Hoover, R Benesch and Price; Superintendent Breitfelder was present in the District Board Room, Secretary Peyton and Athletic Director Mike Hilmer were present via zoom. Directors J Benesh, Helms and Haughenbury were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
300: New Business
301: Approval of Turf Tank Lease - Exhibit 301.1
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the lease with Turf Tank in the amount of $11,700 and share the equipment with Central City CSD who will pay North Linn for half of the contract. Motion carried 4-0
400: Adjournment
The time being 8:06 AM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to Adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.08.16 Meeting Minutes
2023.08.16 Meeting MinutesBoard of Directors
North Linn Community School District
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors Hoover, Helms & Price; Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Secretary Peyton. Directors J Benesh, R Benesch and Haughenbury were absent. Alissa Carson was in the audience.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports for July, gave an update on online registration and discussed preparations for the upcoming audit. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price, to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the July board meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 4-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no visitor comments.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared information about the IASB convention in November, Construction updates and provided some preliminary enrollment numbers.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Graven shared information about trainings and meetings for new staff this week, Core Training meetings with Elementary staff, building updates, and the Leader in Me kickoff the first 8 days of school.
503: Secondary Report
Secondary Principal Giegerich shared handbook updates, building updates, Core training meetings for secondary staff that will be happening later in the week and gave an update on the plans for the student success program we are continuing to implement this year.
600: New Business
601: Construction Project Change Order
It was moved by Helms, second by Hoover to approve the change orders moving the substantial completion date to August 13, 2023. Motion carried 4-0.
602: First Reading of Policy Recommendations
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Price, to waive the second reading and approve the following policy updates as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
Policy # |
Title |
102 |
Equal Educational Opportunity |
213 |
Public Participation in Board Meetings |
402.02 |
Child Abuse Reporting |
402.07 |
Required Professional Development for Employees |
408.01 |
Licensed Employee Professional Development |
503.07 |
Student Disclosure Identity |
503.07E1 |
Report of Student Disclosure Identity |
503.07E2 |
Request to Update Student Identity |
505.04 |
Testing Program |
505.05 |
Graduation Requirements |
507.02 |
Administration of Medication to Students |
507.02E1 |
Authorization - Asthma, Airway Constricting, or Respiratory Distress Medication Self-Administration Consent Form |
507.02E2 |
Parent Authorization and Release Form for the Administration of Medication or Special Health Services to Students |
507.02E3 |
Parental Authorization and Release Form for Independent Self Carry and Administration of Prescribed Medication for Independent Delivery of Health Services by the Student |
507.02E4 |
Parental Authorization and Release Form for Administration of Voluntary School Stock Over-The-Counter Medication to Students |
601.01 |
School Calendar |
605.01R1 |
Selection of Instructional Materials |
605.02 |
Instructional and Library Materials Inspection and Display |
605.03 |
Objection to Instructional and Library Materials |
605.03E1 |
Instructions to the Reconsideration Committee |
605.03E2 |
Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Reconsideration Request Form |
605.03E3 |
Sample Letter to Individual Challenging Instructional or Library Materials |
605.03E5 |
Request to Prohibit a Student from Accessing Specific Instructional and Library Materials |
605.03R1 |
Reconsideration of Instructional and Library Materials Regulation |
605.05 |
School Library |
607.02 |
Student Health Services |
607.02R1 |
Student Health Services Regulation |
603: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover, to approve one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 4-0.
604: Open Approve Signers on Accounts
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to approve Leisa Breitfelder, Kerry Peyton and Jeffrey Boss as authorized signers to the school financial accounts at Community Savings Bank in Coggon and Hiawatha Bank in Walker. Motion carried 4-0.
605: Handbooks
It was moved by Price, seconded by Helms to approve the Middle School/High School handbook and Paraeducator Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover, to approve the resignation of Caryn Cira, Elementary Secretary and approve the following new hires; Char Siddell, Elementary Secretary and Cheryl Beaty, Library Media Specialist shared with Central City. Motion carried 4-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
The board did not have any additional items for discussion
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder reminded the board about the district kickoff breakfast at 8:00AM on August 22nd and the next board meeting scheduled for September 20th at 7:00 in the District Office.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:45PM, it was moved by Helms, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
_____________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.09.20 Meeting Minutes
2023.09.20 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:06PM. Present were Directors, J Benesh, Price & Haughenbury, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors, Hoover, Helms and R Benesch were absent. Alissa Carson was in the audience.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports and provided an update on the fund balances at the end of fiscal year 2023 now that the annual report has been submitted. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the August board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 4-0.
400: Audience Communications
No visitors spoke.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared an update on the construction project punch list, staffing needs for the district office, providing an opportunity for the community to get a tour of our completed construction project at the homecoming game on September 29th, and storage for the playground equipment that will be arriving early in October. She also discussed the work that will need to be completed at the football field to fix the issue with the lights on the field.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Graven gave an update on the goal meetings she is having with staff, updates being made to the TAG program, Leader in Me activities at the start of the school year, leadership portfolios for students and implementing new tracking in Infinite Campus. She also discussed the great need for substitute teachers in the elementary building.
503: Secondary Report
Secondary Principal Giegerich gave an update on the most recent Lighthouse meeting, decals for the windows and doors on the building and signage for the entire campus and buildings and grounds items, and discussed goal meetings with staff, the robotics room and the planned fire and tornado drills. Homecoming festivities were also discussed.
504: School Improvement Report
Director of School Improvement Graven provided information from the TAG and Data Teams meetings held this week, PD instruction framework & professional norms and expectations and discussed the mandatory training documentation that will be ongoing.
600: New Business
601: Construction Project Change Order - Exhibit 601.1
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the 2 change orders from Brecke Mechanical and Price electric as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
602: Approval of Return to Learn Plan - Exhibit 602.1
Superintendent Breitfelder walked the board through the updates to the return to learn plan and Secretary Peyton discussed the updates to the ESSER Budget. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the Return to Learn Plan and ESSER Budget as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
603: Receive Special Education Modified Allowable Growth
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve $70,891.36 in Special Education Modified Allowable Growth for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 4-0.
604: Appointment of District Level 1 and Level 2 Investigators
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the building principals and superintendent as the level 1 investigators and Linn County Sheriff’s Department as Level 2 investigators for the 2023-24 school year. Motion carried 4-0.
605: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve four open enrollment requests out of the district as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
606: Fundraiser Approval
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the lighthouse team fundraiser selling parking spaces to Senior students to raise funds to support student body activities. And to approve the fundraiser request from Kylee Winn to continue the FCCLA Coffee Café selling coffee and lemonade drinks to students and staff before school to raise money to cover dues and community project. Motion carried 4-0.
607: HACAP Head Start Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the agreement with HACAP to provide classroom services for the Head Start program for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 4-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to approve the resignations of Joe Hodges, Bus Driver and Rosemary Kinley, Custodian. Motion carried 4-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
The board discussed the practice of other districts purchasing produce from local farmers for their nutrition programs. Superintendent Breitfelder is going to look into
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder discussed Grandparents day September 19th and 21st, No school on September 27th, Homecoming on September 29th and the next board meeting is on October 18th at 7:00PM.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:25 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
_____________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.10.18 Meeting Minutes
2023.10.18 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, Hoover & Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director Haughenbury arrived at 6:02PM. Directors Helms and R Benesch were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton presented the September financial reports. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: : Minutes of the September board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 5-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the certified enrollment numbers. The district actual enrollment, which is the number of students used to calculate our state aid amounts for the following year, is 489.1 students which is one student lower than the 2022 certified enrollment number. There are a number of new students in our district this year and the number of open enrollments out of the district has improved. The district graduated a class of 41 students in 2023 and the incoming Kindergarten class in 2024 is only 28 students so there was a 13 student deficit to start with. She also shared with the board a letter we received from the DNR regarding the asbestos issue we had in August of 2022, Superintendent Breitfelder is working with the district’s attorney to settle this matter.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Graven gave an update on the Leader in Me & PBIS meetings that have happened recently, addressing student needs, and behavior tracking that is now being done in Infinite Campus with additional training happening in November.
503: Secondary Report
Secondary Principal Giegerich shared secondary staff is also using Infinite Campus to track behaviors, staff is reviewing data and working to implement new/additional interventions. He shared the lighthouse meetings held this week were very productive and shared a link to a video about Rhett Syndrome awareness. He also provided an update on the search for a night shift custodian.
504: School Improvement Report
Director of School Improvement Graven, discussed the professional development Grant Wood AEA is providing, lighthouse meetings and the great conversations that are happening, future PD that is planned and the SAMI assessment that staff is performing as part of the MTSS plan. She also shared test scores from the recent fall testing that was completed across the district.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report
Buildings and Grounds Director Giegerich, shared the process for submitting work tickets, the list of outstanding projects and plans for daily check in’s with custodial staff and regular meetings with the whole group.
