BOARD AGENDA - 2024.08.20



Regular Meeting 7:00 PM

North Linn District Office

3033 Lynx Drive

Troy Mills, IA

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

100: Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum

The North Linn Board of Directors meeting will be called to order at 7:00 PM in the boardroom of the District Office (3033 Lynx Drive, Troy Mills). Roll will be taken to determine a quorum.

          _____J. Benesh _____ R. Benesh _____Boss _____ Hoover _____ Krogmann _____Michael _____Price


200: Adoption of the Agenda

MOTION to adopt the agenda as presented.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No


300: Consent Agenda

MOTION to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No

301: Approval of Minutes – Exhibit 301.1

302: Approval of Bills – Exhibit 302.1

303: Financial Reports - Exhibit 303.1

304: Activity Fund Report - Exhibit 304.1

305: Food Service Report - Exhibit 305.1


400: Audience Communications

On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite any member of the audience (who have contacted the Board Secretary prior to this meeting) to speak with comments about items of interest or concern that do not appear on tonight’s agenda.  Please begin by stating your name and address.  Your comments will be limited to 5 minutes so we can keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion. We ask you to remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. We ask you to remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. We also remind you that students' names or information about a student that could allow others to identify a student, even if a student’s name is not specifically mentioned, is confidential and should not be referenced in comments. It is important to remember that any statements made can jeopardize the Board and any future action that could be taken relating to personnel or students by the Board and jeopardize the individual making the statement.  Any concerns relating to personnel and students should be referred first to the administration to address consistent with District policy and the law prior to any possible Board review or action.   Thanks for your support of our school district.

500: Informational Reports, Discussions, and Presentations

501: Superintendent Report - Exhibit 501.1-501.2

Superintendent Breitfelder will share updates and discussion items from around the district.

Buildings and Grounds

Activities Report

Wrestling Mats

Legislative Priorities - attached to email

PPEL Communication

502: Elementary Report - Exhibit 502.1

Elementary Administrator, Brendan Schott, will share updates and discussion items in regards to North Linn Elementary.

503: Secondary Report - Exhibit 503.1

Middle School/High School Administrator, Kaitlyn Stoll, will share updates and discussion items in regards to North Linn Middle and High School.

504: School Improvement Report

School Improvement Director, Kimberly Graven, will share updates and discussion items for districtwide school improvement areas.

600: New Business

601: Open Enrollment Requests

MOTION to approve the open enrollment requests as presented.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No




Resident District

Rhyett Morris


Indee CSD

Rhyker Morris


Indee CSD




Receiving District

Leah Goodman


West Del

Harley Giellis Goodman


West Del

Malia Goodman


West Del

Michael Horstman



Abel Boshaw


Maq Valley

602: Handbooks - Exhibit 602.1 - Attached to email

MOTION to approve the 24-25 teacher handbook school year as presented.

Changes for 24-25:

  • added actual time for staff hours
  • minimum of 2 days before school starts for teacher start date
  • Sick leave may not be taken following personal leave unless prior approval from a building principal.
  • clarification on teacher evaluations happening every 3 years after completing their first 2 years of employment.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No


604: Receive Service Contract from Woodman Controls - Exhibit 604.1

MOTION to approve the service contract from Woodman Controls for preventative maintenance and phone support for the HVAC controls system for the 24-25 school year.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No


605: Receive Fundraiser Requests - Exhibit 605.1

MOTION to approve the fundraiser request from AD Brian Wheatley for each sport/club to have an online apparel webstore through Elite Sports at the start of their season and an additional store if they compete in a state tournament. AND the fundraiser request from Kylee Winn for the HS lighthouse team have a homecoming webstore to raise money for homecoming supplies. AND the fundraiser request from Holly Grief for the robotics team to do a Pampered Chef fundraiser mostly during their already approved vendor fair at Coggon Harvest Home.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No


606: Receive Quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses - Exhibit 606.1

MOTION to approve the the quote from Edmentum for Spanish courses as presented for the 24-25 school year.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No


607: First Reading of Policy Recommendations -Exhibit 607.1 - 607.3

MOTION to waive the second reading and approve policy updates as presented at this meeting.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No

Policy #



Stock Epinephrine Auto-Injector Supply

Policy 905.1-R1

Facilities Use Manual


Naming of Buildings, Facilities, and Land


608: Approve Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity for students

MOTION to approve the the addition of the Silver Cord Program as an extra curricular activity starting with the 2024-2025 school year.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No

This program is available to all students in High School and to earn the silver cord students need to accumulate 160 service hours by graduation. This program is not limited by GPA and gives an opportunity to some students to have a graduation cord that might not otherwise be able to earn one.

700: Personnel

MOTION to approve the personnel requests as presented.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No                                                                                   

Certified Staff: Assignment/Reassignment/Transfer



Dept Action

Kyle Kennedy

Assistant Cross Country Coach


Whitney Berns

Assistant HS Volleyball Coach


Trevor Boge

MS Girls Basketball Coach


Kirsten Kelley

HS Spanish Teacher - pending licensure



800: Board Communications and Calendar

801: Board Communications

802: Board Calendar





August 20


District Kickoff - Lunch


September 10


Special Election - Voter approved PPEL


September 18

7:00 pm

School Board Meeting

District Office

900: Adjournment

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at __________ PM.

Action               Motion: _________ Second: __________                                               Carried: Yes / No