2024.09.18 Meeting Minutes



Regular Meeting 7:00 PM

North Linn District Office

3033 Lynx Drive

Troy Mills, IA

Wednesday, September 18 , 2024

100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum

President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00PM. Present were Directors J Benesh, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael & Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Secondary Principal Stoll, Elementary Principal Schott and Secretary Peyton. Director R Benesch and Director of School Improvement Graven were absent. Also in attendance were Megan Rawlins, Julie Schmidt, Trevor Boge, Katie Hatch, Hannah Bridgewater and Steve Hart.

200: Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

300: Consent Agenda

Secretary Peyton discussed the financial reports and shared that all of the annual reports were submitted on September 14th. It was moved by Krogmann, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the August board meeting, bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 6-0.

400: Audience Communications

There was no communication from the audience.

500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations

501: Superintendent Report

Superintendent Breitfelder asked the new staff members in attendance at the meeting to introduce themselves, the board welcomed them to the district. She also shared items from the Athletic Director report regarding Middle School basketball practice times, repairs to the football scoreboard, gate for middle school and JV events, and the upcoming Cross Country meet and shared information about irrigation at the softball field and information about the roof on the school building. She also discussed the way the district is using Infinite Campus to track major and minor behavior issues and shared data from the first 3 weeks of school for the secondary building and provided and update on the facilities committee that met just prior to the board meeting. Discussion was held around the start times for board meetings as that will be set at the organizational meeting in November.

502: Elementary Report

Elementary Administrator, Brendan Schott, shared that FAST testing was completed last week and Data Teams would be meeting next week to begin reviewing the data from these tests. He shared about the monthly Leader in Me assembly that was held recently and praised the students who planned the assembly and did very well speaking in front of their peers. He discussed the start to the year and shared information about new staff, surveys sent to staff weekly to evaluate morale, schedules for our paraprofessionals, plans for observing and evaluating teachers, plans for professional development days with staff and shared that the elementary completed their first fire drill for the year and it went well.

503: Secondary Report

Middle School/High School Administrator, Kaitlyn Stoll provided the board with an update about the speaker system in the middle and high school gyms – we had the middle school system evaluated and much of the components are out of date and no longer working. Some measurements will need to be taken but we will receive a quote to update the sound system in the middle school so that it works correctly for our performing arts. While the middle school measurements are being taken they will also evaluate the sound system in the High School to make sure that there is not out of date equipment there. She also discussed the new attendance regulations from the State and shared enrollment numbers for the Kirkwood Academy and internship courses, the schedule for homecoming week and gave an update on how the new Spanish program is working.

504: School Improvement Report

School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven provided a written report that detailed collaboration being done with the Instructional Coaches, the schedule for professional development days, and work being done to submit the Talented and Gifted report that is due in October.

600: New Business

601: Receive Special Education Modified Allowable Growth

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Price to approve the 2024-2025 Special Education Modified Allowable Growth in the amount of $155,217.02. Motion carried 6-0.

602: Fundraiser Approval

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Krogmann to approve the fundraiser requests from FCCLA, High School Lighthouse Team and the Junior Class as presented. Motion carried 6-0.

603: Receive Xello Quote

Superintendent Breitfelder shared about the role Xello plays in evaluating students’ interests and abilities and providing them career path information to help guide their course enrollment and post-secondary plans. It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the purchase a five year subscription of Xello curriculum in the amount of $17,6000. Motion carried 6-0.

604: Receive Bids for Cameras for the School Safety Grant

Superintendent Breitfleder walked the board through the 3 bids that were received for additional security cameras and shared the analysis from Grant Wood of the 3 bids. This item was tabled to the October meeting to gather some additional information from the vendors.

605: Open Enrollment Requests

There were no open enrollment requests

700: Personnel

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the following resignations; Dave Taylor, sub bus driver and Travis Griffith, Head Varsity Baseball Coach after the 2024-2025 season as well as the following new hires: Brian Price, sub bus driver; Alyson Robertson, sub bus driver and Donel Wylie, Elementary Media associate. Motion carried 6-0.

800: Board Communications and Calendar

801: Board Communications

802: Board Calendar

Superintendent Breitfelder shared the date for school pictures and stated the next board meeting is scheduled for October 16th at 7:00PM.

900: Adjournment

The time being 8:32PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0.


_______________________________                                 ___________________________

Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary                                               Jeffrey Boss, Board President