506: Discussion around Offering of Early Separation Package
Superintendent Breitfelder and SBO Peyton discussed the eligibility list for early retirement and the history of plans offered. The status of the Management Fund was discussed and the need to plan early so adjustments can be made to the management fund levy. The board agreed that there would not be an early retirement plan offered in the 2023-2024 school year.
507: Discussion around Superintendent Evaluation and Goals - Exhibit 507.1
President Boss and Superintendent Breitfelder led discussion around the superintendent evaluation process. The Directors shared some of their top priorities and Superintendent Breitfelder will come back with a couple of goals for the year.
600: New Business
601: School Calendar Adjustment - Exhibit 601.1
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Price to move the early dismissal from October 20th to October 19th. Motion carried 5-0
602: Approve Project Change Orders - Exhibit 602.1
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2 change orders as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
603: Approve Fundraiser Request - Exhibit 603.1
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Price to approve the Music Department request to sell Kettle Corn in October to raise money for the school play. Motion carried 5-0.
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve 1 open enrollment into the district and 4 open enrollments out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Hoover to approve hiring James DeCamp as a night custodian pending background check. Motion carried 5-0.
Director J Benesh and Secondary Principal Giegerich left the meeting at 6:47 PM to attend the High School volleyball game.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
There were no additional comments from the Board.
802: Board Calendar
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for November 17th at 7:00PM. Secretary Peyton discussed the need for a special meeting to approve a travel request from FFA, this meeting will be held at 8:00 on Friday, October 20th.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:01 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Haughenbury to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
_________________________________ _______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.10.20 Special Meeting Minutes
2023.10.20 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 8:00 AM
Via Zoom
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Friday, October 20, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order via zoom at 8:00AM. Present were Directors R Benesch, Haughenbury and Hoover, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Directors J Benesh, Helms and Price were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, Seconded by Haughenbury to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
600: New Business
601: FFA Overnight and out of state travel request - Exhibit 601.1
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by R Benesch to approve the North Linn FFA chapter travel request to attend the National Leadership Convention. Mr. Murray and six students will attend the National Convention in Indianapolis, IN November 1st through 3rd. Motion carried 4-0.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:02AM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
__________________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.11.15 Meeting Minutes
2023.11.15 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Present were Directors J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price and Haughenbury, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich and Secretary Peyton. Director Hoover and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton presented the October financial reports. It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items: : Minutes of the October board meetings, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no visitors.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared a reminder that she is on vacation the 17th through the 27th, is planning to organize a facilities committee to discuss the planning of several large projects that have been brought up over the last couple of months, provided an update on the safety grant and discussed the plans for onboarding our new Board members before the December meeting and throughout the next year. She also shared that she and Secretary Peyton would be attending the ISFLC conference in December.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Graven’s report discussed the needs for additional associates in the elementary, the donation from the Faith Mission Thrift Store for classroom items for each teacher, upcoming tornado & fire drills and progress on teacher evaluations.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Principal Giegerich shared positive remarks from the musical, and Veteran’s Day assembly and discussed the need to have the sound system evaluated, shared an update on the search for a custodian and the work taking place in room 136 and also shared information about a STEM grant he is pursuing.
504: School Improvement Report
Director of School Improvement Graven’s report discussed the recent statewide Curriculum Director meeting she attended, gave the status of state reporting due in December, plans for a School Improvement Advisory Committee, and shared information from the last Professional Development day as well as Lighthouse meetings held in November.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report
Buildings and Grounds Director Giegerich shared the progress on work orders and getting those from staff to the custodians and also gave an update on the batting cage project.
600: New Business
601: Examine and Settle Books from Previous Year
Secretary Peyton provided documents from Hiawatha Bank, Community Savings Bank and F & M Bank confirming the cash balances in the various bank accounts and showed the same balances on the bank reconciliation reports for June 30, 2023. It was moved by Helms, seconded by J Benesh to settle the books ending June 30, 2023. Motion carried 6-0.
602: Receive SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $118,893.24 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Roll call vote: Ayes: J Benesh, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury, Boss; Nays: none.
603: Receive Sharing Agreement with Central City for Business Office Support Staff
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the sharing agreement with Central City for Business Office Support Staff. Motion carried 6-0.
604: Receive Sharing Agreement with Dunkerton for School Librarian
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the sharing agreement with Dunkerton for School Librarian. Motion carried 6-0.
605: Receive Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with Kirkwood Community College
It was moved by Price, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the concurrent enrollment agreement with Kirkwood Community College. Motion carried 6-0.
606: First Reading of Policy Recommendations 404.1R1, 404.1R2, 705.04 & 705.04 R-1
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesh to waive the second reading and approve policy updates as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 6-0
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by Helms to approve one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 6-0
700: Personnel
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following resignations: Bob Mudd, Co-Head Coach Cross Country and Noel Snitkey, Special Education Associate and the following hires: Bob Mudd, Assistant Coach Cross Country. Motion carried 6-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
There were no items for discussion
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the upcoming musical performance dates for the High School, Middle School and Elementary as well as the next board meeting on December 20th.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:45PM it was moved by Haughenbury, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2023.12.20 Meeting Minutes
2023.12.20 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Organizational Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Organizational Meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors Hoover, Helms, R Benesch, Price, Haughenbury, Michael and Krogmann. Director J Benesh was absent. Also present were Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Gigerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Secretary Peyton, and FFA Officers Jake VanEtten and Brecken Betenbender.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Helms, seconded by R Benesch to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0
300: Consent Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded b Hoover to approve the following consent items: minutes of the November board meeting, Bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Report and Food Service Report. Motion carried 6-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no comments from the audience
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared an update on the lockers for the boys locker room.
502: Report Election Results
Secretary Peyton presented the election results; Ryan Benesch received 309 votes and was elected in District 1 for a four year term. Matthew Michael received 314 votes and was elected in District 2 for a four year term. In the At Large contest Amanda Jo Krogmann received 279 votes and Nick Breuer received 50 votes. Amanda Krogmann was elected in the At Large District for a 4 year term. It was moved by Helms, seconded by Haughenbury to approve the election results as presented. Motion carried 5-1.
Outgoing board members Connie Helms and Bret Haughenbury were presented with a plaque and recognized for their many years of service to the North Linn District. Helms and Haughenbury left the meeting at 7:12 PM.
600: New Business
601: Administer Oath of Office to Newly Elected Board Members
Secretary Peyton administered the oath of office to Directors R Benesch, Michael and Krogmann.
602: Election of the President of the Board for the 2023-24 school year & Oath of Office
Superintendent Breitfelder served as President Pro-Tem and called for nominations for President of the Board. Director R Benesch nominated Jeff Boss, Director Hoover seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann, Boss. Nays; None. Jeffrey Boss was declared the Board President and took the oath of office.
603: Election of the Vice President of the Board for the 2023-24 school year & Oath of Office
President, Jeffrey Boss, assumed control of the meeting and called for nomination for Vice President of the Board. Director R Benesch nominated Matt Hoover, Director Price seconded the nomination. Director Hoover nominated Director R Benesch, Director Price seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote for Hoover – Ayes; Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann, Boss. Nays; Hoover. For R Benesch – Ayes; Hoover. Nays; Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann, Boss. Director Hoover was declared the Board Vice President and took the oath of office.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
502: FFA Officer Presentation
FFA Officers Jake VanEtten and Brecken Betenbender presented information about their plans to take a Junior/Senior FFA member trip to Nashville in July. With the Board’s permission they will begin to plan their trip and submit a more formal travel request with dates and cost in the near future.
503: Elementary Report - Exhibit 503.1
Elementary Principal Graven shared the need for more associates, discussed where she is at in the teacher evaluation process, new students who have enrolled in the district and the new Leader in Me graphics that were installed in the Elementary.
504: School Improvement Report - Exhibit 504.1
School Improvement Director Graven discussed updates on the LTRS Training that the district will continue to receive through Grant Wood, reported that the Preschool desk audit is complete and the K-12 desk audit is submitted and pending review. Lighthouse meeting have been going well.
505: Secondary Report - Exhibit 505.1
Secondary Principal Giegerich recognized Ms. Raab and Mr. Novey for all of the hard work put in by students and staff during the recent music concerts. He also shared that updated graphics are in the works for the Middle & High School buildings and that the STEM Grant he discussed last month is on hold in order for the facilities committee to give their input.
506: Buildings and Grounds Report
Buildings and Grounds Director Giegerich gave an update on the temperature control issues, Woodman Controls was on site today, the Linn County K9 unit was on campus 12/20 and performed a clear check of the buildings. Shot clocks were installed and he is working with Price Electric & Midwest Alarm to rectify an issue with one of the fire doors in the middle school.
600: New Business
605: Receive Monthly Board Meeting Dates and Time for 2023-2024
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to hold Board meetings at the North Linn District Office on the 3rd Wednesday of each month and begin at 7:00 P.M. Motion carried 6-0
606: Receive School Financial Account Authorized Signers
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve Board Secretary Peyton, Board President Boss, Board Treasurer Peyton and Superintendent Breitfelder as signers on the district accounts at Walker State Bank and Community Savings Bank. Motion carried 6-0.
