2024.07.17 Meeting Minutes



Regular Meeting 7:00 PM

North Linn District Office

3033 Lynx Drive

Troy Mills, IA

Wednesday, July 17 , 2024

100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum

President, Jeffrey Boss, called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Present were Directors J Benesh, R Benesch, Hoover, Krogmann, Michael and Price, Superintendent Breitfelder, Elementary Principal Schott, Secondary Principal Stoll, Director of School Improvement Graven and Secretary Peyton.

200: Adoption of the Agenda

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to adopt the agenda as presented. Motion carried 7-0.

300: Consent Agenda

Secretary Peyton discussed the June preliminary financial reports. It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to approve the following consent items; Minutes of the June board meetings bills, Secretary’s financial reports, Activity Fund report and Food Service report. Motion carried 7-0.

400: Audience Communications

There were no visitors.

500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations

501: Superintendent Report

Superintendent Breitfelder shared the plan for buildings and grounds requests going forward, and discussed a couple of policy recommendations she will be bringing to a future meeting.

502: Elementary Report

Elementary Principal Schott gave an update on his first days as principal as he has been finalizing the schedule, hiring associates and planning for the first few days staff are back in the building as well as plans for the back to school open house.

503: Secondary Report

Secondary Principal Stoll gave an update on the status of hiring for a science and Spanish teacher, planning is underway for the secondary staffs’ first days back in the building and she is working with the special education team to pair up and schedule the associates for each day.

504: School Improvement Report

Director of School Improvement Graven shared she is helping to transition all of the principal duties to Mr. Schott, is attending the HRS training next week with the leadership team, and is making plans for professional development for staff for the year.

600: New Business

601: Appointment of School Business Official & Board Secretary

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to appoint Kerry Peyton as the North Linn School Business Official and Board Secretary for the 2024-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

602: Depository Banks and Statutory Limits

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to name the following banks as official depositories and set the statutory limits for North Linn CSD: Hiawatha Bank (Walker), Community Savings Bank (Coggon), F & M Bank (Manchester), UMB Bank, and ISJIT. Motion carried 7-0.

603: District Appointments

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve the following District coordinators, investigators, or liaisons for the 2024-2025 school year: Multi-cultural/Gender Fair Coordinator – Kaitlyn Stoll; Level 1 Child Abuse Coordinator – Julie Schmidt; Affirmative Actions, Section 504 Liaison – Leisa Breitfelder/Kaitlyn Stoll; Alternate Level 1 Child Abuse Investigator –Leisa Breitfelder; Homeless Liaison – Sarah Meyer. Motion carried 7-0.

604: Authorization of Use of Legal Counsel on Behalf of the District

 It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to grant the Superintendent authority to seek advice of appropriate legal counsel when the superintendent/district believes it is warranted and to utilize the following firms: Ahlers, Cooney, P.C. of Des Moines; Iowa Association of School Boards; and School Administrators of Iowa. Motion carried 7-0.

605: Designation of Official Newspaper

It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesch to approve the Linn News as the official publication location for the 2024-2025 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

606: Receive Insurance Renewal from EMC

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the Insurance Renewal from EMC Insurance and Keystone Insurance Agency for the 2023-2024 school year as presented. Motion carried 7-0.

607: First Reading of Policy Recommendations  

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by Price to waive the second reading and approve policy updates to the 100 series, 200 series, 401.01, 503.01/503.01R, 503.02, 401.13/401.13R, 502.07, 605.06/605.06R1, 605.08/605.08R1, 701.01, 701.02, 701.03, 701.04, 703.1, 703.2, 411.02, 504.5/504.5R1, 507.08R1, 704.06/704.06R1, 706.02, 706.03/706.03R1, 707.01, 707.02, 707.03, 707.04, 401.06, 402.03, 501.03, 501.09/501.09R1, 501.09E1, 501.10/501.10R1, 501.14, 501.15, 502.06, 505.02, 501.12, 708 as presented at this meeting. Motion carried 7-0.

608: Policy 106.1 Discrimination and Harassment based on Sex Prohibited

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to waive the second reading and approve Board Policy 106.1 and

corresponding regulations and exhibit with an effective date of August 1 to align with the new Title IX implementation date.  This policy shall replace current Board Policy 106 and its corresponding regulations and exhibits which shall be automatically rescinded following approval of this Board Policy 106.1. Should the new Title IX rule become enjoined by the Courts impacting Iowa at any time after approval of this Policy corresponding regulations and exhibit, this Board Policy 106.1 and the accompanying regulations and exhibit shall be automatically suspended and the prior Title IX policy and regulations currently at 106, and in effect as of June 2024, shall be immediately reinstated until further Board action. Motion carried 7-0.

609: Open Enrollment Requests

It was moved by R Benesch, seconded by J Benesh to approve 2 open enrollment requests out of the district. Motion carried 7-0.

610: Receive Kirkwood Community College K-12 Partnership Agreement

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by R Benesch to approve the 28E Agreement with Kirkwood Community College for Concurrent Enrollment and Workplace Learning Connection Program for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

611: Approve Robotics Fundraiser Request

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Michael to approve the fundraiser request from Robotics to co-host an event August 25th at Savage Park in Coggon. Motion carried 7-0.

612: Receive Amendment to HACAP Head Start Agreement

It was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to approve the amended Contract for Provision of Classroom Services with HACAP for the 24-25 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

700: Personnel

It was moved by Price, seconded by R Benesch to approve the following hires: Tammy Covington, Special Education associate and Molly Smith, Special Education Associate. Motion carried 7-0.

800: Board Communications and Calendar

801: Board Communications

802: Board Calendar

The annual audit will be conducted August 14th and 15th, the next school board meeting will be held on August 21st at 7:00PM, staff returns August 20th, an August 19th is new staff orientation. The first day of school is August 23rd.

900: Adjournment

The time being 8:51 PM it was moved by J Benesh, seconded by Hoover to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0.


___________________________                     __________________________

Kerry Peyton, Board Secretary                         Jeffrey Boss, Board President