607: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve one open enrollment request out of the district as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
608: Receive Quotes for HVAC units in District Office
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the quote to replace the 3 Furnace units in the District Office as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
609: Receive Quotes for Fiber Optic Cable Replacement
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the quote to replace the fiber optic cable from the District Office to the school building as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
610: Receive Quotes for Cleaning Services
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the quote from Night Shift Commercial Cleaning Services the board had a number of questions about the process and how well a service like this would work in our district. Information was shared from some other districts that have used this same service for a couple of years. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the quote received for cleaning services as presented. Motion carried 6-0
610: Approve SBRC Modified Allowable Growth Dropout Prevention for 2022-2025
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $104,256 for the At Risk & Dropout Prevention Program. Roll call vote: Ayes; Hoover, Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann & Boss. Nays; none
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the personnel requests as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
- Appoint Directors to each of the Linn, Delaware and Buchanan County Conference Boards – Director R Benesch was appointed to the Delaware County Board, Director Michael was appointed to the Buchanan County Board and Director J Benesh was appointed to the Linn County Board.
- Early Graduations Requests: the Board reviewed the early graduation requests.
802: Board Calendar
- The next meeting is January 17th at 7:00 PM in the District office.
The time being 8:26PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
__________________________ ________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.01.17 Meeting Minutes
2024.01.17 Meeting MinutesRegular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM. Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Michael & Krogmann, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Directors R Benesch & Price were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the December financial reports. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the December board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no visitors
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared plans to create a facilities committee of 15-20 people that will begin meeting in March or April to discuss projects to be added to the 10 year plan for the district. She provided an update on several bills that are being discussed in the legislature that affect education, provided an update on the Future Ready Iowa program, discussed having the board into the school building for a presentation at the end of April, and presented information for a 3 year rotating schedule for active shooter training and threat assessment training. She also discussed with the board putting together a plan to train students in a grade level appropriate manner. Finally, she discussed how the winter weather has affected the school calendar and how the decision making process is determined and plans to share additional information with the community.
502: Buildings and Grounds Report –
Buildings and Grounds Director, Dominic Giegerich shared information on the HVAC system and an issue we are still working to resolve in the High School office.
600: New Business
601: First Reading of Policy Recommendations -
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Michael to waive the second reading and approve the changes to policy 405.02 at this meeting. Motion carried 5-0
602: Receive DNR Administrative Consent Order
It was moed by Hoover, seconded by Krogmann to approve the signing of the DNR Administrative Consent Order and pay the administrative penalty in the amount of $6,000. Motion carried 5-0.
603: Receive Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the following resolution: Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the North Linn Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote; Ayes: Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, Krogmann, Boss. Nays: none.
604: Receive Infinite Campus Support Agreement from Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the contract for Infinite Campus support with Grant Wood AEA in the amount of $1,298.50. Motion carried 5-0.
606: Receive Fundraiser Request - Exhibit 605.1
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the National Honor Society request to sell World’s Finest chocolate bars for $1 each to raise money for chapter activities. Motion carried 5-0.
607: Receive Preschool Fees
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Preschool Fees for 2024-2025 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve 3 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the hire of Alijah Snyder as a Special Education Associate. Motion carried 5-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
Secretary Peyton presented a tentative calendar for the adoption of the FY25 budget.
802: Board Calendar
The next board meeting is scheduled for February 21st at 7:00PM in the District Office.
900: Adjournment
The time being 9:02 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Michael to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
__________________________________ _____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.01.22 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.01.22 Special Meeting MinutesSpecial Meeting 8:00 AM
Held via Zoom
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Monday, January 22, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 8:00 AM. Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, R Benesh, Price & Krogmann and Secretary Peyton.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
600: New Business
601: Receive Public Hearing for the Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
President Boss opened the public hearing at 8:01AM. Secretary Peyton discussed the proposed changes to the 2023-2024 calendar making February 7th a 1:15 early dismissal for professional development and changing the end of the 3rd quarter to March 15th. There was no public comment. President Boss closed the public hearing at 8:03 AM.
602: Receive 2023-2024 Revised Calendar -
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Krogmann to approve the revised 2023-2024 calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:04 AM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0
______________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.02.21 Meeting Minutes
2024.02.21 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 5:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, February 21 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Present were Directors Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, R Benesch & Krogmann; Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Director Price was absent. Also present were Michelle Cherry, Amber McGrath, Beth Dolan, Cathy Moore & Nick Breuer.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the January financial reports. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items: Minutes of the January board meetings, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 6-0
400: Audience Communications
There was no audience communication.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
500.1 Presentation from Preschool Team
The preschool team of Amber McGrath, Beth Dolan, Cathy Moore and Michelle Cherry presented information on how they are implementing the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program in their classrooms. They shared the pyramid model, discussed the importance of relationships, routines, social emotional learning, data analysis and goal setting with the board. It was a very informative presentation and a big thank you to the Preschool Team for their efforts over the last couple of years getting this program going.
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared legislative updates and discussed snow days and the possibility of adjusting the school calendar to add an extra day to the end of the school year if necessary.
502: Elementary Report - Exhibit 502.1
Elementary Administrator, Kimberly Graven, gave an update on Preschool and Kindergarten enrollment numbers, her recent teacher meetings on goals, student behavior and a recent safety meeting with the Linn County Sherriff’s Department.
503: Secondary Report - Exhibit 503.1
Middle School/High School Administrator, Dominic Giegerich, shared some information about recent test scores, absenteeism and data team meetings as well as recent lighthouse meetings and goal setting for staff.
504: School Improvement Report - Exhibit 504.1
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven, discussed the recent FAST test scores and the interventions already being implemented and the Leader in Me day that is being scheduled for May 1st.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report - Exhibit 505.1
Buildings and Grounds Director, Dominic Giegerich, discussed repair work being done on the fire system and said that the Night Shift cleaners were working well.
600: New Business
601: Receive Sharing Agreement for Food Service Director
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the sharing agreement with Monticello CSD for Food Service Director for the 2024-2025 School Year. Motion carried 6-0.
602: Receive Fundraiser Request from FBLA
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Fundraiser request from Jeremy Bechen for FBLA to sell Scratch Cupcakes to raise money for the State Leadership Conference. Motion carried 6-0
603: Receive Scholarship Request from FCCLA
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the request from FCCLA to provide two $250 scholarships to senior FCCLA members who apply and meet the identified criteria. Funds from coffee sales through April will fund the scholarships. Motion carried 6-0.
604: Receive Budget Estimate for 2024-2025 School Year & Set Hearing Dates & Times
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to publish the FY25 budget as presented and set the first FY25 budget hearing for April 3rd at 7:00 PM and the 2nd FY25 budget hearing for April 17th at 7:00 PM, both hearings in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills, IA. Motion carried 6-0.
Director J Benesh left the meeting at 6:10PM.
605: Receive Mutual Agreement & Release of Claims from SitelogIQ
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the Mutual Agreement and Release of Claims as presented from SitelogIQ, Inc. for HS boys locker room lockers. Motion carried 5-0.
606: Receive Subaward Agreement from Iowa Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the Subaward Agreement for the $150,000 security grant from Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
607: Receive Overnight and Out of State Travel Request from FFA
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to approve the travel request from FFA to take up to 14 students on the Junior/Senior trip to Nashville, TN July 23rd through 27th using school vans. Motion carried 5-0.
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by R Benesch to approve 2 open enrollment requests into the district and one open enrollment request out of the district. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the resignations from Kyler Olsen, K-8 Physical Education, and Kyla Fangman, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 5-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
There were no discussion items for the board.
802: Board Calendar
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for March 20, 2024.
900: Adjournment
The time being 6:33 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
________________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.03.20 Meeting Minutes
2024.03.20 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch (via zoom), Hoover, Krogmann, Michael & Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance was Katie Hatch, Treasurer for the PTO.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the February financial reports and the results of the FY23 Audit. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the February board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no comments from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared an update on the planning for a facilities committee to include board members, staff, students, administrators and community members. She discussed putting together a focus group to discuss procedures for closing school due to school activities and making those days up at the end of the year, as well as plans for the administrator meeting off site next week for goal setting and planning for next school year. She asked when was the best time to do the Superintendent evaluation and the board recommended the June meeting. Secretary Peyton gave an update on the playground equipment installation this summer and discussed the recent renewal information provided from EMC for the FY25 property and casualty insurance.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Graven provided highlights from the Kindergarten/Preschool registration night and gave updated enrollment numbers for Kindergarten and preschool classes. She also shared information from the last preschool data team meeting where they reviewed where students fell within their Gold bands.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Principal Giegerich commended the entire staff who work together to make sure all activities happen. He shared praise for Mr. Novey and Ms. Raab and their hard work preparing for the All Bands concert, variety show and middle school musical. He also shared congratulations to the boys and girls basketball teams who each brought home championship titles from the state basketball tournament! He also shared information about the attendance review committee that will dig further into our absenteeism rates and plan for supports and interventions.
The board asked what things the district can do to help promote fine arts events to help increase attendance and would like to know what challenges the fine arts teachers have and how the district can help alleviate some of those. Discussion continued regarding the overall scheduling of events dates and trying to avoid planning fine arts events during state tournament when possible and paying close attention to scheduling summer sports the last week of May when we could use those days as makeup days for school if necessary.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director Graven shared updates from the recent lighthouse meetings, plans for the May 1st Leadership Day, conditions for learning survey that will only be given to students this year and plans for a different survey more closely tied to Leader in Me that will be sent to staff and parents. ISASP testing will be the first week in April and she is currently working on rewriting the District’s Professional Development plan to submit to the state.
505: Buildings and Grounds Report
Buildings and Grounds Director Giegerich discussed the spring clean-up list, plans for the athletic fields, spring testing with Johnson Controls and work that Brecke Mechanical will be in to complete as well as a couple of issues that are being addressed on the roof.
600: New Business
601: First Reading of Policy Recommendations
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to waive the second reading and approve policy 804.5 Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply, 503.7 Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence and 503.7 R1 Discipline of Students Who Make Threats of Violence or Cause Incidents of Violence Regulations. Motion carried 7-0.
602: Receive Sharing Agreement for Curriculum Director 24-25
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve the sharing agreement with Central City for Curriculum Director for the 2024-2025 School Year. Motion carried 7-0.
603: Receive Copier Quotes
Secretary Peyton shared the quotes from Access Systems and Gordon Flesch for eight new copiers for the district. The board discussed the equipment from each quote, both being a similar cost for the district. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the copier lease agreement with Access Systems for eight copiers. Motion carried 7-0.
604: Receive AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2024-2025
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for the 2024-2025 school year for food bids, small wares and wash wares. Motion carried 7-0
605: Receive FFA Overnight Travel Request for State Convention
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the overnight travel request from FFA to travel to Ames April 14-16 for the State Convention. Motion carried 7-0.
606: Receive Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Cooperative Agreements for Student Teachers from Morningside University, Coe College and UNI for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
607: Receive Public Hearing for the Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
The time being 8:51PM it was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to open a public hearing to discuss the revised proposed school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion carried 7-0. Superintendent Breitfelder shared the proposed updates to the 23-24 school calendar making May 22nd a full day of school, adding a full day of school on May 23rd and adding a 12:15 early dismissal on May 24th making that the last day of school. The board had a lengthy discussion surrounding the school calendar and expectations for making up missed days going forward and communicating that to parents and staff early in the year. The time being 9:26 PM it was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Hoover to close the public hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
608: Receive Revised 2023-2024 School Calendar
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Krogmann to approve the changes to the 2023-2024 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
Katie Hatch left the meeting at 9:27PM.
609: Receive Public Hearing for the 2024-2025 School Calendar
The time being 9:27 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed school calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0. Superintendent presented the 2024-2025 school calendar. Director of School Improvement Graven shared a number of factors that limit the length of the school calendar, the board discussed their desire to align the school calendar to maximize student contact days but provide for the necessary professional development time as well. The time being 9:41 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to close the public hearing. Motion carried 7-0.
610: Receive 2024-2025 School Calendar
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2024-2025 school calendar as presented. Motion carried 7-0
611: Receive Fundraiser Request from Skills USA/Industrial Tech
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the fundraiser request from Skills USA to sell custom wood signs designed and built by students during March, April and May 2024. Motion carried 7-0.
612: Receive Final Independent Auditors Report for FY23
Secretary Peyton shared the details of the FY23 Audit in the Consent Agenda. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve North Linn’s fiscal year 2023 independent audit of our basic financial statements and supplementary information by Terpstra, Hoke & Associates. Motion carried 7-0.
613: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve four Open Enrollment Requests into the district and two Open Enrollment Requests out of the district and deny one Open Enrollment Request into the district due to insufficient space. Motion carried 7-0.
615: Receive and set Hearing Date and Time to Amend Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to set the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Amendment hearing on April 17th at 7:00 PM in the District Office located at 3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills, IA. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the following personnel requests: Kim Graven reassigned from Elementary Principal/Dir Of School Improvement to Shared Director of School Improvement, Hire Trevor Boge, K-8 PE for the 24-25 school year, hire Emily Raab as MS Softball Coach for the 23-24 school year and hire Jackie Hamilton as a Special Education Associate pending background check and accept resignations from Dave Sattgast, Robotics coach, and Rae VanMilligan, MS Softball coach. Motion carried 7-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
There were not additional comments from the Board.
802: Board Calendar
The next meeting will be April 3rd at 7:00 for the FY25 Proposed Tax public hearing.
900: Adjournment
The time being 9:50 PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________________ _______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.04.03 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.04.03 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, April 3 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance was Leon Lacock.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
600: New Business
601: Public Hearing for Proposed Property Tax Levy
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to open the public hearing at 7:02 PM. Motion carried 7-0. President, Jeffrey Boss, announced that the public hearing is open for comments or questions regarding the proposed 2024-2025 Proposed Property Tax Levy. Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, presented the 2024-2025 Proposed Property Tax Levy that was published. This proposed levy assumed a zero percent increase in state aid because the legislature had not yet set the SSA rate for FY25. Proposing the tax levy rate with a zero percent increase in state aid gives the highest levy rate scenario. Because the board is only able to lower the levy rate between the first and second public hearings the District chose to publish the highest levy rate so adjustments could be made as decisions were made by the state. Since the publication of the proposed property tax levy the legislature approved a 2.5% increase to state aid. The board discussed the impact the 2.5% increase to state aid would have on the property tax levy and had a lengthy discussion about the changes to the district’s insurance policy and considering funding the newly required wind/hail deductible within the Management Fund.
There were no comments from the audience and no comments were submitted in writing to the Board Secretary. It was moved by Krogmann, Seconded by R Benesch to close the public hearing at 7:44 PM. Motion carried 7-0.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:45 PM, it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________ ____________________________
Kerry Peyton, Secretary Jeffrey Boss, President
2024.05.06 Meeting Minutes
2024.05.06 Meeting MinutesRegular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Monday, May 6, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:14PM. Present were Directors R Benesh, Hoover, Krogmann & Michael, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Giegerich, Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Directors J Benesh and Price were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the April financial reports. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the April board meetings, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no audience communication.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder provided an update on recent legislative action regarding teacher pay, support staff pay, absenteeism, open enrollment, school carry and open enrolled bussing. She discussed the upcoming secondary principal interviews on May 7th and gave an update from the April 22nd facilities committee meeting. There were no open enrollment requests to discuss.
502: Leadership Day
The School Board shared their experience from Leadership Day. Everyone shared shat a great experience it was to see our kids in action and how impressive their presentations were. Congratulations to all involved in making the day happen!
600: New Business
601: Receive 2024-25 Mentoring & Induction Agreement from Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover the approve the Mentoring and Induction Consortium Agreement with Grant Wood for the 2024-2025 school year for $6,500 per participating teacher as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
602: Receive School Business Software Access and Support Agreement from Vista Iowa
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the renewal of the Business Software Access and Support Agreement with Vista Iowa for $8900 for the 2024-2025 school year as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve Brendan Schott’s hire as Elementary Principal and accept his resignation as High School Social Studies teacher. Motion carried 5-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder discussed the upcoming Fine Arts Night, Senior Awards Night, Graduation, last day of school and the June board meeting.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:03 PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting.
Upon Adjournment The Board of Directors will meet in Exempt session to consider district position negotiations as provided in Iowa Code 20.17(3).
___________________________________ ____________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.05.13 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.05.13 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 8:00 AM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Monday, May 13, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 8:00 AM. Present were Directors, J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael & Price.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
600: New Business
601: Approve the 2024-2025 Compensation Agreement Between North Linn Certified Staff and North Linn Board of Directors
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2024-2025 compensation agreement between North Linn Certified Staff and the North Lin Board of Directors with a total package 4.01% increase. Motion carried 5-0, Directors Price and Boss abstained from the vote.
602: Approve the 2024-2025 Compensation for Administrative and Classified Staff
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 2024-2025 compensation for Administrative and Classified Staff as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
603: Approve the Wind/Hail Deductible Buy Down Policy
It was moved by Michael, seconded by J Benesh to approve the $150,000 Wind/Hail Deductible Buydown Policy with Burns & Wilcox for $10,783.41. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the resignation of Alijah Snyder, Special Education Associate and Crystal Manos, Kindergarten teacher and approve hiring Kaitlyn Stoll as Secondary Principal effective 7/1/2024 and Kyle Kennedy as High School Social Studies teacher for the 24-25 school year pending a background check. Motion carried 7-0
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:18 AM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
_______________________________________ __________________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.06.19 Meeting Minutes
2024.06.19 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM, present were Directors, J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Secondary Principal Giegerich and Elementary Principal/Director of School Improvement Graven were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the May financial reports. It was moved by Michael, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the May board meetings, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no audience at the meeting.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared an update on the fee structure that Grant Wood AEA will use for the 24-25 school year. She also shared the FAST testing results for the district and discussed the possibility of reimbursing new drivers for getting their endorsement to drive a school bus.
600: New Business
601: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Price to approve one open enrollment into the district and one open enrollment out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
602: Receive Agreement with Grant Wood AEA for the use of a school district employee
It was moved by Michael, seconded by R Benesch, to approve the agreement between North Linn and Grant Wood for the use of a school district employee as a coach for GWAEA for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
603: Receive the North Linn Program of Studies
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by R Benesch to approve the North Linn Program of Studies for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
604: Receive the Technology Services Agreement with Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the agreement between North Linn and Grant Wood AEA for technology services for the 2024-2025 school year for $56,000. Motion carried 7-0.
605: Receive Engagement Letter for Audit Services
It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Engagement Letter for Audit Services with Terpstra, Hoke & Associates for the year ended June 30, 2024. Motion carried 7-0.
606: Receive Iowa School Finance Information Service Contract
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the Iowa School Finance Information Service subscription for both a membership and Board Meeting/Policy hosted website. Motion carried 7-0.
607: Receive LP Gas Bids
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the bid received for LP Gas from AgVantage FS for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
608: Receive Milk Bids
It was moved by Price, seconded by Krogmann to approve the bid received for Milk from Anderson Ericson for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0
609: Receive Waste Removal Bids
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Krogmann to approve the bid received for Waste Removal from Kluesner Sanitation for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
610: Receive Book Fees for 2024-2025
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the proposed book rental fee of $55 for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
611: Receive Activity Pass Fees for 2024-2025
The board discussed the cost of entry into events and how many home events the district generally holds in a year. They also discussed and agreed to charging $5 admission for each adult for JV and Middle School activity events starting in the 24-25 school year. It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to approve the following activity pass fees for the 2024-2025 School year. Student 10 Punch Pass $30, Adult 10 Punch Pass $40, Student Yearly Pass $75, Adult yearly pass $90, Family yearly pass $210. Motion carried 7-0.
612: Receive Food Service Prices and Substitute Rates for 2024-2025
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the food service rates and non-certified substitute and substitute teacher rates for the 2024-2025 school year as follows:
HS Lunch: $2.60, MS Lunch: $2.60, EL Lunch: $2.55, Student Breakfast: $1.75, Milk: $0.45, Adult Lunch: $4.70.
Sub Teachers: $140/day $70/half day, Long Term Sub Teacher: $160/day, Sub Associates: $12.60, Sub Food Service: $12.60, Sub Secretary: $12.75, Sub Custodian: $13.00. Motion carried 7-0.
613: Approve Payment of Bills Through June 30, 2024
It was moved by Price, seconded by Krogmann to authorize Business Manager, Kerry Peyton, to pay bills as necessary through June 30, 2024. Motion carried 7-0.
614: Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Continuing to Levy a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax
It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesh to adopt the Resolution Ordering Election on the Question of Continuing to Levy a Voter Approved Physical Plant and Equipment Property Tax. Roll call Vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann & Boss. Nays; none.
615: Handbooks
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the Preschool, Elementary, Middle School/High School, and District handbooks for the 2024-2025 school year as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
616: Receive Infinite Campus Support Agreement with Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the Infinite Campus Support Agreement with Grant Wood AEA for the 2024-2025 school year as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following resignations: Mike Hilmer, HS PE Teacher, Head Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, Middle School Boys Basketball coach and Activities Director; Dave Taylor, School Bus Driver; Amy Gardner, Special Education Associate; Bob Mudd, Co-Head Cross Country Coach; Brendan Schott, MS Girls Track coach; Jaci Hilmer, MS/HS Counselor; Callan Kayser, MS Girls Track Coach; Dave Sattgast, HS Science Teacher & Bus Driver; Travis Griffith, HS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach; Jared Collum, MS Boys Basketball Coach and approve the following hires: Hannah Bridgewater, Kindergarten Teacher & MS Girls Track Coach; Brian Wheatley Activities Director; Will Rogan, Bus Driver; Dave Taylor, Sub Bus Driver; Travis Griffith, Head HS Boys Basketball Coach; Brad Bridgewater, MS Boy Track Coach; Jared Collum, HS Assistant Boys Basketball Coach; Megan Rawlins, HS PE Teacher; Julie Schmidt, MS/HS Counselor (pending background check) . Motion carried 7-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
The next board meeting is scheduled for July 17th at 7:00 in the District Office.
803: Closed Session Pursuant to Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) - Evaluation of Employee Not Covered By a Collective Bargaining Agreement
It was moved by Price, seconded by Hoover to enter into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5(1)(i) to evaluate an employee not covered by a collective bargaining agreement at 9:15 PM. Roll Call Vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann & Boss. Nays; none.
It was moved by J Benesch, seconded by Michael to return to open session at 10:31 PM. Roll Call Vote: Ayes; Hoover, J Benesh, Michael, R Benesch, Price, Krogmann & Boss. Nays; none.
900: Adjournment
The time being 10:32 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
____________________________________ _______________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024-2025 Board Meeting Minutes
2024-2025 Board Meeting MinutesMINUTES
Click the links below to find the school board meeting minutes.
2024.07.17 Meeting Minutes
2024.07.17 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, July 17 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Elementary Principal Schott, Secondary Principal Stoll, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the June preliminary financial reports. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the June board meetings bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.
400: Audience Communications
There were no visitors.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the plan for buildings and grounds requests going forward, and discussed a couple of policy recommendations she will be bringing to a future meeting.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott gave an update on his first days as principal as he has been finalizing the schedule, hiring associates and planning for the first few days staff are back in the building as well as plans for the back to school open house.
503: Secondary Report
Secondary Principal Stoll gave an update on the status of hiring for a science and Spanish teacher, planning is underway for the secondary staffs’ first days back in the building and she is working with the special education team to pair up and schedule the associates for each day.
504: School Improvement Report
Director of School Improvement Graven shared she is helping to transition all of the principal duties to Mr. Schott, is attending the HRS training next week with the leadership team, and is making plans for professional development for staff for the year.
600: New Business
601: Appointment of School Business Official & Board Secretary
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to appoint Kerry Peyton as the North Linn School Business Official and Board Secretary for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
602: Depository Banks and Statutory Limits
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to name the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Hiawatha Bank (Walker), Community Savings Bank (Coggon), F & M Bank (Manchester), UMB Bank, and ISJIT. Motion carried 7-0.
603: District Appointments
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following District coordinators, investigators, or liaisons for the 2024-2025 school year: Multi-cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator – Kaitlyn Stoll; Level 1 Child Abuse Coordinator – Julie Schmidt; Affirmative Actions, Section 504 Liaison – Leisa Breitfelder/Kaitlyn Stoll; Alternate Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator –Leisa Breitfelder; Homeless Liaison – Sarah Meyer. Motion carried 7-0.
604: Authorization of Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of the District
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to grant the Superintendent authority to seek advice of appropriate legal counsel when the superintendent/district believes it is warranted and to utilize the following firms: Ahlers, Cooney, P.C. of Des Moines; Iowa Association of School Boards; and School Administrators of Iowa. Motion carried 7-0.
605: Designation of Official Newspaper
It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Linn News as the official publication location for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
606: Receive Insurance Renewal from EMC
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the Insurance Renewal from EMC Insurance and Keystone Insurance Agency for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
607: First Reading of Policy Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to waive the second reading and approve policy updates to the 100 series, 200 series, 401.01, 503.01/503.01R, 503.02, 401.13/401.13R, 502.07, 605.06/605.06R1, 605.08/605.08R1, 701.01, 701.02, 701.03, 701.04, 703.1, 703.2, 411.02, 504.5/504.5R1, 507.08R1, 704.06/704.06R1, 706.02, 706.03/706.03R1, 707.01, 707.02, 707.03, 707.04, 401.06, 402.03, 501.03, 501.09/501.09R1, 501.09E1, 501.10/501.10R1, 501.14, 501.15, 502.06, 505.02, 501.12, 708 as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
608: Policy 106.1 Discrimination and Harassment based on Sex Prohibited
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to waive the second reading and approve Board Policy 106.1 and
corresponding regulations and exhibit with an effective date of August 1 to align with the new Title IX implementation date. This policy shall replace current Board Policy 106 and its corresponding regulations and exhibits which shall be automatically rescinded following approval of this Board Policy 106.1. Should the new Title IX rule become enjoined by the Courts impacting Iowa at any time after approval of this Policy corresponding regulations and exhibit, this Board Policy 106.1 and the accompanying regulations and exhibit shall be automatically suspended and the prior Title IX policy and regulations currently at 106, and in effect as of June 2024, shall be immediately reinstated until further Board action. Motion carried 7-0.
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve 2 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
610: Receive Kirkwood Community College K-12 Partnership Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 28E Agreement with Kirkwood Community College for Concurrent Enrollment and Workplace Learning Connection Program for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
611: Approve Robotics Fundraiser Request
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the fundraiser request from Robotics to co-host an event August 25th at Savage Park in Coggon. Motion carried 7-0.
612: Receive Amendment to HACAP Head Start Agreement
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the amended Contract for Provision of Classroom Services with HACAP for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following hires: Tammy Covington, Special Education associate and Molly Smith, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 7-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
The annual audit will be conducted August 14th and 15th, the next school board meeting will be held on August 21st at 7:00PM, staff returns August 20th, an August 19th is new staff orientation. The first day of school is August 23rd.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:51 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________ __________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.08.20 Meeting Minutes
2024.08.20 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors, R Benesh, Krogmann, & Michael, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance were Julie Schmidt and Kelly Devore. Director Hoover arrived at 7:04 PM and Director Price arrived at 7:15 PM. Director J Benesh was absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Krogmann to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton reviewed the financial reports and reported on the audit held last week. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the July board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder updates on buildings and grounds projects, discussed naming our annual Cross Country Invite, stipends for those that help at activities who are not coaches, and purchasing wrestling mats for wrestling competitions with funds from the wrestling fund, Lynx Pride and the district. She also discussed with the board the legislative priorities to submit to IASB, communication that will be sent out to the newspaper and sent to families regarding the upcoming special election to continue the PPEL levy, and the upcoming IASB Convention in November.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott shared updates regarding the new staff orientation days, all staff work days, Open House, behavior protocols being rolled out to staff and a new sensory space in the elementary.
503: Secondary Report
Secondary Principal Stoll shared her appreciation for the custodial staff preparing office space for new staff, discussed the Science and Spanish openings, plans for orientation in the middle and high school and shared the behavior plan that will be shared with staff as well as the new cell phone policy for the middle and high school.
504: School Improvement Report
Director of School Improvement Graven shared updates on a PD plan for the school year, coaching cycles for all staff, mandatory trainings and GWAEA support plans for the year.
600: New Business
601: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Michael to approve the 6 open enrollment requests into the district and 7 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 6-0.
602: Handbooks
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the updates to the teacher handbook. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 24-25 teacher handbook school year as presented. Motion carried 6-0
603: Receive Service Contract from Woodman Controls
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the issues with the HVAC system over the summer. The board discussed a number of options and tabled this discussion until a future meeting.
604: Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the fundraiser request from AD Brian Wheatley for each sport/club to have an online apparel webstore through Elite Sports at the start of their season and an additional store if they compete in a state tournament. As well as the fundraiser request from Kylee Winn for the HS lighthouse team have a homecoming webstore to raise money for homecoming supplies. As well as the fundraiser request from Holly Grief for the robotics team to do a Pampered Chef fundraiser mostly during their already approved vendor fair at Coggon Harvest Home. Motion carried 6-0.
605: Receive Quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses - Exhibit 606.1
It was moved by Michael, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses as presented for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
606: First Reading of Policy Recommendations
Superintendent Breitfelder reviewed the changes to policy 804.5 Stock Epinephrine Auto Injector Supply, discussed the additions of policy 905.1-R1 Facilities Use Manual and 801.05 Naming of Buildings, Facilities and Land to the district’s board policies. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to waive the second reading and approve policy updates as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
607: Approve Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity for students
Secondary Guidance Counselor, Julie Schmidt and National Honor Society sponsor, Kelly DeVore presented information on the service based silver cord program where students in grades 9-12 who accumulate 160 hours of community service prior to graduation would be awarded a silver cord at graduation and asked that they consider adding this to the list of extra curricular programs available to students. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the addition of the Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity starting with the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 6-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following new hires; Kyle Kennedy, Assistant Cross Country Coach; Whitney Berns, Assistant High School Volleyball Coach; Trevor Boge, Middle School Girls Basketball Coach; Kirsten Kelley, High School Science teacher pending licensure; and Faith Oberbroeckling HS Special Ed Associate as well as the following resignation; Brittany Rees, Elementary Library Associate. Motion carried 6-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
Superintendent Breitfelder reminded the board about the upcoming Special Election for the Voter Approved PPEL vote on September 10th, and the next regular meeting is scheduled for September 18th at 7:00 in the District Office.
900: Adjournment
The time being 9:17 PM, it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meting. Motion carried 6-0.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.09.18 Meeting Minutes
2024.09.18 Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, September 18 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael & Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott and Secretary Peyton. Director R Benesch and Director of School Improvement Graven were absent. Also in attendance were Megan Rawlins, Julie Schmidt, Trevor Boge, Katie Hatch, Hannah Bridgewater and Steve Hart.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports and shared that all of the annual reports were submitted on September 14th. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the August board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 6-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder asked the new staff members in attendance at the meeting to introduce themselves, the board welcomed them to the district. She also shared items from the Athletic Director report regarding Middle School basketball practice times, repairs to the football scoreboard, gate for middle school and JV events, and the upcoming Cross Country meet and shared information about irrigation at the softball field and information about the roof on the school building. She also discussed the way the district is using Infinite Campus to track major and minor behavior issues and shared data from the first 3 weeks of school for the secondary building and provided and update on the facilities committee that met just prior to the board meeting. Discussion was held around the start times for board meetings as that will be set at the organizational meeting in November.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Administrator, Brendan Schott, shared that FAST testing was completed last week and Data Teams would be meeting next week to begin reviewing the data from these tests. He shared about the monthly Leader in Me assembly that was held recently and praised the students who planned the assembly and did very well speaking in front of their peers. He discussed the start to the year and shared information about new staff, surveys sent to staff weekly to evaluate morale, schedules for our paraprofessionals, plans for observing and evaluating teachers, plans for professional development days with staff and shared that the elementary completed their first fire drill for the year and it went well.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Administrator, Kaitlyn Stoll provided the board with an update about the speaker system in the middle and high school gyms – we had the middle school system evaluated and much of the components are out of date and no longer working. Some measurements will need to be taken but we will receive a quote to update the sound system in the middle school so that it works correctly for our performing arts. While the middle school measurements are being taken they will also evaluate the sound system in the High School to make sure that there is not out of date equipment there. She also discussed the new attendance regulations from the State and shared enrollment numbers for the Kirkwood Academy and internship courses, the schedule for homecoming week and gave an update on how the new Spanish program is working.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven provided a written report that detailed collaboration being done with the Instructional Coaches, the schedule for professional development days, and work being done to submit the Talented and Gifted report that is due in October.
600: New Business
601: Receive Special Education Modified Allowable Growth
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the 2024-2025 Special Education Modified Allowable Growth in the amount of $155,217.02. Motion carried 6-0.
602: Fundraiser Approval
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the fundraiser requests from FCCLA, High School Lighthouse Team and the Junior Class as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
603: Receive Xello Quote
Superintendent Breitfelder shared about the role Xello plays in evaluating students’ interests and abilities and providing them career path information to help guide their course enrollment and post-secondary plans. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the purchase a five year subscription of Xello curriculum in the amount of $17,6000. Motion carried 6-0.
604: Receive Bids for Cameras for the School Safety Grant
Superintendent Breitfleder walked the board through the 3 bids that were received for additional security cameras and shared the analysis from Grant Wood of the 3 bids. This item was tabled to the October meeting to gather some additional information from the vendors.
605: Open Enrollment Requests
There were no open enrollment requests
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following resignations; Dave Taylor, sub bus driver and Travis Griffith, Head Varsity Baseball Coach after the 2024-2025 season as well as the following new hires: Brian Price, sub bus driver; Alyson Robertson, sub bus driver and Donel Wylie, Elementary Media associate. Motion carried 6-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the date for school pictures and stated the next board meeting is scheduled for October 16th at 7:00PM.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:32PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
_______________________________ ___________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.10.02 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.10.02 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:50 AM
North Linn District Office & Via Zoom
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the special meeting to order at 7:50AM. Present were Directors R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Director J Benesh was absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the following new hires; Jean Bailey, Sub Bus Driver; Alyson Robertson, Bus Driver, Malayna Arp, Sub Associate, Katie Hatch, Special Education Associate and approve the resignation from Amanda Port, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 6-0.
900: Adjournment
The tie being 7:52 AM It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.10.07 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.10.07 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Special Meeting 7:50 AM
North Linn District Office & Via Zoom
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, October 7, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Special Meeting to order at 7:50 AM. Present were Directors J Benesh, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Directors R Benesch and Hoover were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Krogmann to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the following new hires: Lara Harper, Special Education Associate and Amanda Port, Sub Associate. Motion carried 5-0.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:54AM It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Price to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
_____________________________ ___________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.10.16 Board Meeting Minutes
2024.10.16 Board Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, Hoover, Krogmann, and Michael, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance were Gretchyn Kane, Emily Raab and Greg Novey. Directors R Benesch and Price were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton discussed the September financial reports and shared topics of discussion from the Activities Conference she attended virtually the last several weeks. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the September & early October board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 5-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Gretchyn Kane presented information on the upcoming FFA trip to Indianapolis for the National Convention where the North Linn Chapter will receive the Premier Chapter Award in the area of Growing Leaders. Emily Raab and Greg Novey presented information about the requested band/choir trip to St. Louis this summer. They detailed the events planned for the group and the fundraising planned to pay for the trip. Superintendent Breitfelder shared information from the Activities Director report and had Mr. Novey share that the marching band attended the State Festival on October 12th and scored a Division II rating on their performance. This is the first time in several years we have attended the event and was the first time many members of the band had marched a full performance. The board congratulated Mr. Novey on the accomplishment. Superintendent Breitfelder also shared an update on the security grant funding, the plan for the board to visit the elementary school on November 22nd and the middle and high school sometime this winter. She also shared the certified enrollment that was certified on October 15th. Resident students increased by 9, Open enrolled out students increased by 4 and open enrolled in students increased by 5. She discussed the outcome of the facilities meeting held earlier that evening and also shared her goals of increasing enrollment and improving staff morale.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott thanked the board for the additional meetings held this month to quickly hire staff after a couple of resignations. He also shared information about the last Leader in Me assembly and the new classroom awards that are being given at the assemblies and also shared the success of the recent PTO walk-a-thon held on October 4th. He discussed some classroom wide interventions as well as Title interventions that are being implemented in the building. He shared that the playground equipment has had a few issues but Mr. Goedken has been able to fix them quickly and gave praise to the Resource Teachers who have worked hard with new staff.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Principal, Kaitlyn Stoll, shared that collaboration is a main focus in the building and they are working on ways to implement collaboration among students regularly into the classroom environment. Staff has been working hard and have been leading professional development sharing examples that have worked well. She discussed the goal setting that is happening with the students and shared information about attendance at the secondary level. She also gave an update on the new Spanish program and the continued search for a permanent teacher.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven gave an update on the recent professional development day in September and the plan for the upcoming November professional development meeting. She also shared the FAST assessment scores in reading and math for the district and discussed the approach the data team is taking when reviewing the information and highlighted some successes and some areas that will be monitored. She also discussed the reports that she has or will be submitting to the state soon.
505: Discussion regarding Offering Early Separation Package
Superintendent Breitfelder and SBO Peyton lead the board in a discussion about offering an early retirement plan in the coming years. They shared the number of staff that would be eligible in any given year and what the early separation plans have included in the past. The board decided there would not be an early separation plan offered in fiscal year 2025.
600: New Business
601: FFA Overnight and out of state travel request
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by Krogmann to approve the North Linn FFA chapter travel request to attend the National Leadership Convention in Indianapolis, IN October 22nd through 25th. Motion carried 5-0
602: Band/Choir Overnight and out of state travel request
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the North Linn Band and Choir overnight and out of state travel request to take students to St. Louis with the Central City CSD Band/Choir students May 30th through June 1st or June 6th through the 8th 2025 whichever date works the best for the group. Motion carried 5-0.
603: Approve Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the request from FBLA to sell Boo Grams for $1 October 28th-31st, the Vocal Department’s request to sell World’s Finest Chocolate bars at the Musical on November 15th and 16th and for the High School band and choir to sell cookie dough to raise money for the upcoming trip to St. Louis. Motion carried 5-0.
609: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve one open enrollment into the district and 6 open enrollments out of the district. Motion carried 5-0
610: Approve Cooperative Agreement with University of Iowa for student teachers
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to approve the Cooperative Agreement with the University of Iowa for student teachers for the 24-25 and 25-26 school years. Motion carried 5-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following hires: Justin Kress, Co-Head baseball coach and Brandon Stepanek, Middle School boys basketball coach pending background check as well as approve the following resignations: Jackie Hamilton, special education associate and Justin Kress, Assistant High School Baseball coach. Motion carried 5-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder shared that the next regular board meeting will be held on November 20th at 7:00PM in the District Office.
900: Adjournment
The time being 8:53PM it was moved by Hoover, seconded by Michael to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
________________________________ ________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.11.20 Board Meeting Minutes
2024.11.20 Board Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Annual Meeting
7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the annual meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Present were Directors R Benesch, J Benesh, Krogmann, Michael, Hoover & Price, Elementary Principal Schott, Secondary Principal Stoll, Director of School Improvement Graven, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Audience members included Levi Benesh, Bonnie Benesh, Trent Benesh, Dana Schmidt and Katie Hatch.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
Board Recognition
The board recognized Levi Benesh for his contributions to the Cross Country team this year. Levi was ranked in the top 30 runners all season and went into the state meet ranked 24th and placed 17th at the state cross country meet.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton presented the October financial reports. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the October board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 4-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Old Business
501: Examine and settle books from the previous year
Secretary Peyton provided documents from Hiawatha Bank, Community Savings Bank and F & M Bank confirming the cash balances in the various bank accounts and showed the same balances on the bank reconciliation reports for June 30, 2024. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to settle the books for the period ending June 30, 2024. Motion carried 7-0.
600: Adjournment
The time being 7:18PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
Organizational Meeting 7:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the Organizational Meeting to order at 7:19PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Elementary Principal Schott, Secondary Principal Stoll, Director of School Improvement Graven, Superintendent Breitfelder and Secretary Peyton. Audience members include Holly Greif, Cody Greif and Katie Hatch.
101: Election of the President of the Board for the 2024-2025 school year
Secretary Peyton served as President Pro-Tem and called for nominations for President of the Board. Director Ryan Benesch nominated Jeff Boss, Director Hoover seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote: Ayes; R Benesch, J Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael, Price & Boss. Nay; none. Jeffrey Boss was declared the School Board President and took the oath of office.
102: Election of the Vice President of the Board for the 2024-2025 school year
President, Jeffrey Boss, assumed control of the meeting and called for nominations for Vice President of the Board. Director Jennifer Benesh nominated Ryan Benesch and Director Matt Michael nominated Director Matt Hoover, Director R Benesch seconded the nomination. Nominations ceased. Roll call vote for R Benesch: Ayes; Hoover. Nays; R Benesch, J Benesch, Boss, Krogmann, Michael & Price. For Hoover: Ayes; R Benesch, J Benesh, Boss, Krogmann, Michael & Price. Nays; Hoover. Director Matt Hoover was declared Vice President of the Board and took the oath of office.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
301: North Linn Robotics
Holly Greif and Cody Greif presented information about the robotics team and showed the board how their robot works. They discussed the challenge for the season and discussed plans for the meet hosted at North Linn on December 6th at 6PM in the middle school gym.
302: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared information from the activities director report, shared the fire inspection report and an update on the parking lot lights. She also shared the communications plan that discusses 2-way communication from the district, telling our story accurately and reporting goals. She also shared about her student advisory committee meeting where she met with students from the middle school lighthouse team and shared about the School Safety meeting that was held immediately before the board meeting in conjunction with our SRO and the Linn County Sherriff’s Office. Approximately 25 people attended the meeting and there was some very good conversation held with those at the meeting.
303: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott shared that the next Leader in Me assembly will be held on November 22nd, and that we had 2 staff members attend the Leader in Me Symposium last week and they are eager to share what they learned with the rest of the staff. He also discussed the recent Math & Literacy support from Grant Wood AEA and their work with intervention groups. He praised staff for their work on culminating activities in the classroom and shared there have been some really great activities for students at the end of their units. 3rd and 5th grade classes attended the Kaleidoscope performance at the Gallagher Bluedorn performing arts center in Cedar Falls on the 11th and everyone thought it was a great show! He shared about the recent world kindness day and science club activities and discussed the rescheduled parent teacher conferences on the last professional development day.
304: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Principal, Kaitlyn Stoll gave an update on the Spanish curriculum we are using through Edmentum, and discussed how teachers are focusing on student goal setting as part of the Leader in Me training. She shared that they used a new format for conferences where families scheduled time with teachers which seemed to work better for staff as they were more prepared to speak with families. She also shared the updates to the course offerings for the 25-26 school year and shared the PSAT scores. She also discussed the recent Brain Health Day planned by secondary counselor, Julie Schmidt. We hosted a speaker in the morning who talked about resiliency and students had an opportunity to visit 4 stations in the afternoon; Mental Health Resources, Physical Games, Brain Games and Mindfulness. She hopes they will be able to offer more of these types of activities for students.
305: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven, shared information about the recent professional development and lighthouse meetings, the district Iowa School Performance profile rating and the various state reporting that was just completed. She also shared the goals that came out of the School Improvement Advisory Committee setting annual and long range goals for Reading, Science and Math scores on the ISASP.
400: New Business
403: Receive Monthly Board Meeting Dates and Time for 2024-2025
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to hold school board meetings at 6:00 PM on the third Wednesday of each month in the North Linn District Office. Motion carried 7-0.
404: Receive School Financial Account Authorized Signers
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve Kerry Peyton, Jeffrey Boss and Leisa Breitfelder as signers on the district accounts at Hiawatha Bank and Trust Company and Community Savings Bank. Motion carried 7-0.
405: First Reading of Policy Recommendations
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to waive the second reading and approve the policy updates to policies 507.09 and 507.09 R1 as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
406: Receive Updated Bid for Cameras for the School Safety Grant
It was moved by Michael, seconded by Hoover to approve the camera bid from Communication Innovators, to add additional cameras to our schools in the amount of $40,685.16 paid for through the School Safety Grant. Motion carried 7-0.
407: Receive Quote for Auditorium Upgrades
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to approve the quote from DB Acoustics to upgrade our sound system for the middle school auditorium in the amount of $19,413.13. Motion carried 7-0.
408: Receive Addendum to Night Shift Contract
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve addendum #1 to the Night Shift Contract adding additional services. Motion carried 7-0.
409: Receive Quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses as presented for the second semester of the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
410: Early Graduation Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the early graduation requests as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
411: Receive 2025-2026 North Linn Course Description Booklet
Superintendent Breitfelder discussed the additions to the course booklet. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the North Linn Course Description Booklet for the 2025-26 School year. Motion carried 7-0.
412: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve 2 open enrollment requests into the district and 2 open enrollment requests out of the district as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
413: Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the fundraiser request from Robotics to sell items made with their 3D printer. Motion carried 7-0.
500: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the hire of Brian Price as sub bus driver. Motion carried 7-0.
600: Board Communications and Calendar
601: Board Communications
The board shared their appreciation for the communication from administrators and support for students and staff after the loss of a student.
602: Board Calendar
Superintendent Breitfelder shared upcoming dates with the board: 11/22 is the board visit to the elementary lighthouse assembly, 12/4 is a Legislative Forum and Monticello schools at 6PM, MS/HS Winter band & vocal concert is 12/12 at 7:30, the next school board meeting will be 12/18 at 6:00 PM and the Elementary winter program will be 12/19 at 6:30 in the middles school gym.
700: Adjournment
The time being 9:26PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
____________________________________ _________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.11.22 Special Meeting Minutes
2024.11.22 Special Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Board Visit 2:30 PM
North Linn Elementary Gym
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Friday, November 22 , 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the meeting to order at 2:30PM in the Elementary Gym. Present were Directors J Benesh, Hoover, Krogmann and Michael as well as Secretary Peyton. Directors Price and R Benesch were absent.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by Krogmann, Seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
300: Elementary Lighthouse Assembly
The School Board watched the Elementary Lighthouse Assembly.
400: Adjournment
The time being 2:55PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0.
____________________________________ _________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2024.12.18 Board Meeting Minutes
2024.12.18 Board Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Present were Directors, R Benesch, Boss, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Elementary Principal Schott, Secondary Principal Stoll, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Director J Benesh arrived at 6:17 PM.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton presented the November financial reports. Superintendent Breitfelder discussed the recent attorney bills totaling $2,295 for services related to a Title IX complaint. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Hoover to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the November board meetings, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 6-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared updates about parking lot lighting, the facilities committee meeting about the concession stand and crows nest, the meeting with Johnson Controls, and an update from the Activities Director. She shared the plan for makeup days due to weather – there are plans in place for teachers to do work from home for up to 3 days missed due to weather. After 3 days, the district will amend the school calendar to make up the missed days. She also shared the plan for closing school for state competitions as designed by the SIAC committee – school will close or dismiss early if a team has a state competition. School will not dismiss early or close for an individual event. All hours missed due to a state competition will be made up at the end of the year. She also discussed with the Board options for changing the preschool schedule to allow four half days for 4 year old preschool and adding more wrap around care to accommodate this change. The board will get more information and have broader discussion at the January meeting.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott shared he has completed his classroom evaluations and applauded the art department for the great artwork that adorns the halls, discussed the classroom awards, lighthouse school store and the upcoming winter concert. He shared some information from the December 11th PD day where staff met with AEA consultants. He shared plans for the last day before winter break and ways staff is building camaraderie and classroom culture within the elementary.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High School Principal Stoll gave an update on attendance numbers and shared the changes that have been made to homeroom schedules to better accommodate Leader in Me activities. She also shared that groups of students have been giving tours to new students and this has been well received. She discussed the great attendance at the winter concerts and shared that 12 senior families have completed the FAFSA so far.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director Graven gave an update on the recent Lighthouse Team meetings and planning that has started for next year, new science standards that have not yet been released but students will be tested on this spring, work being done to update coding in our student system to better tie to workplace learning and the Preschool Desk audit that was just completed.
600: New Business
601: Receive SBRC Application for Increased Enrollment & Open Enrollment Out
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $104,272 increased enrollment and $16,725 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Roll call vote; Ayes: R Benesch, J Benesh, Boss, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price. Nays: none.
602: Receive Agreement for E-Rate Services from Grant Wood AEA
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Agreement for E-Rate Services from Grant Wood AEA in the amount of $1,200 for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.
603: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the 2 open enrollment requests out of the district as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
604: Receive Quote from TSIowa for SIP Phone Lines
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the quote for SIP phone lines as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
605: Receive Quote from Midwest Alarm Services
It was moved by Hoover, seconded by R Benesch to approve the quote for a Cellular Fire Communicator and antenna for the fire alarm system. Motion carried 7-0.
606: Approve SBRC Modified Allowable Growth Dropout Prevention for 2025-2026
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the district’s administration to submit a request to the SBRC for a Modified Supplemental Amount of $96,681.00 for the At Risk & Dropout Prevention Program. Roll call vote; Ayes: R Benesch, J Benesh, Boss, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price. Nays: none.
607: Receive Fundraiser Request
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the fundraiser request from NHS to sell World’s Finest Chocolate Bars January 13th through March 31st to raise money for chapter projects. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded y R Benesch to approve the following resignation; Sarah Mills, food service and approve the following new hires; Sandy Lennox, Food Service and Zach Ericson, sub bus driver. Motion carried 7-0.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
- Appoint Directors to County boards: R Benesch to Delaware County, Jennifer Benesh to Linn County and Matt Michael to Buchanan County.
- Certified Budget Calendar: Secretary Peyton shared the planned calendar for the certified budget approval.
802: Board Calendar
The next meeting will be held on January 15th at 6:00PM in the district office.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:42PM It was moved by Hoover, seconded by J Benesh to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.
___________________________________ _________________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President
2025.01.15 Board Meeting Minutes
2025.01.15 Board Meeting MinutesBOARD OF DIRECTORS
Regular Meeting 6:00 PM
North Linn District Office
3033 Lynx Drive
Troy Mills, IA
Wednesday, January 15, 2024
100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 6:00PM in the District Office. Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton. Also in attendance were Katie Hatch and Julie Schmidt.
200: Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
300: Consent Agenda
Secretary Peyton presented the financial reports. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the December board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.
400: Audience Communications
There was no communication from the audience.
500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations
501: Superintendent Report
Superintendent Breitfelder shared the activities report from AD Brian Wheatley, gave an update on the facilities committee and information received from Solum Lang Architects and discussed engaging them to get drawings completed for a concession stand and crows nest at the football field. She also shared the tentative 25-26 school calendar and will present it next month for approval. She also discussed progress on her goals for the year, detailing work on the security grant, onboarding for new staff, and the facilities committee and shared that she would begin work on a Teacher Advisory Committee in the coming weeks.
502: Elementary Report
Elementary Principal Schott, presented information on changes the district would like to make to the preschool program. He shared test scores for our kindergartners as compared to surrounding districts and discussed a number of benefits that these changes would create for our students and staff.
503: Secondary Report
Middle School/High Principal Stoll, shared the additions to the Program of Studies for the 25-26 school year.
504: School Improvement Report
School Improvement Director Graven shared work she is doing to send out a mailer to all patrons of our district as well as a virtual audit of our testing program that is taking place this spring.
600: New Business
601: Receive Budget Resolution for Budget Guarantee
It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to adopt the following Resolution: Resolved, that the Board of Directors of the North Linn Community School District will levy property tax for fiscal year 2025-2026 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote; Ayes: J Benesh, R Benesch, Boss, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael & Price. Nays: none.
604: Receive the North Linn Program of Studies
It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by Price to approve the North Linn Program of Studies for the 2025-2026 school year as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
605: Open Enrollment Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve one open enrollment into the district and one open enrollment out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.
606: Receive Fundraiser Requests
It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Krogmann to approve the March of Dimes and Scratch Cupcakes fundraiser for FBLA and the Crush Can fundraiser for FCCLA as presented. Motion carried 7-0.
700: Personnel
There were not personnel requests.
800: Board Communications and Calendar
801: Board Communications
802: Board Calendar
The next board meeting will be held on February 19th at 6:00 PM in the district office. A reminder that the March meeting is being moved to March 24th to accommodate the public hearing requirements for the 25-26 budget.
900: Adjournment
The time being 7:25PM it was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting.
______________________________ ______________________________
Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary Jeffrey Boss, Board President